Happy Birthday to the late Charles Kuralt, out of Wilmington, North Carolina; most widely known for his long career
- Larry in Missouri ( Leisure Suit Larry) (6 months ago)
This Day in Pop Culture
Happy Birthday! Ryan Phillippe (1974), Guy Ritchie (1968), Colin Firth (1960), Charles Kuralt (1934, d. 1997),
- This Day in Pop Culture (6 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Aino Kukk (d. 2006), Isabel Colegate, Philip Baker Hall, Bo Goldman, Yevgeny Khrunov (d. 2000), K
- Teewhy Nyema (6 months ago)
Sept 10 NATL SWAP IDEAS DAY you can actually keep YOURS to yourself NATL TV DINNER DAY In 1953, C.A. Swanson & So
- jparsio (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday Charles Kuralt! (born September 10, 1934) U.S. journalist On the Road with Charles Kuralt (televis
- LitBirthdays (6 months ago)
Tim Boyum
A happy birthday to North Carolina s Charles Kuralt in This Day in NC History
- Tim Boyum (6 months ago)
Hey Happy 40th birthday. It is good to hear the rich baritone of Charles Kuralt on my TV one more time.
- Scott (6 months ago)
Virgin Vacations
Happy Monday! Today s the birthday of the late Charles Kuralt, who traveled throughout the US to bring us those fam
- Virgin Vacations (6 months ago)
\" Charles is certainly worth remembering. Happy Birthday in memory.
- ivey (6 months ago)
Jim Parker
Charles is certainly worth remembering. Happy Birthday.
- Jim Parker (6 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Charles Kuralt (d. 1997), Roger Maris (d. 1985), Jim Oberstar (d. 2014), Larry Sitsky, Mr. Wrestling II and Mary Oliver.
- North Trenton (6 months ago)
CBS Sunday Morning
Happy Birthday to our former anchor Charles Kuralt, who hosted for 15 years from 1979 until 1994:
- CBS Sunday Morning (6 months ago)
Hot Sauce
Happy Birthday to Charles Kuralt, who would have turned 83 today!
- Hot Sauce (6 months ago)
Granny Goodwitch
...a Happy Birthday to late great newsman Charles Kuralt...born this day in 1934...a writer for the CBS Evening...
- Granny Goodwitch (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to newscaster Charles Kuralt (September 10,1934), author of Charles Kuralt\'s America (1996) et al.
- Book_Addict (6 months ago)
John Jorgensen
happy birthday Charles Kuralt
- John Jorgensen (6 months ago)