happy birthday caterina valente
- robert beatty (19 hours ago)
Happy birthday to Caterina Valente, born on this day in 1931 in Paris, France. Here she is playing One Note Samba
- Dust-to-Digital (22 hours ago)
Rika Ito
No words needed. Happy Birthday Caterina Valente!
- Rika Ito (22 hours ago)
Celebrity Birthdays
Happy birthday today to
Caterina Valente
Jack Jones
Trevor Nunn
John Castle
Faye Dunaway
Suzanne Danielle
Steven S
- Celebrity Birthdays (1 day ago)
mieke netters
Happy birthday Caterina Valente
- mieke netters (1 day ago)
Happy Birthday Caterina Germaine Maria Valente (* 14. Januar 1931 in Paris) ist eine
- Bluesanne (1 day ago)
ATK, euer Ratgeber, euer Gewissen
14.01 ! Happy Birthday, Auguri Caterina Valente (88) !
Im Gedenken an Robert Lembke \"Was bin ich\" +14.01.1989
- ATK, euer Ratgeber, euer Gewissen (1 day ago)
Jennifer McKendrick
Spiel Noch Einmal Für Mich Habanero by Caterina Valente Happy birthday!
- Jennifer McKendrick (12 hours ago)