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Writer\'s Relief
Happy birthday to American Billy Collins! He was appointed as Poet Laureate of the United States from 2001 to 2003.
- Writer\'s Relief (11 months ago)
Waywords Studio
Not sure if the \"rope of the tie\" or the cigarette is more disconcerting.
Happy birthday, Billy Collins!
- Waywords Studio (11 months ago)
Corinne Walsh
Happy Birthday, Billy Collins (no oxymoron intended)
- Corinne Walsh (11 months ago)
Happy birthday, Billy Collins!
- Kyle (11 months ago)
Jen Dyson
The one that always gets me is On Turning Ten by Billy Collins Happy birthday to your little man
- Jen Dyson (11 months ago)
Bookmarks Magazine
If at first you don t succeed, hide all evidence you ever tried. Happy birthday, Billy Collins.
- Bookmarks Magazine (11 months ago)
Ann Otto
Happy birthday Billy Collins!
- Ann Otto (11 months ago)
If ever there were a spring day so perfect, / so uplifted by a warm intermittent breeze / that it made you want to
- PoetryOutLoud (11 months ago)
Happy birthday Poet Billy Collins! I wish you a happier birthday than anyone else has wished you!
- (11 months ago)
Pequot Library
Happy bday (3/22) to the inimitable poet Billy Collins! You will always be the bread and the knife, not to mention
- Pequot Library (11 months ago)
katy moukakou
The Student She made asterisks
next to passages she liked,
little stars that kept shining
after she closed t
- katy moukakou (11 months ago)
JC Sulzenko
Happy Birthday, Billy Collins
- JC Sulzenko (11 months ago)
Happy 80th birthday Billy Collins!!
- Juna (11 months ago)
Gary Anderson
Happy 80th birthday to Billy Collins, a true American treasure!
Here is my account of spending time with him twe
- Gary Anderson (11 months ago)
Austin Kleon
Happy 80th birthday to Billy Collins, who once said one of the smartest things I ve ever heard about finding your
- Austin Kleon (11 months ago)
Barnes & Noble
It s my favorite poets birthday! If you ve never read former Poet Laureate, Billy Collins, you are missing out. He
- Barnes & Noble (11 months ago)
Phil Dyess-Nugent
Happy birthday, Billy Collins
- Phil Dyess-Nugent (11 months ago)
Owen & Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin
Happy Birthday to our friend Billy Collins! We were lucky to meet & hang out with him at Gladdening Light Symposiu
- Owen & Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin (11 months ago)
Great Books
Happy birthday to Billy Collins, former Poet Laureate of the United States! Read his memorable \"Introduction to Poe
- Great Books (11 months ago)
Magic City Books
Suddenly, you re 80! Happy Birthday BILLY COLLINS.
- Magic City Books (11 months ago)
HCL Friends
Happy Birthday to Billy Collins, distinguished poet and beloved Pen Pals guest! Who remembers attending his Pen Pal
- HCL Friends (11 months ago)
Random House
Join us in wishing former-U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins a very happy birthday!
- Random House (11 months ago)
s quinn/sarah vienot
Today sings a full-throated, silver-tongued, misty-eyed Happy 80th Birthday to Billy Collins dubbed
- s quinn/sarah vienot (11 months ago)
Jack Lorts
Happy Birthday poet Billy Collins (1941-...) who wrote today\'s Poem of the Day, \"Poem to the First Gene
- Jack Lorts (11 months ago)
Bidwell Hollow
Happy birthday to Billy Collins and James Patterson! Here are other writers with March 22 birthdays: Louis L\'Amour,
- Bidwell Hollow (11 months ago)
Mrs. Emily Kulas
Happy Birthday, Billy Collins! Collins is an American poet who was appointed as Poet Laureate of the U.S. from 2001
- Mrs. Emily Kulas (11 months ago)
Sandra Fox Murphy
HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY, Billy Collins!
Check out this Tribute for Billy Collins
- Sandra Fox Murphy (11 months ago)
Anna Levine
Happy Birthday, Billy Collins! \"Trying to protect his students\' innocence/he told them the Ice Age was really just/
- Anna Levine (11 months ago)
h scott haskell
thanks for all the great poems and have a happy birthday.
- h scott haskell (11 months ago)
Timothy Colman, we are stardust, we are golden...
Happy birthday to poet Billy Collins who is 80 today
- Timothy Colman, we are stardust, we are golden... (11 months ago)
NY Transit Museum
Poems once in motion continue to move their readers. And what an imaginative variety of poetic delights is offere
- NY Transit Museum (11 months ago)
Virginia Quarterly Review
Happy belated birthday to Billy Collins, who just turned seventy-nine! The former US poet laureate has contributed
- Virginia Quarterly Review (11 months ago)
EWU Libraries & Learning Commons
Happy Birthday (Sunday) to one of America\'s greatest poets- Billy Collins! Don\'t know Billy? We\'ve got several of h
- EWU Libraries & Learning Commons (11 months ago)
...the trouble with poetry is
that it encourages the writing of more poetry... Happy 79th birthday to former US P
- ThriftBooks (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday Billy Collins!
\"At seven I was a soldier, at nine a prince.
But now I am mostly at the window
- RadiusBooks (11 months ago)
You will always be the bread and the knife, not to mention the crystal goblet and somehow the wine. Happy birthd
- LarryLaddUU (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Billy Collins my first and bestest professor ever!
- amy (11 months ago)
Poem of the Day 3/ 22
by Billy Collins
Happy Birthday to Billy Collins, born in 1941
- lucubrations (11 months ago)
Gerald A Johnson
Happy birthday: Jazz pianist Billy Collins, Politician Yemi Osinbojo-Vice President of Nigeria, Novelist
- Gerald A Johnson (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday Billy Collins
Poem of the Day: Nostalgia -
- Kathleen (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to Billy Collins. He is poet who always makes me smile, sometimes wistfully.
- Madhu⚕️Singh (11 months ago)
Englewood Review of Books
Billy Collins - Happy Birthday to the former US Poet Laureate!
Five of our favorite poems by him:
- Englewood Review of Books (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Billy Collins! We can\'t wait to celebrate with you at SOPAC on May 31!
No poet since Robert Frost
- SOPAC (11 months ago)
ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival
Happy Birthday Billy Collins A short film by Andrew D. Zimbelman (Studio ADZ) based on the poem \"Room\" by Billy C
- ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to poet Billy Collins!
- ESU P&DMW (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Billy Collins today!
In the club car that morning I had my notebook
- Peritas (11 months ago)
Geri Seiberling
Happy Birthday William James Collins, better known as Billy Collins
March 22, 1941 -
Poet Laureate of the United
- Geri Seiberling (11 months ago)
Patrick Lombardi
Happy birthday to one of the greatest, most entertaining poets out there, Billy Collins!
- Patrick Lombardi (11 months ago)
Kenyon Review
Happy birthday today to iconic American poet and Nobel laureate Billy Collins! Read his poem \"Advice to a Nightwalk
- Kenyon Review (11 months ago)
Matthew Dowd
Happy bday poet Billy Collins, b.1941: But tonight, the lion of contentment has placed a warm heavy paw on my ches
- Matthew Dowd (11 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Billy Collins will celebrate his 84 years old birthday in 6 days! Send your greetings to him now!