Happy Birthday to the American professional golfer Calvin Peete (7/18/43 to 4/29/15)! On the PG
- Eva Blackwell (7 months ago)
Gerald A Johnson
birthday; Anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)-President of South Africa from 1994-1999
- Gerald A Johnson (7 months ago)
Tamara Y. Washington
Happy Birthday to the late Calvin Peete. Mr. Peete was an American professional golfer and the most successful Afri
- Tamara Y. Washington (7 months ago)
Calvin Peete...
July 18, 1943...
April 29, 2015
was an American professional golfer. He wa
- missmaybell (7 months ago)
Larry in Missouri
Happy Birthday to the late Calvin Peete, despite not learning to play golf until in his 20 s he was one of the most
- Larry in Missouri (7 months ago)
Remembering the great Calvin Peete.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Accuracy!
- #THEPLAYERS (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the late Calvin Peete. We miss you Mr. Accuracy.
- THE PLAYERS (7 months ago)