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Anthony Jobe
Happy Birthday Bruce Davison
- Anthony Jobe (8 months ago)
Michael Kuciak
Happy birthday to Bruce Davison, one of the stars of our forthcoming horror movie From the Shadows.
- Michael Kuciak (8 months ago)
Al Hirschfeld
Happy Birthday Kathy Bates, and Bruce Davison, and the late-greats Gilda Radner and Richard Rodgers!
- Al Hirschfeld (8 months ago)
Happy birthday, ladies and gentlemen. You wer
- JP (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Aileen Quinn, Alessandro Nivola, Alice Krige, Bruce Davison, Gilda Radner, John Cusack, Kathy Bat
- NotYourAverageMovieBuff (8 months ago)
Happy birthday Bruce Davison!!
- ClassicActorsOfHollywood (8 months ago)
IanStuart Cunningham
June 28 - Happy bday: Mel Brooks 97, David Knights[Procol Harum] 78, Bruce Davison 77, Kathy Bates 75, John Elway 6
- IanStuart Cunningham (8 months ago)
Jase Genders
Happy birthday
- Jase Genders (8 months ago)
William Murdock
Happy Birthday
- William Murdock (8 months ago)
Mathew Nastasia
Happy Birthday Bruce
- Mathew Nastasia (8 months ago)
Happy 76th Birthday Bruce Davison
- TheSeer7 (8 months ago)
Kipp Tribble
Happy birthday, Have a great day, my friend!
- Kipp Tribble (8 months ago)
Happy birthday Bruce Davison. My favorite film with Davison so far is Six degrees of separation (I ve yet to see Lo
- jhpcine (8 months ago)
Comic Book Cinephile
Happy birthday to Bruce Davison, who played U.S. Senator Robert Kelly, proponent of the \"Mutant Registration Act,\"
- Comic Book Cinephile (8 months ago)
Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to Mary Stuart Masterson, Bruc
- Jennifer Long ☮️ (8 months ago)
Happy 76th birthday to The screen veteran has hundreds of credits to his name, two of which are on
- Screambox (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Bruce Davison
So great for so very long
- Lauder (8 months ago)
john slotkin
Happy birthday
Mel Brooks 96
John Byner 85
Leon Panetta 84
Bruce Davison 76
Kathy Bates 74
John Elway 62
Mary Stuar
- john slotkin (8 months ago)
Happy birthday Movie Actor Bruce Davison! Hope your 76th birthday is more than special. I hope it\'s extra, extra sp
- (8 months ago)
Scott Smith
Happy birthday to this great actor. Happy birthday to Bruce Davison
- Scott Smith (8 months ago)
BruceGod (Isabel Moriuchi)
Happy Birthday to you have a great day with your family!!!
- BruceGod (Isabel Moriuchi) (8 months ago)
Bruce_Davison (MFS)
Happy Birthday to you have a great day with your family!!!
- Bruce_Davison (MFS) (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to you have a great day with your family!!!
- Jyam (8 months ago)
Bruce_Davison (MFS / TWO)
Happy Birthday to you have a great day with your family!!!
- Bruce_Davison (MFS / TWO) (8 months ago)
and Happy Birthday 75th
- Bruce_Davison (8 months ago)
Sharon Morin
Happy birthday to Bruce Davison enjoy xoxo
- Sharon Morin (8 months ago)
Kevin Macdonald
Bruce, I am so very sorry that this is a day late and everything. Happy birthday! You still look fantastic. Love you
- Kevin Macdonald (8 months ago)
Patti Frankel
Happy birthday! I had my 62nd on the 26th. The last week in June has been much better this year!
- Patti Frankel (8 months ago)
One of my favorite actors Happy Birthday
- TFR (8 months ago)
Leland Samule Lewit
This is a great happy birthday Bruce
- Leland Samule Lewit (8 months ago)
Arnold Ziffell
Sounds like a great evening. Did you bake a cake? Happy birthday Bruce!
- Arnold Ziffell (8 months ago)
Greg Smith
Happy Birthday Bruce! Remember an excellent short film u made called Peege so long ago?
Greg from Philly.
- Greg Smith (8 months ago)
John Lapham
Happy Birthday! Hope your day was great!
- John Lapham (8 months ago)
Maureen McCormick
What a special night celebrating the wonderful, amazing, fabulous ! Happy Birthday Dear Friend! We l
- Maureen McCormick (8 months ago)
Bruce (The Count) Markusen
Let\'s wish a happy 75th birthday to the fine character actor, Bruce Davison. Versatile & rangy, he has been a horro
- Bruce (The Count) Markusen (8 months ago)
Jim Kirkwood Jr
Happy birthday Bruce Davison, born June 28, 1946
- Jim Kirkwood Jr (8 months ago)
Solo Juan
Happy Birthday Bruce Davison
- Solo Juan (8 months ago)
Week in Horror
Happy Birthday, Bruce Davison!
- Week in Horror (8 months ago)
John Byner (1938)
Danielle Brisebois (1969)
Bruce Davison (1946)
Polly Moran (1883 1952)
- Eric (8 months ago)
Zachary Taylor
Happy Birthday, Bruce Davison, known as Ludan Sandelton from 99 44/100% Pure Horror.
- Zachary Taylor (8 months ago)
Jason Genders
Happy birthday
- Jason Genders (8 months ago)
Mrs. Anne
Happy Birthday dear Bruce Davison!
- Mrs. Anne (8 months ago)
Cory Farr
Happy Birthday God bless you
- Cory Farr (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to American actor and director Bruce Davison, born today in 1946. Davison is well known for his star
- Vault0 (8 months ago)
The Zombie Mandalorian\'s Leaky Basement of Horrors
Happy Birthday to Bruce Davison!
- The Zombie Mandalorian\'s Leaky Basement of Horrors (8 months ago)
Michael W. Freeman
Iconic Roles: Willard Stiles is a geek and a social misfit. But while he struggles to fit in with people, he takes
- Michael W. Freeman (8 months ago)
June 28 Happy Birthday part 1: Mel Brooks, John Byner, Alice Krige, Jessica Hecht,
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (8 months ago)
Film at Fifty
Happy birthday to the lovely Kim Darby, who fifty years ago appeared opposite Bruce Davison and Bud Cort in THE STR
- Film at Fifty (8 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Bruce Davison will celebrate his 79 years old birthday in 3 months and 14 days! Send your greetings to him now!