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Tropic Fox One
Happy birthday Father Bob, May your day be full of laughter & love
- Tropic Fox One (4 months ago)
Steven Rothwell
Happy Birthday Father Bob may you have many more - the country needs your compassion and passion.
- Steven Rothwell (4 months ago)
Michele Braid
Happy Birthday Father Bob. May you continue to bring hope and joy to our communities for many birthdays to come.
- Michele Braid (4 months ago)
Stuart Peterson
Happy birthday Father Bob, may it be a day full of blessing \'s and love.
- Stuart Peterson (4 months ago)
Goran Ocic
Well happy birthday (lucky88) Father Bob. May your health serve you well into the future. Ps. My 60th is
- Goran Ocic (4 months ago)
Martin Tigers
Happy Birthday Father Bob! May you have many more!!
- Martin Tigers (4 months ago)
Graeme Whittaker
happy birthday Father Bob. may you have a wonderful day
- Graeme Whittaker (4 months ago)
Brad Desmond
Happy birthday Bob. May the Pies bring you divine salvation on Saturday!
- Brad Desmond (4 months ago)
cosmic clau
Happy birthday Father Bob, may this be your best one yet!
- cosmic clau (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Father Bob! May the light of Jesus bless you in this coming year. <3
- KirstenFleur (4 months ago)
Peter McMahon
Happy birthday father bob may carringbush salute for you
- Peter McMahon (4 months ago)
Leslie with an ‘ey’
Happy birthday Father Bob, may we celebrate many more birthdays with you
- Leslie with an ‘ey’ (4 months ago)
Bernadette Hall
Happy Birthday Father Bob. May there be plenty more in the future
- Bernadette Hall (4 months ago)
Happy birthday Father Bob, may this year be full of blessings for you
- Nicole. (4 months ago)
nicole mifsud
a big happy birthday father bob. May the sunshine on you may the birds sing and be blessed as I am to know you. Xc
- nicole mifsud (4 months ago)
Preeti Ramachandran
Happy happy birthday Bob! May the party continue well into your 80s!
- Preeti Ramachandran (4 months ago)
Courtney Talty
Happy birthday, Bob! May I call you Bob?
- Courtney Talty (4 months ago)
Well Happy Birthday Bob!
May you see many more.
- Tony (4 months ago)
Joyce B
Happy Birthday, Bob!!! May you have many more!!!
- Joyce B (4 months ago)
Spectreman Superfan
Happy birthday to the legend Bob May! The man who brought one of my favourite robots B9 to life from the inside
- Spectreman Superfan (5 months ago)
Vicent Kaijuka
Happy birthday Mr Bob. May you live to light a thousand thousand candles and keep that kind heart of serving Uganda
- Vicent Kaijuka (5 months ago)
Amy Grimes
Happy birthday, Bob!!! May it be as special as you are .
- Amy Grimes (5 months ago)
Dean Brown
Happy Birthday Kev. I\'m betting uncle Bob may have slipped that Cabot flag in his bag.
- Dean Brown (5 months ago)
Happy New Year Bob! May your birthday wishes come true!
- medvyed (5 months ago)
LM Taylor
Happy, happy birthday Bob! May all your days be fair weather!
- LM Taylor (4 months ago)
Mark Tan
Happy Belated Birthday Father Bob! May you continue to be blessed with awesomeness and thank you for sha
- Mark Tan (4 months ago)
Juan Anonli
Happy birthday Fr Bob, may you have many more. You\'re a good man and a
- Juan Anonli (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Father Bob.. may there be many more...we need your compassion for others now more than ever,,,,, .
- DIANNE ANNA BAY (4 months ago)
Nicole Webber
Happy, Happy Birthday Father Bob! May peace always be with you.
- Nicole Webber (4 months ago)
Narelle Hahn-Smith
Happy Happy Birthday Fr Bob may it be as wonderful as you
- Narelle Hahn-Smith (4 months ago)
Helen Lewers
Happy Birthday, Father Bob! May there be many more!
- Helen Lewers (4 months ago)
Michaela Banerji
Happy Birthday Father Bob! May you have a lovely day and year!
- Michaela Banerji (4 months ago)
Wayout1 Cave-dweller
Happy birthday Father Bob, May you continue to see and encourage people s better natures
- Wayout1 Cave-dweller (4 months ago)
Happy birthday Bob! May your birthday be full of love and joy!
- Ilsalundisfullyvacinated (4 months ago)
Sci-Fi Fantasy Fans
Happy Posthumous Birthday Bob May (1939-2009), who played the robot in Adolf Hitler in
- Sci-Fi Fantasy Fans (5 months ago)
Donna S.
Happy Birthday to Bob. May your wish come true!
- Donna S. (5 months ago)
Dan Welch
Happy Birthday Bob may your birthday wish come true!
- Dan Welch (5 months ago)
Jane: wear your mask!
Happy birthday Bob. May you get your birthday wish!
- Jane: wear your mask! (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday Bob! May you have many more.
- Shannon (5 months ago)
Andy Doubled!
Happy Birthday Bob. May your wish come true.
- Andy Doubled! (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday Bob! May all your wishes come true
- J¿L (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Bob!
May all your dreams come true.
- Tif (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Bob!! May your birthday wish come true!!
- SunshineSista18 (5 months ago)
Cathy sevigny
Happy Birthday Bob. May your birthday wish come true.
- Cathy sevigny (5 months ago)
Moira Kiltie
Happy Birthday Bob. May all your wishes come true
- Moira Kiltie (5 months ago)
Happy birthday Bob! May all your dreams come true
- KBF (5 months ago)
Tina Pickett
Happy Birthday, Bob! May all your wishes come true!
- Tina Pickett (5 months ago)
Marie M
Happy Birthday Bob. May your wish come true!
- Marie M (5 months ago)
Romaine Voigt
Happy Birthday, Bob! May your wishes come true!May the best of everything come your way
- Romaine Voigt (5 months ago)
Marie Drew
Happy Birthday, Bob! May your birthday wish come true.
- Marie Drew (5 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Bob May will celebrate his 86 years old birthday in 7 months and 2 days! Send your greetings to him now!
American actor well remembered as the The Robot from the popular sci-fi television series Lost in Space. He also worked as a stage actor, stuntman, director, and public speaker.