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Thank you for preaching the gospel, Dr. Stanley!
- terrikbrown2 (2 years ago)
Kisha O'Neil
For many years thank you for your guidance
- Kisha O'Neil (2 years ago)
Richard Lynch
Been listening (and reading your books) since 1987.
What a huge blessing your ministry has been to me and my family. Thank you for speaking truth!!
- Richard Lynch (2 years ago)
Dr.Stanley, I have been watching your teaching on Tv for a long time and I thank you. I wish that God blesses you with many more healthy and happy birthdays
- Flo (2 years ago)
Cindy Isbell
Thank you Dr. Stanley for your many faithful years serving Jesus by spreading His word. I appreciate your passion and for telling the truth without compromise. God bless you on this special birthday and always!
- Cindy Isbell (2 years ago)
Happy Birthday Charles Stanley!
May God Bless You On Your Special Day!
- Cassie (2 years ago)
Your words have been a true blessed gift
- Joy Palisi / [email protected] (2 years ago)
Happy birthday Have a Blessed Day. Thank you for your teaching the word and works from the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior.
- Janice (2 years ago)
Cooper Taylor
I first heard about Dr Stanley through Jerry Falwell and Liberty University. I wish you very happy Birthday and many more to come. Love you very dearly and thank you for all you’ve done! Happy 90 Dr Stanley!
- Cooper Taylor (2 years ago)
ronke lana-haastrup
Blessed 89th birthday Baba Stanley. I worship in First Baptist Church Atlanta when I visit from Lagos, Nigeria. Privileged to have had a conversation, albeit short and had a photograph taken with Baba Stanley. "Obey God and leave all the consequences to him" simple yet deep teaching, I strive to live by. Thank you.
- ronke lana-haastrup (3 years ago)
ronke lana-haastrup
First watching him on TBN television channel and worship at First Baptist Church Atlanta when I visit from Nigeria.I was once privileged to shake Baba Stanley ( that is how I call him when speaking with anyone), take a photo with him and had a quick conversation, after a service. I treasure the memory .
- ronke lana-haastrup (3 years ago)
Happy Birthday Dr Charles Stanley Faithful & Grateful Paula
- Paula (3 years ago)
GOD BLESS you with good health n protections!
- TERESITA TE CUBE (4 years ago)
Happy Birthday Blessings Pastor Charles Stanley
May you have the Dunamas 88th Birthday ever!
- Arlene (4 years ago)
kema Diggs
Happy 90th birthday Charles Stanley May God continue to bless you with many more years to come.
- kema Diggs (4 months ago)
Cindy McCormick
Happy Birthday Dr. Charles Stanley! God bless you keep up the good work
- Cindy McCormick (4 months ago)
Hogdaddy Glenn
Happy birthday Pastor Charles Stanley, your one of the best modern day teachers of God\'s Holy Word seco
- Hogdaddy Glenn (4 months ago)
Pamela Carter - Pugh
Happy Birthday Dr. Charles Stanley!
- Pamela Carter - Pugh (4 months ago)
Dr. Charles Stanley turned 90 yesterday. Happy Birthday, and thank you for so many years of your teachings.
- NUCLEAR MAGA Babs (4 months ago)
Sheila Sanders
Happy Birthday, Dr. Charles Stanley! God has blessed you with his word and now you bless so many p
- Sheila Sanders (4 months ago)
Evely Tilson
Happy BirthDay Dr. Charles Stanley !!!! You have taught us so much in the short time we have known of Y
- Evely Tilson (4 months ago)
Kevin Henley
Happy birthday, Charles Stanley!!!!
- Kevin Henley (4 months ago)
Aaron Collins, Jr.
- Aaron Collins, Jr. (4 months ago)
Mellye McCabe
Happy Birthday, Dr. Charles Stanley, and many more blessings.
- Mellye McCabe (4 months ago)
Michael Sean Lyons
Happy 90th birthday Dr. Charles Stanley! I hope you had a great time celebrating with your family and f
- Michael Sean Lyons (4 months ago)
Timothy Andrew Brown (Andy)
Happy 90th Birthday to my hero of the faith, Charles Stanley!!!
- Timothy Andrew Brown (Andy) (4 months ago)
Heather Tews
Happy 90th Birthday Dr. Charles Stanley God Keep Blessing You
- Heather Tews (4 months ago)
Jun B Santos
Happy happy birthday Dr Charles Stanley and praise God the Father in heaven for you in Jesus Christ name.
- Jun B Santos (4 months ago)
Nina Emory
Happy birthday Dr Charles Stanley
- Nina Emory (4 months ago)
Melzie Levi
HAPPY 90th. BIRTHDAY DR. CHARLES STANLEY & Thank You For Allowing God To Use You So Awesomely!!!
- Melzie Levi (4 months ago)
Dorothy K. Patterson
Happy birthday, Charles Stanley our international evangelist and Bible teacher! May God give you strength and open
- Dorothy K. Patterson (4 months ago)
Happy 90th birthday Dr. Charles Stanley! You have always been a faithful man of God and a wonderful and
- † (4 months ago)
Kathy Littlechilds
Happy Birthday Dr. Charles Stanley,
God Bless.
- Kathy Littlechilds (4 months ago)
Rochelle Nurse
Happy Birthday Dr Charles Stanley
- Rochelle Nurse (4 months ago)
Rev Jim E Stephenson Gods Child+JUDE-Jesus U of DE
Happy Birthday Rev Charles Stanley and have a blessed NEW YEAR 5783 of the God
- Rev Jim E Stephenson Gods Child+JUDE-Jesus U of DE (4 months ago)
Oshin Stanley Brodersen
Happy Birthday my Dr. Charles Stanley! Hope I can your grandson Jonathan Stanley Brodersen heart. Give
- Oshin Stanley Brodersen (4 months ago)
Terri Kerley
Happy birthday Charles Stanley!
- Terri Kerley (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to
Dr. Charles Stanley!!!
- SYLVIA HOUSTON (4 months ago)
Alan Stoddard
Happy BDay Pastor Charles Stanley! Your teaching ministry has influenced me greatly. Most of all, thank you for bei
- Alan Stoddard (4 months ago)