Happy Birthday Bryan Cranston 1hr speed paint
- Mark Levy (9 months ago)
Happy 66th birthday to the incredible Bryan Cranston!
Can\'t wait to see him again on the big & small screen.
- Epiloguers (9 months ago)
Steve Lamb
Happy Birthday Birthday to Bryan Cranston, Jenna Fischer, Laura Prepon and Rachel Weisz!
- Steve Lamb (9 months ago)
Walter McBride
Happy 66th Birthday to Bryan Cranston
Born: March 7, 1956, Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
Bryan Cranston attends the Ph
- Walter McBride (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to the one who knocks
(Bryan Cranston un des meilleurs acteur de ces 20 dernières années)
- Sansou (9 months ago)
Tonight\'s Entertainment
Say his name...also a Happy Birthday as Bryan Cranston turns 66 today
- Tonight\'s Entertainment (9 months ago)
hi INDiA News Media- News updates 24/7
Happy Birthday Bryan Cranston: 6 UNMISSABLE films that prove his versatility as an actor: hi INDiA
Gallery: cel
- hi INDiA News Media- News updates 24/7 (9 months ago)
Happy birthday, Bryan Cranston! Today the great American actor, producer and director turns 66 years old, see profi
- OneMovies (9 months ago)
Happy 66th Birthday to the GREAT Bryan Cranston
- عبدالله (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Bryan Cranston!
- Uncle-Hyena (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to me and Bryan Cranston
- Aberdeen (9 months ago)
Christian SC
One of his best scenes in Breaking Bad..
Happy birthday Bryan Cranston
- Christian SC (9 months ago)
Happy 66th Birthday to the GREAT Bryan Cranston
- Cox (9 months ago)
Abhishek Arjun Singh
Happy Birthday Mr. White.
the best actor of the greatest television show of all time. Breaking Bad.
(Bryan Cranst
- Abhishek Arjun Singh (9 months ago)
Solo Juan
Happy Birthday Bryan Cranston
- Solo Juan (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to the awesome BRYAN CRANSTON!
- Christopher Bligh (9 months ago)
JOKEOFTHEDAY: Happy Birthday to actor Bryan Cranston, who turns 66 today. He plans to celebrate by makingth a bigth meth. Peace.
- A BRECKENRIDGE (9 months ago)