Welcome to Bernie Sanders's Birthday Celebration Page
Bernie Sanders got 1602 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Ur Sweaty, Asia
Thanks for sharing a birthday with me, my sweat cheeks. I hope you have an super autistic dddddayyyyyyyyyy - Ur Sweaty, Asia (5 years ago)
birthday balloon

Lisa Cook
A belated happy Birthday, to beloved you! A hero among us. Bless you, Bernie Sanders. - Lisa Cook (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Clinton leads to outline plans for Bernie Sanders says Junkers President Begaye responds to raise my friend. Happy birthday - twelve (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Biktoy Wood (#DefendPressFreedom #PeoplesParty)
Say whar you want about but he has left his positive mark on the history of the progressive movement - Biktoy Wood (#DefendPressFreedom #PeoplesParty) (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

sonya white
Happy birthday Bernie Sanders - sonya white (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

That would be the Bernie Sanders who along with a bunch of ignorant children gave us Tr - Carol (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Combat Wombat
I m so happy I get to share my birthday with Bernie Sanders, Pink, , and the death of the queen. - Combat Wombat (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

buster cheeks⚒️
Happy birthday to my astrological soulmate bernie sanders - buster cheeks⚒️ (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

RWLatstetter #BERNIE2024
FROM Last year, Bernie Sanders went to Breeway with me to honor Breonna Taylor and hear from Kentuckian - RWLatstetter #BERNIE2024 (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

basset hound vevo
Happy 81st birthday Bernie Sanders - basset hound vevo (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

24/7 Sylvia Plath
Happy 81st birthday Bernie Sanders - 24/7 Sylvia Plath (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

254 Days Now FueLGrannie\'s Silenced by the BirdApp
Thank You & Happy Birthday! Bernie Sanders became 81 years old! We all wish him many more years of health & strengt - 254 Days Now FueLGrannie\'s Silenced by the BirdApp (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

249 Days Now FueLGrannie\'s Silenced by the BirdApp
Thank You & Happy Birthday! Bernie Sanders became 81 years old! We all wish him many more years of health & strengt - 249 Days Now FueLGrannie\'s Silenced by the BirdApp (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

255 Days Now FueLGrannie\'s Silenced by the BirdApp
Thank You & Happy Birthday! Bernie Sanders became 81 years old! We all wish him many more years of health & strengt - 255 Days Now FueLGrannie\'s Silenced by the BirdApp (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

252 Days Now FueLGrannie\'s Silenced by the BirdApp
Thank You & Happy Birthday! Bernie Sanders became 81 years old! We all wish him many more years of health & strengt - 252 Days Now FueLGrannie\'s Silenced by the BirdApp (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

253 Days Now FueLGrannie\'s Silenced by the BirdApp
Thank You & Happy Birthday! Bernie Sanders became 81 years old! We all wish him many more years of health & strengt - 253 Days Now FueLGrannie\'s Silenced by the BirdApp (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

250 Days Now FueLGrannie\'s Silenced by the BirdApp
Thank You & Happy Birthday! Bernie Sanders became 81 years old! We all wish him many more years of health & strengt - 250 Days Now FueLGrannie\'s Silenced by the BirdApp (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Herbert Gantschacher
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERNIE SANDERS! - Herbert Gantschacher (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

I\'ve made a lot of jokes today but I really would like to take some time to pay respects to an important leader and - EmptyJr (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

lucille bluth
Omg bernie sanders is also a virgo sun and aries moon, hey twin happy birthday - lucille bluth (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rip the queen happy birthday bernie sanders - em (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Fuck the queen, happy mfing birthday bernie sanders - amanda☆ (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

bruce henry
Happy birthday Senator Bernie Sanders!! - bruce henry (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Before the day is over, I d like to comment on the most important political event of the day: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERNIE - Dadasovich (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wilmington Apple
Happy Birthday You share a birthday with Bernie Sanders (Selectman Caira s political idol, I believe?), - Wilmington Apple (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Massage By Cherry
Happy Birthday to me and Sen. Bernie Sanders!!!!! - Massage By Cherry (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Clown (Unethically Sourced)
Walks up to the podium. Pauses. Looks around. Takes a deep breath. Leans in. Happy birthday to Bernie Sanders. - Clown (Unethically Sourced) (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Fuck the queen. Happy birthday Bernie Sanders - Damian (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

spike • 家
Happy birthday bernie sanders - spike • 家 (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Aw, Happy Birthday, Bernie Sanders! - Myrtle (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Matthias Rémy Lalisse
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders. - Matthias Rémy Lalisse (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Biden shoulda called up bernie sanders to wish him a happy birthday, be like, \"you\'re welcome\" and just not elaborate - Ⲙⲉⲉⲓⲛⲟⲩϥⲓ (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders! is consistently the most trusted senator in Washington D.C. May - ZaRdOz420WPN (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bill Kennedy
Happy Birthday to Larenz Tate, Aimee Mann, P¡nk, Bernie Sanders, Sid Caesar, Martin Freeman, JTT, Gaten Matarazzo, - Bill Kennedy (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

trenoops We Out Here
Happy Birthday, Bernie Sanders! I wish for only great things for all you do and sacrifice for all of America. - trenoops We Out Here (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Izzy Mai SahBee
Happy birthday Bernie Sanders - Izzy Mai SahBee (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Edward Marrs
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders. You\'ve kept me committed and inspired for the people. - Edward Marrs (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Queen died don t care rip bozo. anyways happy birthday bernie sanders - Nza (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bernie is looking forward to a better world with equality, social justice, healthcare for everyone, - 同志アーメド・エル・ゴハリー (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chris Barrow
Happy birthday Bernie Sanders! - Chris Barrow (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Gabbi Zutrau
Another monarch is dead Happy birthday Bernie Sanders!! - Gabbi Zutrau (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Berkley Corey
Happy Birthday We know Bernie Sanders likes to give out free things, so until THIS Sunday at 11:59 - Berkley Corey (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday bernie sanders - riley (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

rach ▴
Omg it\'s his birthday today too??? happy birthday virgo king Bernie Sanders - rach ▴ (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jakub Nakládal
Happy birthday comrade - Jakub Nakládal (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Micah Uetricht
Happy birthday to Bernie Sanders. I don\'t have anything funny to say, just that Bernie\'s contributions to building - Micah Uetricht (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

It s bernie sanders birthday and that s the real news today. happy birthday to the man for the people. - sahra (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Gundalf the Red, White and Blue
Can you call in and ask them to play Happy Birthday for Bernie Sanders? - Gundalf the Red, White and Blue (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

The best thing you can do for Bernie Sanders on his 81st birthday is ... NEVER LOSE YOUR SENSE OF OUTRAGE AND KEEP - NaLa (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Katherine Witt
Happy birthday to senator Bernie Sanders! - Katherine Witt (6 months ago)

83 years old (Born on September 08, 1941)

Independent politician who was elected a U.S. Senator from Vermont in 2007. He previously represented Vermont in the House of Representatives from 1991 to 2007. He is the longest-serving independent in U.S. Congressional history.

Bernie Sanders's Best Moments

Happy birthday to Bernie Sanders, socialism s hype man and America s oldest millennial.
79 today. Happy birthday Bernie Sanders.
Happy birthday to the recording artist Bernie Sanders, who also went on to have a career in politics.
Happy Birthday to Senator Bernie Sanders.  
Fighter for The People.
Public Servant.
Check talks about Bernie Sanders on MSNBC Live. Happy Birthday again to Lil\ B.
. wished Bernie Sanders an early Happy Birthday when he visited Detroit several weeks ago
A very happy birthday to our 46th president, Bernie Sanders. Thank you for fighting for all of us for a lifetime.
Bernie Sanders Happy Birthday.
HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY SSA ! Keep Social Security safe for future generations ! Vote 4 Bernie Sanders !
Happy Birthday to our next President, Bernie Sanders!! Thank You for being the voice of everyday people.
I am once again wishing Bernie Sanders a Happy Birthday
Born this day 1941, it s a happy 80th birthday to American politician Bernie Sanders.
Happy Birthday New Hampshire got you a big lead in the polls:
Happy birthday to Bernie Sanders.

One of our nation s biggest mooches.
Its Bernie Sanders Birthday Happy Birthday Bernie
Happy Birthday  Bernie    Women for Bernie Sanders 2016 on fb.
Happy birthday, Bernie Sanders, Vermont\s democratic socialist U.S. senator! Run, Bernie, run!!!
You could say Bernie Sanders endorses us and we endorse Bernie Sanders. Happy bday B-man!
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders!!!
77 Today. Still looking good, bro.
Happy 76th Birthday Bernie Sanders.
Happy birthday Bernie Sanders  any pints going down ??
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Bernie Sanders 
Sep 8, 2015
I got Bernie Sanders put on the Australian ten dollar note for his birthday. Happy birthday Bernie!
*****WE LOVE YOU, DUDE! *****
Happy 80th Birthday to the man that should be our president right now, Bernie Sanders!
Happy birthday Bernie Sanders
Happy Birthday...Mister ..Senator.   Bernie turns 76!
Happy birthday John McDonnell and Bernie Sanders - how cool that you guys share a birthday!
Happy birthday Bernie Sanders you are an American Hero!
Happy birthday to the king Bernie Sanders. Fuck the queen.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY let\s go vote for bernie sanders now
Happy Birthday to my favorite Presidential Candidate, Bernie Sanders. I hope you have a blessed one.
 Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders!! Thank you for making the a better place!
Happy Birthday U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders!
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders, I heard you turned 80 so god bless and I hope you live until 100.
Bernie Sanders was born on this date September 8 in 1941. Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders
Happy Birthday to Bernie Sanders who just turned 187 years old this month:
Happy 76th Birthday 
Senator Bernie Sanders
 Happy birthday honey!!!  Here\s a pic of Bernie Sanders to remind us of the good times.
They are currently singing happy birthday to Bernie Sanders
Happy Birthday to my dog for life, Bernie Sanders
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders!
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders.
Me running to wish bernie sanders a happy birthday
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders takes the stage to applause here in Iowa City-- two fans shout out \"Happy Birthday!\"
Bernie Sanders turns the big eight oh tomorrow happy birthday, Bernie
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders
Happy Birdie Birthday, Bernie Sanders! You are 80 years young.
Happy birthday to this pizza legend, mr bernie sanders!!!!
                           BERNIE SANDERS
Fun fact about my dad has the exact same birthday as Bernie Sanders. So happy 80th to Dad and Bernie
Happy birthday to me and Bernie Sanders
Happy 55th birthday Star Trek and 80th birthday Bernie Sanders! (Photo credit unknown)
In other news Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders
Fuck the queen, happy mfing birthday bernie sanders
Florida says happy birthday to Bernie Sanders.
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday, Bernie Sanders!
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders! (and a few quotes)
TODAY we walk the bridge and sing together HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BERNIE SANDERS! Sarasota/Manatee salute you!
Happy birthday party for gods plans for olam-haba tanakh Daniel 2:44 president Bernie Sanders.
Happy birthday Bernie Sanders!
Taking a moment to feel the Bern on the presidential candidate\s birthday  via
Happy Birthday, Bernie Sanders! Please keep being our mirror !
Alan Grayson

Happy birthday to a true progressive gem, Senator Bernie Sanders!
Turning Social Media BLUE!! Happy Bday Bernie Sanders!
 but more importantly Happy Birthday to Bernie Sanders
Happy birthday dad! It would take me 2 hours to explain your significance in my life so instead here\s Bernie Sanders
  In honor of his birthday, here\s some real talk from Bernie Sanders   happy bday
Happy Birthday to Bernie Sanders. He\s so groovy.
Happy birthday bernie sanders. I\m so excited for all the good you\ll do for this country.
To wish ya boy Bernie Sanders a happy birthday.
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders!
Happy Birthday to the MOST QUALIFIED candidate for President in 2016... Bernie Sanders!!!
:Happy Birthday to Bernie Sanders who just turned 187 years old this month: 
Will someone buy this man a comb please?
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders, my Revolutionary Hero.
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders turns 76 today. Happy Birthday Bernie!
\"For many, the American dream has become a nightmare.\"
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders
Everyone please wish Bernie Sanders a happy birthday today he\s 76.
Happy Birthday, Bernie Sanders!!!
Happy Birthday
Sen. Bernie Sanders !
Happy birthday to Bernie Sanders!!
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders!
\"Good environmental policy is good economic policy.\"
Happy birthday to me and my birthday twin, Bernie Sanders.
...a HUGE HUGE HUGE Heartfelt Happy 77th Birthday to <3 Bernie Sanders <3 HERO <3
Happy birthday to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders!
Bernie Sanders blows out the forest fire on top of his birthday cake Sunday night. Happy birthday, Bernie!
Happy Birthday Mr. Weeks.   Bernie Sanders campaign is one big troll farm.
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders!
Its Bernie Sanders Birthday 
Happy Birthday Bernie
Happy birthday to the gawd Bernie Sanders
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders!
Happy Birthday the Legend himself Bernie Sanders
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders!
Happy Birthday to my DaddiO, out living his best life and giving strong Bernie Sanders vibes
Bernie Sanders is 79.
Happy birthday Bernie Sanders
Happy Birthday to Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont!
Happy Birthday, Bernie Sanders
Happy birthday, Bernie Sanders!
 Happy birthday to my president in a more pleasant alternate timeline Bernie Sanders
Happy 80th Birthday Bernie Sanders!!!
Happy 80th Birthday,  Bernie Sanders!!!!
Happy 80th birthday to my king & your s, Bernard Bernie Sanders
Happy Birthday Senator Bernie Sanders and Happy Birthday Star Trek!
Happy birthday, Bernie Sanders.
Happy 80th Birthday to my bestie Bernie Sanders
TO: Bernie Sanders (Happy Birthday!!)
Happy birthday Bernie Sanders
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders  via
Happy Birthday to the grumpy nice guy, Bernie Sanders.
Happy Birthday Senator Bernie Sanders
Happy Birthday Bernie Sanders!
Happy birthday to senator Bernie Sanders!
This is Bernie Sanders\ birthday gift.  Happy B-Day king.
bernie sanders for president 0
Bernie Sanders sexy 1
Bernie Sanders new pic 2
Bernie Sanders marriage 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Bernie, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


Your Name
Minimum 8 words. The card background will change when you enter a word.