Happy Birthday Bill Duke, I see you....
- Kevin Oliver Murray (1 week ago)
Fred Schneider
One of my favorite Hollywood tough guys and badasses.
Tommy Callaghan: Happy Birthday. Bill Duke. February 26th 19
- Fred Schneider (1 week ago)
Me too ... and Happy Belated Birthday Mr. Bill Duke!
- Nia (3 days ago)
J. R. McMenemie
\"I don\'t care who you are back in the world, you give away our position one more time, I\'ll bleed ya, real quiet. L
- J. R. McMenemie (5 days ago)
Aywon Williams
Happy 79th Birthday to Actor, and Director William Henry Duke Jr. aka Bill Duke!!! (February 26)
- Aywon Williams (6 days ago)
Robert kooll Ransom
Happy birthday Bill Duke
- Robert kooll Ransom (6 days ago)
Happy Birthday Bill Duke!
- MetatronPowerAndLight (1 week ago)
From Wishing the legendary Bill Duke a happy 79th birthday @ Chinle, Arizona
- Bluehairedgal (1 week ago)
In Search of Tomorrow
Happy Birthday to Bill Duke, who gave a memorable performance as Mac in PREDATOR (1987). What two other \'80s films
- In Search of Tomorrow (1 week ago)
BMB Empower Network
Happy Birthday Bill Duke! He Is 79 Today!
- BMB Empower Network (1 week ago)
Today In Nerd History
Happy birthday Bill Duke, born February 26, 1943
- Today In Nerd History (1 week ago)
Perry Jackson, 3 A.M.
Happy Birthday Bill Duke, go watch Deep Cover.
- Perry Jackson, 3 A.M. (1 week ago)
The Reewind Radio Network (WREE-DB / AM 1620)
Happy 79th Birthday to Legendary Actor and Film Director William Henry Duke Jr. aka Bill Duke (February 26, 1943) f
- The Reewind Radio Network (WREE-DB / AM 1620) (1 week ago)
James Kenney
Happy 79th birthday to actor and director Bill Duke!
- James Kenney (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday to legendary actor and film director Bill Duke.
- Ave (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday Bill Duke! Gotta rewatch Deep Cover today to celebrate
- JeffA.K.A.Swan (1 week ago)
First and Pen
Happy birthday Bill Duke.
Still think he had a shot at killing the Predator before he crawled under that branch.
- First and Pen (1 week ago)
On This Day in Black History
Happy birthday to Bill Duke!
- On This Day in Black History (1 week ago)
Harriet Garner
Happy Birthday 14 Movies Bill Duke directed via
- Harriet Garner (1 week ago)
Wow I just saw an old Kojack episode with him in it playing a bad ass pimp . I knew I had seen him
- contrarian67 (1 week ago)
Happy birthday, Bill Duke
- ActionBoyz (1 week ago)
Ray Robinson
Happy 79th Birthday! Bill Duke
- Ray Robinson (1 week ago)
Solo Juan
Happy Birthday Bill Duke
- Solo Juan (1 week ago)
Gary Lutz
Happy Birthday to legendary actor Bill Duke!
- Gary Lutz (1 week ago)
Happy birthday to American actor and film director Bill Duke, born today in 1943. Duke is known for roles in such f
- Vault0 (1 week ago)
I(D.J.S.) saying Happy Birthday to Actor/Film Director \"BILL DUKE\"!!!
- D.J.S.\"BSIDEMUSIC (1 week ago)
Riano Nandiwardhana Nino
Happy birthday Bill Duke
- Riano Nandiwardhana Nino (1 week ago)
Today In History
February 26 - Happy bday: Josephine Tewson 91, Bill Duke 79, Jonathon Cain[Journey] 72, Michael Bolton 69, Tim Kain
- Today In History (1 week ago)
shareen banagan
Happy birthday Bill Duke!!
- shareen banagan (1 week ago)
Happy birthday Movie Actor Bill Duke! Sending some love to the most charming man in my life. You always bring the b
- AllFamous.org (1 week ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Bill Duke just celebrated his 82 years old birthday 1 week ago. It's still not too late to say happy bday. Send your greetings to him now!