Welcome to Charles Stanley's Birthday Celebration Page
Charles Stanley got 371 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Thank you for preaching the gospel, Dr. Stanley! - terrikbrown2 (2 years ago)
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Kisha O'Neil
For many years thank you for your guidance - Kisha O'Neil (2 years ago)
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Richard Lynch
Been listening (and reading your books) since 1987. What a huge blessing your ministry has been to me and my family. Thank you for speaking truth!! - Richard Lynch (2 years ago)
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Dr.Stanley, I have been watching your teaching on Tv for a long time and I thank you. I wish that God blesses you with many more healthy and happy birthdays - Flo (2 years ago)
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Cindy Isbell
Thank you Dr. Stanley for your many faithful years serving Jesus by spreading His word. I appreciate your passion and for telling the truth without compromise. God bless you on this special birthday and always! - Cindy Isbell (2 years ago)
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Happy Birthday Charles Stanley! May God Bless You On Your Special Day! - Cassie (2 years ago)
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Joy Palisi / [email protected]
Your words have been a true blessed gift - Joy Palisi / [email protected] (2 years ago)
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Happy birthday Have a Blessed Day. Thank you for your teaching the word and works from the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. - Janice (2 years ago)
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Cooper Taylor
I first heard about Dr Stanley through Jerry Falwell and Liberty University. I wish you very happy Birthday and many more to come. Love you very dearly and thank you for all you’ve done! Happy 90 Dr Stanley! - Cooper Taylor (2 years ago)
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ronke lana-haastrup
Blessed 89th birthday Baba Stanley. I worship in First Baptist Church Atlanta when I visit from Lagos, Nigeria. Privileged to have had a conversation, albeit short and had a photograph taken with Baba Stanley. "Obey God and leave all the consequences to him" simple yet deep teaching, I strive to live by. Thank you. - ronke lana-haastrup (3 years ago)
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ronke lana-haastrup
First watching him on TBN television channel and worship at First Baptist Church Atlanta when I visit from Nigeria.I was once privileged to shake Baba Stanley ( that is how I call him when speaking with anyone), take a photo with him and had a quick conversation, after a service. I treasure the memory . - ronke lana-haastrup (3 years ago)
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Happy Birthday Dr Charles Stanley Faithful & Grateful Paula - Paula (3 years ago)
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WE LOVE YOU PASTOR CHARLES STANLEY! GOD BLESS you with good health n protections! - TERESITA TE CUBE (4 years ago)
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Happy Birthday Blessings Pastor Charles Stanley May you have the Dunamas 88th Birthday ever! - Arlene (4 years ago)
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kema Diggs
Happy 90th birthday Charles Stanley May God continue to bless you with many more years to come. - kema Diggs (4 months ago)
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Cindy McCormick
Happy Birthday Dr. Charles Stanley! God bless you keep up the good work - Cindy McCormick (4 months ago)
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Hogdaddy Glenn
Happy birthday Pastor Charles Stanley, your one of the best modern day teachers of God\'s Holy Word seco - Hogdaddy Glenn (4 months ago)
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Pamela Carter - Pugh
Happy Birthday Dr. Charles Stanley! - Pamela Carter - Pugh (4 months ago)
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Dr. Charles Stanley turned 90 yesterday. Happy Birthday, and thank you for so many years of your teachings. - NUCLEAR MAGA Babs (4 months ago)
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Sheila Sanders
Happy Birthday, Dr. Charles Stanley! God has blessed you with his word and now you bless so many p - Sheila Sanders (4 months ago)
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Evely Tilson
Happy BirthDay Dr. Charles Stanley !!!! You have taught us so much in the short time we have known of Y - Evely Tilson (4 months ago)
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Kevin Henley
Happy birthday, Charles Stanley!!!! - Kevin Henley (4 months ago)
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Aaron Collins, Jr.
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Mellye McCabe
Happy Birthday, Dr. Charles Stanley, and many more blessings. - Mellye McCabe (4 months ago)
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Michael Sean Lyons
Happy 90th birthday Dr. Charles Stanley! I hope you had a great time celebrating with your family and f - Michael Sean Lyons (4 months ago)
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Timothy Andrew Brown (Andy)
Happy 90th Birthday to my hero of the faith, Charles Stanley!!! - Timothy Andrew Brown (Andy) (4 months ago)
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Heather Tews
Happy 90th Birthday Dr. Charles Stanley God Keep Blessing You - Heather Tews (4 months ago)
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Jun B Santos
Happy happy birthday Dr Charles Stanley and praise God the Father in heaven for you in Jesus Christ name. - Jun B Santos (4 months ago)
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Nina Emory
Happy birthday Dr Charles Stanley - Nina Emory (4 months ago)
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Melzie Levi
HAPPY 90th. BIRTHDAY DR. CHARLES STANLEY & Thank You For Allowing God To Use You So Awesomely!!! - Melzie Levi (4 months ago)
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Dorothy K. Patterson
Happy birthday, Charles Stanley our international evangelist and Bible teacher! May God give you strength and open - Dorothy K. Patterson (4 months ago)
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Happy 90th birthday Dr. Charles Stanley! You have always been a faithful man of God and a wonderful and - † (4 months ago)
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Kathy Littlechilds
Happy Birthday Dr. Charles Stanley, God Bless. - Kathy Littlechilds (4 months ago)
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Rochelle Nurse
Happy Birthday Dr Charles Stanley - Rochelle Nurse (4 months ago)
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Rev Jim E Stephenson Gods Child+JUDE-Jesus U of DE
Happy Birthday Rev Charles Stanley and have a blessed NEW YEAR 5783 of the God - Rev Jim E Stephenson Gods Child+JUDE-Jesus U of DE (4 months ago)
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Oshin Stanley Brodersen
Happy Birthday my Dr. Charles Stanley! Hope I can your grandson Jonathan Stanley Brodersen heart. Give - Oshin Stanley Brodersen (4 months ago)
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Terri Kerley
Happy birthday Charles Stanley! - Terri Kerley (4 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to Dr. Charles Stanley!!! - SYLVIA HOUSTON (4 months ago)
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Alan Stoddard
Happy BDay Pastor Charles Stanley! Your teaching ministry has influenced me greatly. Most of all, thank you for bei - Alan Stoddard (4 months ago)
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Hilcias Barrios
Happy Birthday Charles Stanley - Hilcias Barrios (4 months ago)
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Jehovah Shammah
Happy birthday Dr. Charles Stanley. Your preachings are life changing - Jehovah Shammah (4 months ago)
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Erica Pierce
90 wow!! Praise God for Charles Stanley & In Touch Ministries. Thank you Jesus! Happy Birthday - Erica Pierce (4 months ago)
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[email protected] 111marge_silbert111
Happy 90th Birthday Pastor Charles Stanley. - [email protected] 111marge_silbert111 (4 months ago)
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Raymond Morrison
Happy Birthday Dr. Charles Stanley I wish you the best on this day of the Lord and truly know that the - Raymond Morrison (4 months ago)
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Happy Birthday, Dr. Charles Stanley. I pray God continues giving you the wisdom, love, and compassion t - Millionaire35 (4 months ago)
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Happy 90th Birthday to Dr. Charles Stanley my boss & pastor for 25 years. - MeliDe (4 months ago)
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Bettie Grady
Happy Blessed 90th Birthday Dr. Charles Stanley! - Bettie Grady (4 months ago)
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Alyce M
Happy birthday Dr. Charles Stanley! May God continue to be the blessing to you that you have been to millions. - Alyce M (4 months ago)
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dr CHARLES STANLEY.....one of my favorite pastor - FRIDAyKNIGHT (4 months ago)

92 years old (Born on September 25, 1932)

Evangelical pastor of the First Baptist Church who also founded In Touch Ministries in 1982.

Charles Stanley's Best Moments

Happy Birthday Charles Stanley of We wish you a wonderful day of laughter, peace, and joy!
Happy 90th birthday to Dr. Charles Stanley.
Happy Birthday Charles Stanley of May your birthday be a reminder of God s love in your life
Celebrating 85 years of life! Please join us in wishing our pastor, Dr. Charles Stanley, a Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to Dr. Charles Stanley!
Happy Birthday to our long-time friend, Dr. Charles Stanley!
Dr. Charles Stanley turned 90 yesterday. Happy Birthday, and thank you for so many years of your teachings.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY  Dr CHARLES STANLEY.....one of my favorite pastor
 Happy Birthday Dr. Charles Stanley! You are a blessing in my life and with so many others.
Happy Birthday to our pastor, Dr. Charles Stanley!
Happy birthday Will Smith and Dr. Charles Stanley
Happy 83rd Birthday to one of the greatest preachers, communicators and leaders in America today, Dr. Charles Stanley
Happy Birthday to Dr. Charles Stanley, one of the greatest men of God I know.
Happy 85th Birthday Dr. Charles Stanley!
Happy Birthday My Dear Mentor Charles Stanley!
Happy Birthday to Dr. Charles Stanley from Compassion Ministries
Happy Birthday, Rev. Charles Stanley
 Wow, 89th Happy Birthday Charles Stanley!
Happy 89th Birthday to 
Rev. Charles Stanley of In Touch Ministries!
Happy 90th Birthday 
Dr. Charles Stanley
Happy 90th Birthday to Dr. Charles Stanley my boss & pastor for 25 years.
Charles Stanley sexy 0
Charles Stanley new pic 1
Charles Stanley dating 2
Charles Stanley body 3

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Charles, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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