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Christiane L.
Heute wird Bill Clinton
75 -Happy Birthday Bill, da hat er vielleicht keine Zeit, zu spielen, schade
- Christiane L. (5 months ago)
Happy birthday US President Bill Clinton! Happy birthday! I hope all your birthday wishes and dreams come true.
- (5 months ago)
Bill Clinton turns 75, more stars with milestone birthdays in August 2021
Happy 75th birth
- Pamela (5 months ago)
tay mills
Happy birthday to : john deacon, bill clinton, noel miller, matthew perry, and that blind girl from pretty little l
- tay mills (5 months ago)
Jim Kirkwood Jr
Happy birthday Bill Clinton, born August 19, 1946
- Jim Kirkwood Jr (5 months ago)
Philipp - ONG Sherlock1$ test SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia
Happy Birthday President Bill Clinton, and I consider you and the best presidents ever. I hope to enjoy man
- Philipp - ONG Sherlock1$ test SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia (5 months ago)
Happy 75th birthday Mr.President Bill Clinton! You re one of the greatest presidents in the world!
- cherrygomez (5 months ago)
Fernando S.Cobourg
Happy Birthday Mr.Former President Bill Clinton. Still remember those incredible days i spent with you and Chelsea
- Fernando S.Cobourg (5 months ago)
Martin Barrios
Hi Mr President Obama, I hope your day went well and my blessings to your family as always I wished Pr
- Martin Barrios (5 months ago)
Like I\'m supposed to believe you care about women\'s rights when you\'re wishing Bill Clinton a happy birthday and li
- deepfryers (5 months ago)
Zoala Zuniga
Happy birthday president Bill Clinton I\'m your fan since then. Have a nice time and health
- Zoala Zuniga (5 months ago)
Ron Langer
Happy Birthday President Bill Clinton. I had the pleasure of meeting him in October, 2005.
- Ron Langer (5 months ago)
James Cantrell
Happy Birthday president Bill Clinton you was the very first president i voted for ! Yo
- James Cantrell (5 months ago)
Iain King
Happy Birthday, Tony! Four days older than Bill Clinton!
- Iain King (5 months ago)
Gloria Bosley Singleton
Happy Birthday former President Bill Clinton. I pray you enjoyed your day and God bless
- Gloria Bosley Singleton (5 months ago)
Happy birthday, Steve! Remember the following men are older than you: Paul McCartney, Rod Stewart,
- Danielle (5 months ago)
Happy 75th birthday to
Your Bill Clinton
- SHANKAR N KAKU (5 months ago)
Bill Clinton, I need to wish you a great birthday and to thank you for all the great wo
- Helene Layton (5 months ago)
David Crowley
Happy Birthday Bill Clinton
- David Crowley (5 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Pres. Bill Clinton!!! Enjoy your special day! My grandsons and I attende
- Nurselady0214 (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday President Bill Clinton. I hope you have a nice lady to celebrate with.
- pico (5 months ago)
Dr. Sourav Kundu
Happy 75th Birthday President Bill Clinton!
- Dr. Sourav Kundu (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday Bill Clinton. And many more! One of our best presidents ever. Hillary woul
- kathy (5 months ago)
Rita Heise
Happy birthday to Mr President Bill Clinton
- Rita Heise (5 months ago)
Dinna Pavelko
Happy Birthday to President Bill Clinton!
- Dinna Pavelko (5 months ago)
Equal=Rights 4All Humanity.
Happy Birthday President Bill Clinton hope you have a wonderful day and hope Hillary gi
- Equal=Rights 4All Humanity. (6 months ago)
Dr. RaisinBrain
Happy birthday Bill Clinton
- Dr. RaisinBrain (6 months ago)
Happy great 75th birthday to the extraordinary, brilliant President Bill Clinton!
- WontonnoodleLA (6 months ago)
How many years ago we still have dictator GEN
- Lydiananyunja (6 months ago)
Troy Heath
Happy Happy Birthday President Bill Clinton!!!! Hope you have a fantastic day!!!!!
- Troy Heath (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday fellow Bill Clinton!
- Adhys (6 months ago)
Sofia Asaf Vardag
Happy birthday Mr. Bill Clinton. May you have many more. You are blessed.
- Sofia Asaf Vardag (6 months ago)
nadine barthelmes
Happy 75th Birthday Mister President Bill Clinton
- nadine barthelmes (6 months ago)
Luis De Ver
Happy birthday Pres. Barrack Obama! Hi Pres. Bill Clinton!
Wishing you both as well
- Luis De Ver (6 months ago)
It\'s a good gesture of the former US Pres. Bill Clinton to express his admiration for Oba
- Abdullah (6 months ago)
Michelle Smith
Happy Birthday again, Mr. Obama. Know that I, too, am 60 and I have only had
- Michelle Smith (6 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA ! And also my best regards to the the entered
- Monica (6 months ago)
Ben Aksar (My Pronouns? I Trust You)
I suppose we can also expect to see also extend Happy Birthday greetings to Jimmy Carter, Bill
- Ben Aksar (My Pronouns? I Trust You) (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday Monica!
Wanted to let you know how much I admire your character and how much I despi
- Merrymg (6 months ago)
Jeanette Sizzle
Happy Birthday LEO: July 23>>August 22
Loyal, devoted to themselves: famous Leos: Mick Jagger, Madonna, Bill Clinto
- Jeanette Sizzle (6 months ago)
Ethan Keyser
I did not see Bill Clinton wish Monica Lewinsky a happy birthday on message and that\'s so sad.. what could have been...
- Ethan Keyser (6 months ago)
Liberty Kicks
I shook Bill Clinton\'s hand once in the \'90s, and THAT is why I sing the Happy Birthday song three times every time
- Liberty Kicks (6 months ago)
C. Vindex T.
Happy BDay Monica. Dont know how you keep it together with shit like this.
- C. Vindex T. (6 months ago)
steve brown
Happy birthday to Monica Lewinsky. Was a close friend of ex POTUS Bill Clinton.
- steve brown (6 months ago)
KBC English Service
Happy Birthday remember the White House intern who almost brought down the Bill Clinton Presidency
- KBC English Service (6 months ago)
Capitalist Neocon
Happy 98th Birthday to Bob Dole today ! He would\'ve been a better President than Bill Clinton in the 1996 election.
- Capitalist Neocon (6 months ago)
Tyson Prather
Trump and Bill Clinton are the same today. Happy birthday to United States of America works and Tyson P
- Tyson Prather (5 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Juanita! I love your activism and all the exposure you have given to that crook/ Creep Bill Clinton!
- Jb (5 months ago)
james mccarty yeager
Happy birthday to molly ivins (1944), who wrote, before the 1992 primaries were decided, \"Bill Clinton is the only
- james mccarty yeager (5 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Bill Clinton will celebrate his 79 years old birthday in 6 months and 11 days! Send your greetings to him now!