Welcome to Channing Frye's Birthday Celebration Page
Channing Frye got 271 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Happy birthday to fan-favorite Pablo Prigioni! More birthday wishes to former Knicks Channing Frye and Hubert Dav - KnicksMuse (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Sports E-cyclopedia
Happy 40th Birthday To Channing Frye! 2016 NBA Champion 2005-06 All-Rookie Team 8th Overall Pick In The 20 - The Sports E-cyclopedia (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Today In Moments History
Happy Birthday (May 17th) to Tony Parker (41), and Channing Frye (40)! - Today In Moments History (9 months ago)
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Happy birthday Channing Frye. Blake Griffin has a present for you! - Honest☘️Larry (9 months ago)
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NBA Memes
Channing Frye celebrates with his grandfather after winning a championship in 2016. Happy birthday - NBA Memes (9 months ago)
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Happy birthday Basketball Player Channing Frye! Happy Birthday to you! You do so much for others. I hope you can ta - AllFamous.org (9 months ago)
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Nacho Donut
When you put the big head code on in NBA JAM, it just makes Channing Frye look like he has a normal sized head. Ha - Nacho Donut (9 months ago)
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Shamera Thomas
Happy Birthday, Channing Frye ! - Shamera Thomas (9 months ago)
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Primal Astrology (Official)
Happy Birthday to Channing Frye whose Primal Astrology sign is the Wombat! - Primal Astrology (Official) (9 months ago)
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Sean Keane
Happy Birthday to Arizona legend Channing Frye, who will be hitting threes forever. - Sean Keane (9 months ago)
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clevelanddotcom Cavs
Wish Cavs fan favorite Channing Frye a happy 37th birthday! Photo: Joshua Gunter, - clevelanddotcom Cavs (9 months ago)
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NBA News Now
Happy Birthday Channing Frye - National Basketball Association News - - NBA News Now (9 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Channing Frye - Bua (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

10 Pack Men\'s Patterned Socks - One Size Free Shipping USA Happy Birthday Queen - LiveMarkeT (9 months ago)
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The Hillbilly Hockey Player
Happy birthday Channing Frye. We love you in Cleveland. - The Hillbilly Hockey Player (9 months ago)
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Kevin Kvasnok
Happy birthday bro man - Kevin Kvasnok (9 months ago)
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Kevin Love
The Triangle. Happy Birthday don t know what you re doing here but we love you all the same br - Kevin Love (9 months ago)
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Tez Epps
Happy birthday Channing Frye - Tez Epps (9 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Channing Frye - Doris (9 months ago)
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Happy bday channing frye..may godbless u always... - cathaleya (9 months ago)
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Wishing Happy 36th birthday to Arizona Wildcat Channing Frye!! - PlayersProgramU.com (9 months ago)
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Danny Baddeley
Happy birthday Mr. Channing Frye - Danny Baddeley (9 months ago)
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Happy birthday my man Channing Frye! - Lewis (9 months ago)
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Happy birthday Channing Frye enjoy retirement. - Strader (9 months ago)
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Maximuss Creed
Remembering Channing Frye and still LOL ing to this HAPPY BDAY !!!! - Maximuss Creed (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Emily Kessler
Happy birthday Channing Frye!!! Hope it s a great one! - Emily Kessler (9 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Channing Frye - tkg_42 (9 months ago)
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Cavaliers Brasil
Hoje é aniversário de Channing Frye! Nosso inesquecível ala-pivô completa 36 anos de vida. Happy Bday - Cavaliers Brasil (9 months ago)
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kimmy haines
Hi happy birthday - kimmy haines (9 months ago)
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Vescovo 7 Art
A very late Happy 35th Birthday - Vescovo 7 Art (9 months ago)
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Happy birthday please come back to Cleveland and help the Cavs. Thank you - liz (9 months ago)
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Happy Birthday!! We miss you in the CLE!! - JB (9 months ago)
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Sean Joseph Stull
happy birthday man! - Sean Joseph Stull (9 months ago)
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Alberto Huerta
Happy birthday - Alberto Huerta (9 months ago)
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schaffer berg
Happy birthday goat - schaffer berg (9 months ago)
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happy birthday channing more blessing and birthdays to come hope to see you sooner. all the love for you man idol. - Nicknack (9 months ago)
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@DenverStruck the goat
aye it\'s my bday today to bro happy bday to us and I\'m preety sure miss u at the cavs - @DenverStruck the goat (9 months ago)
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Dixon Ferguson
Happy birthday Frye enjoy your day! - Dixon Ferguson (9 months ago)
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Sherry Sigmond
Happy Birthday Channing! Hope it was great and no hangover today - Sherry Sigmond (9 months ago)
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Happy Belated Birthday - Helen (9 months ago)
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Happy birthday. - Don (9 months ago)
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! - X (9 months ago)
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Kyle Kovach
Happy Birthday boiiiiiiii!! Shout to you from The Land! Hope it\'s been a good 1 - Kyle Kovach (9 months ago)
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Laker Message Boards
Happy birthday, - Laker Message Boards (9 months ago)
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North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
And Happy Birthday to Wang Leehom, Carlos Pena, Davor Dzalto, Dan Hardy, Tony Parker, Channing Frye, Passenger, Tah - North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (9 months ago)
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Happy Birthday! - MGM18 (9 months ago)
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Happy Birthday lol hope you have an amazing year - Sima (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Fryeeeee!! Ilysm and cle miss you - Nana (9 months ago)
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Jake Radke
The chance the get to bring back, they should jump right on it. Happy 35th birthday Channing! - Jake Radke (9 months ago)
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David Stern
Love you Channing! Happy birthday!! - David Stern (9 months ago)

41 years old (Born on May 17, 1983)

NBA forward/center known for his outside shooting; drafted 8th overall by the New York Knicks in 2005, spent two years with the Portland Trail Blazers and joined the Phoenix Suns in 2009.

Channing Frye's Best Moments

Join us in wishing of the a HAPPY 34th BIRTHDAY!
Happy Belated Birthday
Wishing  Happy 36th birthday to Arizona Wildcat Channing Frye!!
Happy Birthday Keep it Zona
To join us in wishing a Happy Birthday to
Happy birthday Channing Frye. Blake Griffin has a present for you!
Happy Birthday to the man, the myth, the legend -
Happy 34th Birthday to Channing Frye!
  Happy Birthday     !!!
That Fryeday Feeling comes early this week!

REmessage to wish a very Happy Birthday!
  Happy Birthday to you!  Happy Birthday to you...!            !
NBA \"Join us in wishing Channing_Frye of the Lakers a HAPPY 35th BIRTHDAY!
   Happy Birthday!!!!
 Happy Birthday!!!
 happy birthday hope it is amazing much love
Happy Birthday to the goat come back to Cleveland
Happy birthday
 Happy Birthday BOIIIIIIII
Happy Birthday  lol hope you have an amazing year
  Remembering Channing Frye and still LOL ing to this HAPPY BDAY !!!!
Wish Cavs fan favorite Channing Frye a happy 37th birthday! Photo: Joshua Gunter,
Channing Frye sexy 0
Channing Frye new pic 1
Channing Frye dating 2
Channing Frye where who 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Channing, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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