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Gestern ist Bill Watterson 65 geworden. Seine Calvin & Hobbes Comics sind legendär und ich feiere ihn hart dafür, d
- Schisslaweng (8 months ago)
Comic Book Couples Counseling
Calvin & Hobbes were some of the first comics Lisa ever read. The impact on her imagination is impossible to quanti
- Comic Book Couples Counseling (8 months ago)
Bill Watterson was the first and most prominent inspiration when I decided to start making comic strips and eventua
- cdprx (8 months ago)
Noldorin Spy
A very happy birthday to the creator of my favorite comic strip of all time. Mr. Bill Watterson.
- Noldorin Spy (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday American cartoonist, best known for the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, Bill Watterson (July 5, 1958-
- Brookston (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to my birthday buddies, the NHS & Bill Watterson
- George Stevens (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to Peeing Calvin creator Bill Watterson!
- Jeff (8 months ago)
Nyla AhmAd
Happy birthday to the big man Bill Watterson
- Nyla AhmAd (8 months ago)
Chris W. McGuinness
Happy birthday Bill Watterson. I loved Calvin & Hobbs before I could even read (I made my parents read me my favori
- Chris W. McGuinness (8 months ago)
Happy 65th Birthday Bill Watterson
- #TeamSTL (8 months ago)
Nic Lydford
Happy 65th birthday to Bill Watterson!
- Nic Lydford (8 months ago)
Matthew Summo
Happy birthday, Bill Watterson!
- Matthew Summo (8 months ago)
Pete Collins
Happy Birthday Bill Watterson - From Team TBV
- Pete Collins (8 months ago)
Geri Seiberling
The secret to effective marketing of just about anything:
\"What I try to do in writing any character is to put mys
- Geri Seiberling (8 months ago)
Less Depressed Lewdsmokesoldier
Calvin and Hobbes was such an enormously influential part of my childhood in the best possible way.
- Less Depressed Lewdsmokesoldier (8 months ago)
Slightly Less Depressed Lewdsmokesoldier
Calvin and Hobbes was such an enormously influential part of my childhood in the best possible way.
- Slightly Less Depressed Lewdsmokesoldier (8 months ago)
•⥺ ⭄•
Happy Birthday to the GoAT of comic strips Bill Watterson
- •⥺ ⭄• (8 months ago)
Waywords Studio
Today\'s Birthdays! Happy birthday to Bill Watterson, Jean Cocteau, and Sebastian Barry!
- Waywords Studio (8 months ago)
Víctor Manuel Suárez
Thanks to Calvin & Hobbes, the ghost, Hägar the terrible, and other comics that appeared in the news
- Víctor Manuel Suárez (8 months ago)
A very happy birthday shout out to Bill Watterson the genius behind , thank you bill thank you for
- Murph (8 months ago)
Bookworm Bookstore, Blr
Team Bookworm wishes a very Happy Birthday to Bill Watterson. Thank you for sharing the magic of Calvin & Hobbes wi
- Bookworm Bookstore, Blr (8 months ago)
chris sparks
Happy 65th birthday to our friend Bill Watterson. Thank you for everything you have done to help Team Cul de Sac.
- chris sparks (8 months ago)
Melanie Jackson
Creating a life that reflects your values& satisfies your soul is a rare achievement. In a culture that relentlessl
- Melanie Jackson (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Bill Watterson! Thank you for
- no context Calvin & Hobbes (8 months ago)
Hemali Sodhi
You cannot celebrate the magic of Calvin and Hobbes enough. Happy birthday to Bill Watterson - the genius who gave
- Hemali Sodhi (8 months ago)
Amit Paranjape
Happy 65th Birthday Bill Watterson!
- Amit Paranjape (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to the young, dynamic leader, IT minister,cartoon lover, humourist, and a die-hard fan of Bill Watte
- mrityunjaycartoonist (7 months ago)
bobby aycock burns
I m a little late on this, but I loves this guy. Happy birthday Bill Watterson. Somehow I did not know that you loo
- bobby aycock burns (8 months ago)
Daryl Beswitherick
Happy Birthday Bill Watterson. I would love to see a where Calvin is today. Who does Calvin grow up
- Daryl Beswitherick (8 months ago)
Happy 64th birthday to Bill Watterson! Thank you for EVERYTHING!
- A.D. (8 months ago)
Mr. Testosterone\'s Wild Ride
Just want to wish a very Happy birthday to my comics icon, Bill Watterson.
- Mr. Testosterone\'s Wild Ride (8 months ago)
Jay-son Westing Hoofer
Happy birthday, Bill Watterson. You\'ve provided me with hours of mirth and happiness over the years. W
- Jay-son Westing Hoofer (8 months ago)
Jenna Beet
This makes me so happy. My birthday was yesterday. B/c our birthdays are so close, i choose to bel
- Jenna Beet (8 months ago)
Nick Carlson
Happy birthday Bill Watterson, the man who first inspired my love of the written word.
- Nick Carlson (8 months ago)
Joe Grover
A very happy birthday to Bill Watterson.
- Joe Grover (8 months ago)
K.J. Sturr
Happy Birthday Bill Watterson.
- K.J. Sturr (8 months ago)
Eric Daugherty
Calvin and Hobbes is one of my most favorite things ever. Watterson absolutely nailed that strip.
Happy Birthday Bi
- Eric Daugherty (8 months ago)
Jay Reynolds Illustration
Happy birthday to the GOAT, cartoonist Bill Watterson of Calvin & Hobbes; his books and heart will stay with me unt
- Jay Reynolds Illustration (8 months ago)
John Morey
Happy 64th birthday to Bill Watterson, one of the greatest cartoonists of all time and a man who would really not w
- John Morey (8 months ago)
Byron Quiñónez
Happy Birthday to Bill Watterson, autor of !
- Byron Quiñónez (8 months ago)
\"Happy birthday to Bill Watterson\"
- MLTSHP (8 months ago)
Comicbooks heaven
Happy Birthday, Bill Watterson (creator of Calvin & Hobbes) [by TheeHeadAche]
- Comicbooks heaven (8 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Bill Watterson will celebrate his 67 years old birthday in 3 months and 23 days! Send your greetings to him now!
Author of the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. He won numerous awards throughout his career, including the Reuben Award for Cartoonist of the Year in 1986 and 1988.