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Guggenheim Museum
\"I\'ve always had overlapping ways of going about my work. I\'ve never been able to stick to one thing.\" Happy birthd
- Guggenheim Museum (3 months ago)
Deny Fear
Happy birthday Bruce Nauman Alec Soth, 2018
\"To enter into Nauman s world is to leave much of what one feels to
- Deny Fear (3 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DECEMBER 6th; NFL & Coach Otto Graham (Cleveland Browns)(1921-2003)\"100\"; Bassist JENZiih,32; Artist
- BRONX POET (3 months ago)
Palazzo Grassi
Happy Birthday \"Se non hai una tela con cui cominciare, fai ogni genere di cose, stai seduto su una
- Palazzo Grassi (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday (born December 6, 1941) is an American artist working with sculpture, photography, neon, video, draw
- Jeff (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday Bruce Naumann!
- BC (3 months ago)
Kiesler Foundation
Happy 80th birthday to Bruce Nauman, laureate of the Kiesler Prize 2014!
- Kiesler Foundation (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to Bruce Nauman born in 1941 in Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States.
Bruce Nauman - Hang
- StoMouseio (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Bruce Nauman, one of the most provocative artists Nauman is known for his conceptual art in
- HeatherJamesFineArt (3 months ago)
peter foolen
Happy Birthday Bruce Nauman 1941 Window or Wall Sign, 1967 photo and collection
- peter foolen (3 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Lawrence Bergman, Richard Edlund, Helen Cornelius, Bruce Nauman, Bill Thomas, Peter Handke, Robb
- Teewhy Nyema (3 months ago)
Gemini G.E.L.
Happy Birthday to born this date 1941! Bruce Nauman
Cockeye Lips from Infrared Outtakes, 2
- Gemini G.E.L. (3 months ago)
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Happy birthday to maverick American artist Bruce Nauman! His iconic neon, The True Artist Helps the World by Revea
- Philadelphia Museum of Art (3 months ago)
SVA Library
Happy 77th birthday to Bruce Nauman, the catalog for his retrospective Disappearing Acts and
- SVA Library (3 months ago)
Stedelijk: Happy Birthday bbbbbbrrrrrruuuuuucccccceeeeee!
Photo: \'My Name as though it were written on the sur
- AmsterdamEnO (3 months ago)
NEON Organization
Happy Birthday to Bruce Nauman in 1941.
His uvre since the 60 s has been hugely influential to subse
- NEON Organization (3 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, American artist Bruce Nauman \"The true artist helps the world by revealing mystic truths.\"__\"Gerçek
- EbruDüvenciArt (3 months ago)
Tate happy birthday! Bruce Nauman
- ミレイ (3 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Lawrence Bergman, Richard Edlund, Helen Cornelius, Bruce Nauman, Bill Thomas, Peter Handke, Robb
- North Trenton (3 months ago)
philamuseum: Happy birthday, Bruce Nauman. Created in 1967, this iconic work in the Museum collection...
- Kleriston (3 months ago)
Arnold Melm
Top story:-( Tate on message: \"Happy birthday Bruce Nauman, born in see more
- Arnold Melm (3 months ago)
Walker Art Center
Happy Birthday to the American artist whose practice spans a broad range of media including sculpture
- Walker Art Center (3 months ago)
Stedelijk Museum
Happy birthday to Bruce Nauman who was One of his neon works, My name as though it were written on
- Stedelijk Museum (3 months ago)
Marc-Antoine André
Top story: Tate on message: \"Happy birthday Bruce Nauman, born in 19 see more
- Marc-Antoine André (3 months ago)
A very happy Birthday to Bruce Nauman. You can see some of Nauman\'s key works in the gallery in the Bl
- ARTIST ROOMS (3 months ago)
Violet Dahl
Happy Birthday Bruce Nauman.
- Violet Dahl (3 months ago)
ken h ginders
that\'s a neat piece of work . I wish Bruce Nauman a v happy birthday too !
- ken h ginders (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Bruce Nauman, born in 1941.
See Nauman\'s work in Tate Modern\'s free display
- Tate (3 months ago)
Multimedia artist whose best-known works included "LA Air" from 1970 and "Human/Need/Desire" from 1983. His talents spanned photography, neon, video, drawing, printmaking, and performance.