Welcome to Charlotte Rampling's Birthday Celebration Page
Charlotte Rampling got 325 balloons for her birthday! Gift her more message balloons!
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Grimard Marie-Christ
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling - Grimard Marie-Christ (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

David Hollingsworth
Happy 77th Birthday to the legendary Charlotte Rampling! - David Hollingsworth (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Writer Wil
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling! - Writer Wil (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Adam Tawfik
Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling, an actress who has a 50+ year body of work in challenging, unsettling films. - Adam Tawfik (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling, who plays one of my favorite and one of the most mysterious Solondz character - SOLONDZCAST (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Lainie Marsh
A beautiful badass. Happy Birthday, Charlotte Rampling! - Lainie Marsh (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Brian Rowe
Happy birthday to the divine Charlotte Rampling, whose Oscar nomination for 45 Years is an all-timer - Brian Rowe (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

La femme merveilleuse invisible
I know I have great inner strength; I always have. I can blank things out, cut people out, and I know that I can g - La femme merveilleuse invisible (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling Charlotte Rampling et Dirk Bogard, fusain et pastels - artispolitical (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Charlotte Rampling! - sophia (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Jen Johans
Happy Birthday, Lauren!!! (And Charlotte Rampling!) - Jen Johans (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday English actress Charlotte Rampling, now 77 years old. Below, Charlotte in 1974. - Masquerade (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling! Let\'s celebrate with her historical costume movie & TV roles like Lady Spencer i - FrockFlicks (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Barbara Hershey, Charlotte Rampling, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Laura Linney share a birthday today, February 5! Ha - ArtHouseFilmWire (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Charlotte Rampling! - cinesthetic (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Stephanie Jevtić Pyrzynski
Happy birthday to the talented Charlotte Rampling. Here s an article I wrote about a forgotten she did with - Stephanie Jevtić Pyrzynski (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Charlotte Rampling! in 1946. - MUBI US (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling - Ivana (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Saucy Seventies Adventures
Happy 77th Birthday to Charlotte Rampling. Here\'s one of her lesser known films - The Ski Bum. - Saucy Seventies Adventures (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Reel and Roll Films - Jupe & Jobu Tupaki Freak
Happy birthday to the brilliant Charlotte Rampling. - Reel and Roll Films - Jupe & Jobu Tupaki Freak (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Vano Klertiashvili
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling (February 5, 1946) - Vano Klertiashvili (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Dvd Daddy
Happy Birthday to actors Jennifer Jason Leigh ( Laura Linney ( Charlotte Rampling ( - Dvd Daddy (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Sarah Jane ★
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling... 77 years young today - Sarah Jane ★ (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Sal Jones
You Seem Familiar, oil on canvas 100 x 70 cm Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling, 60\'s icon, turns 77 today. Inspi - Sal Jones (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Stars and Cars
A big Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling, icon of the born in 1946. With her span - Stars and Cars (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling - videovampir (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Mr Natural.
Happy 77th Birthday English Actress Charlotte Rampling - Mr Natural. (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Moving Pictures
Feb 5 Happy Birthday part 1: David Selby, Charlotte Rampling, David Ladd, Christopher Guest, - Moving Pictures (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Michael Sheen, Charlotte Rampling, Tom Wilkinson, Jacqui Dankworth, - BRMGradio (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 77th birthday to former model and actress Charlotte Rampling. Best known for her role in Liliana Cavani\'s The - SimonB (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

USAS - Historian, Traveler, Planet Earth Advocate!
February 5 is Charlotte Rampling\'s birthday. The English model, actress, singer attended Jeanne d\'Arc Academie in V - USAS - Historian, Traveler, Planet Earth Advocate! (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Kevin M Callihan Sr, BBA JD MPA
THE VERDICT, VANISHING POINT, and many more. Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling. - Kevin M Callihan Sr, BBA JD MPA (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

silvia pujol
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, CHARLOTTE RAMPLING. - silvia pujol (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Hollywood Golden Age of Cinema
Happy 77th Birthday to Charlotte Rampling OBE. Born | February 5, 1946 in Sturmer, Essex, England. Known for her - Hollywood Golden Age of Cinema (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

David Chan
Seventies celebration. Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling - David Chan (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

\"Ever since I was a small child, I\'ve had this feeling - that if everyone\'s going one way, I will go the other, jus - kyatxin (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Ricardo Hirooka
Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling - Ricardo Hirooka (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Pagan Hollywood
Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling. Photograph by Lewis Morley, 1963. - Pagan Hollywood (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 76th Birthday to Charlotte Rampling. Credit: Flashback to the 70\'s - DARK VOX (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Memory Lane Radio
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling 76 today - Memory Lane Radio (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Before it s 00:00, happy birthday to Charlotte Rampling, talent qui bouscule, visage et allure de caractère qui fra - val (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling - News @ - Wamtec.com (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Karen Myatt Music
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling - Karen Myatt Music (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to British actress, Charlotte Rampling who gives a phenomenal & emotive performance in Liliana Cavan - CultFilms (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Alfonso López
This couple is truly British Royalty. She Charlotte Rampling is the queen (Happy Birthday). He Lewis Hamilton is t - Alfonso López (1 week ago)
birthday balloon

Reel and Roll Nishijima/Negga/Reinsve/Smit-McPhee
Happy birthday to Charlotte Rampling! One of my favourite performances of hers - Laura in Sidney Lumet s THE VERDIC - Reel and Roll Nishijima/Negga/Reinsve/Smit-McPhee (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to actress, model and singer Charlotte Rampling, born on February 5, 1946 - Space-reporter-news (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Bill Taylor
Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together - Helmut Newton photographs Charlotte Rampling. Happy Birthday Ms Rampl - Bill Taylor (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

And the Runner-Up Is
Happy Birthday to Academy Award nominee Charlotte Rampling, who turns 76 today! The actress earned her first and th - And the Runner-Up Is (2 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Steve Shor
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling. Your latest film \"Juniper\" is wonderful. Sonoma Int\'l Film Festival - Steve Shor (2 weeks ago)

79 years old (Born on February 05, 1946)

Georgy Girl, The Verdict

Charlotte Rampling's Best Moments

Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling - Truthsayer to the Emperor himself.
Happy Birthday, Charlotte Rampling!
Charlotte Rampling is 73 today, Happy Birthday Charlotte
Happy birthday to Charlotte Rampling, seen here in a classic 1973 photo by Helmut Newton.
Happy Birthday to a personal favorite, Charlotte Rampling, seen here in Georgy Girl with Alan Bates, 1966.
Happy birthday to Charlotte Rampling! Clive Arrowsmith
POV: You dismiss his mother in her own house [Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling!]
Happy birthday to the brilliant Charlotte Rampling.
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling.

Here in Visconti s The Damned...
Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling who turns 76 today!  Photo by Helmut Newton.
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling
Happy 75th birthday Charlotte Rampling
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling! Here is the inimitable actress from our S/S11 issue.
Happy Birthday, Charlotte Rampling!
Happy Birthday English actress Charlotte Rampling, now 77 years old. Below, Charlotte in 1974.
Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling.
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling
Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling!
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling.
Happy birthday to Charlotte Rampling : a 1973 photo by Helmut Newton |
Happy Birthday, Charlotte Rampling!
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling.....
Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling.

Photograph by Lewis Morley, 1963.
Happy Birthday to the Queen of independent cinema, the great Charlotte Rampling! All the best!
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling
Happy birthday to queen Charlotte Rampling
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling  Swimming Pool (2003, dir. François Ozon)
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling Chin chin  xx
Happy 75th birthday to the esteemed actor Charlotte Rampling.
Happy Birthday, Charlotte Rampling! in 1946.
Happy birthday to the divine Charlotte Rampling, whose Oscar nomination for 45 Years is an all-timer
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling
Happy 73rd Birthday Charlotte Rampling!
Happy 73rd birthday Charlotte Rampling! Here wearing Thea Porter and Ossie Clark in the early Seventies.
Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling.
Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling!
Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling who turns 75 years young today

Happy birthday to the great Charlotte Rampling.
Here in The Night Porter.
Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling.
Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling, one of my very favourite actresses.
Happy 75th Birthday to 
Con una carrera de casi 60 años, CHARLOTTE RAMPLING es una grandísima actriz. Happy birthday!!!
Wishing Charlotte Rampling a very happy birthday
Happy 76th Birthday to Charlotte Rampling. 
Credit: Flashback to the 70\s
Happy 77th Birthday English Actress Charlotte Rampling
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling. Born this day in 1946.
Happy birthday to Charlotte Rampling
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling! Is there anyone with better...
2 5 happy birthday               Charlotte Rampling
Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling 73
Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling .
Happy 75th birthday to british actress Charlotte Rampling
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling!
 Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling 76 today
Happy 77th Birthday to Charlotte Rampling. Here\s one of her lesser known films - The Ski Bum.
 Happy birthday, 
Charlotte Rampling Charlotte Rampling et Dirk Bogard, fusain et pastels
Happy birthday! Charlotte Rampling, OBE, 1946/2/5
Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling.
Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling. \" Charlotte Rampling en \"The Knack...\" Richard Lester
Happy Birthday, Charlotte Rampling!!
Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling.
Charlotte Rampling 


English Great Actress 

Happy 69th Birthday !!!

5 Feb 1946
Happy 68th birthday to the brilliant (and always fine) English actress Charlotte Rampling.
Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling I love her so much. If you haven\t seen UNDER THE SAND, it\s a must.
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling! Is there anyone with better...
Happy Birthday, Charlotte Rampling!
The Night Porter 1974 The Damned 1969 Georgy Girl 1966 Asylum 1972
Happy Birthday. Today, Feb 5, 1946 Charlotte Rampling, English actress was born. 

Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling (1946).
Happy 71st birthday Charlotte Rampling
Happy Birthday dear Charlotte Rampling!
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling
Happy birthday beautiful and magnificent Charlotte Rampling
February 5th happy birthday CHARLOTTE RAMPLING
Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling!
Share this post and say Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling!
2 5                  (Charlotte Rampling)
1946 2 5  Happy Birthday 72   Wenn ich mir was wünschen dürfte
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling (Sturmer, Essex, 5 February 1946) 
© Brigitte Lacombe
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLOTTE RAMPLING - 05. February 1946.  Sturmer, Essex, England, UK
Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling who turns 73 today! Name the movie of this shot. 5 min to answer!
Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling!
Photo: Charlotte Rampling and Jean-Michel Jarre
Happy Birthday to the one and only Charlotte Rampling!
Happy birthday to Charlotte Rampling
Happy to Charlotte Rampling.
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling !
Happy 73rd Birthday
Happy  birthday  Charlotte Rampling
Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling.
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling, 5 February 1946
\"Charlotte Rampling\" Vogue Italie 1992 
© Michel Comte
Happy Birthday, Charlotte Rampling! Born 5 February 1946 in Sturmer, England
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling!
Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling
Actress Charlotte Rampling is 74. Happy Birthday!!
Charlotte Rampling Happy Feb. 5 birthday!
Happy Birthday  Charlotte Rampling
5 February:  Happy Birthday, Charlotte Rampling!
Happy Birthday to Miss Charlotte Rampling
Happy 75th Birthday, Charlotte Rampling!
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling !

Charlotte Rampling photographiée par Bettina Rheims, Paris, 1985
Happy Birthday, Tessa Charlotte Rampling {Feb. 5}!
Happy Birthday to Brie Larson-victim  Charlotte Rampling.
Happy Birthday, Charlotte Rampling!
Wishing Charlotte Rampling a very Happy 76th Birthday.
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling.
Happy 76th Birthday Charlotte Rampling
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling
Happy birthday, Charlotte Rampling
Seventies celebration. Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling
Happy Birthday to Charlotte Rampling
Happy Birthday Charlotte Rampling... 77 years young today
Happy birthday Charlotte Rampling (February 5, 1946)
Happy 77th Birthday to the legendary Charlotte Rampling!
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Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Charlotte, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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