Happy birthday to the great guitarist Bill Frisell. Here he is with Melvin Gibbs (bass) & Ronald Shannon Jackson (d
- matthew (at Mastodon: @[email protected] ) (12 months ago)
Nomen Nescio
Bill Frisell is 72 today. Happy Birthday, Mr. Frisell.
Bill Frisell - Keep Your Eyes Open via
- Nomen Nescio (12 months ago)
Sheet Music Library (PDF)
Happy 72nd Birthday, Bill Frisell! .* *. *¨ William Richard Frisell (born March 18, 1951) is an American jazz guit
- Sheet Music Library (PDF) (12 months ago)
AK Lingus
Happy birthday to Bill Frisell, here is an utterly outrageous version of Dark Star > Comes A Time he performed in 2
- AK Lingus (12 months ago)
Hoy cumple 72 añitos el divino Bill Frisell Happy Birthday,Master
- SACRI DELFINO (12 months ago)
JJ Mazza
HAPPY! BIRTHDAY! BILL! FRISELL !!!!! All there is as far as I m concerned.
- JJ Mazza (12 months ago)
Dr. Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn gruene.social/@w_sk
Heute hat Bill Frisell Geburtstag.
Happy Birthday, Bill Frisell Trio
- Dr. Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn gruene.social/@w_sk (12 months ago)
Happy Birthday Bill Frisell, 18 marzo 2020 via
- soundengeneer (12 months ago)