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Laylah Alexandra Bruckner (Alex Camusso)
You gave me a kiss on the cheek, after I waited for you in a concert you were giving in La Plata, Argentina. I was 16 then. I was born there. I've been living in the United States since 18 years old, now 57. I loved your music, Charly, in times of confusion, depression, and loneliness missing my country, you've been there every minute. You stopped, that time in La Plata ,what you we're doing to greet a fan, that's all you did. Thank you. You are unique and your music lives and will live forever! From the bottom of my heart. Happy Birthday!!!! I love you.
- Laylah Alexandra Bruckner (Alex Camusso) (3 years ago)
El mundo tiene suerte de tenerte y la música que nos das
- Mr.Burroughs (5 years ago)
Happy birthday to you Maestro Charly García.
JAIME ANDRéS CASTILLO es Andy Pan! On rights on 2022... El cuerpo del Rock N Spañol.
- JaimeAndresCastilloC (3 months ago)
Roxy Indica
En el cumpleaños de Charly García aquí va el saludo de su \'influenza\' musical Feliz Cumpleaños,
- Roxy Indica (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Rock Singer Charly García! There s a way to make every day as incredible as your 71th birthday? Just
- (3 months ago)
no name only thoughts
Se me acaba de ocurrir un pensamiento horrible, asqueroso, repugnante:
psv es el símil de cultura popular más cerc
- no name only thoughts (3 months ago)
Dear Charly García, thanks for being an inspiration. We\'ll love you forever. Happy 70th birthday!
- Light.Synth (3 months ago)
Agustín Cordes
Happy birthday, Charly García. A national treasure. Perhaps our most representative musician who released one of th
- Agustín Cordes (3 months ago)
Happy birthday charly garcia.
- liv (3 months ago)
River Plate in English
Happy 70th birthday to River fanatic and Argentine rock icon Mr Charly García
- River Plate in English (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Charly García, if it weren\'t for the language barrier he would definitely be a world icon
- Virginia (3 months ago)
one of the greatest, most brilliant musicians the world has ever seen, and o
- floyd ☾ folk rock publicist (3 months ago)
Dirty Rock Magazine
Charly García cumple HOY 70 años. Genial Compositor, productor y cantante argentino, pieza fundamental para el desa
- Dirty Rock Magazine (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the immortal Charly García, who will surely live another 70 years
- SS (3 months ago)
Embassy of Argentina in SA
On October 23, 1951, Charly García one of the most important legends of Argentine National Rock was born.
70 year
- Embassy of Argentina in SA (3 months ago)
Marcela Blajer
En Octubre de este año,\"70\" es el número para dos GIGANTES de LIBRA!!Un inglés y un argentino...Happy birthday ..&
- Marcela Blajer (3 months ago)
Chino Tapia
Charly García, Perry Farrell y Simon Le Bon - Ticket to Ride 31/03/2017 a través de
- Chino Tapia (3 months ago)
Roxana Amed
Happy Bday to the great Charly García! I had the joy to sing his music in albums by and in Cinemateca
- Roxana Amed (3 months ago)
ᴘᴇᴘɪ ☀️
happy birthday charly garcia tal cual que taste
- ᴘᴇᴘɪ ☀️ (3 months ago)
\"Desarma y sangra\". Tribute to Charly García Happy Birthday dear Charly via
- Manhattanlion (3 months ago)
Solo Juan
Happy Birthday Charly García
- Solo Juan (3 months ago)
do you know charly garcia? today\'s his birthday wish him a happy birthday
- sharon (3 months ago)
ً mar green day fan acc
hi liam today is the charly garcia bday, can you say happy bithday charly?
- ً mar green day fan acc (3 months ago)
hi liam today is the charly garcia bday, can you say happy bithday charly?
- ً mar ME VOY A LA MIERDA (3 months ago)
ً mar
hi liam today is the charly garcia bday, can you say happy bithday charly?
- ً mar (3 months ago)
Javier Martin Miro
- Javier Martin Miro (3 months ago)
Happy birthday GENIO oído absoluto, Músico extraordinario de los que ya no existen! I Charly Garcia
- mariateresaguerrero (3 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Maths O. Sundqvist (d. 2012), Charly Garcia, Fatmir Sejdiu, David Wills, Pierre Moerlen (d. 2005)
- Teewhy Nyema (3 months ago)
Eduardo Varas C
Happy birthday Charly García...
También hice una lista de sus canciones, pero de esas joyas que deberías escuchar
- Eduardo Varas C (3 months ago)
Musika Haus
Feliz Cumple Maestro Charly García! Happy Bday Charly García!
- Musika Haus (3 months ago)
Hoy esta cumpliendo 68 años
Charly Garcia. ¡Happy birthday! ¿Cual es su canción preferida de Charly?
-No m
- Rodrigo (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday Charly García
- Alextours (3 months ago)
¡Happy Birthday!: Momentos durante la trayectoria de Charly García
- Arsenal de Sarandi (3 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Maths O. Sundqvist (d. 2012), Charly Garcia, Fatmir Sejdiu, David Wills, Pierre Moerlen (d. 2005)
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday Carlos Alberto García Moreno. (October 23, 1951) Professionally known as Charly Garcia, he is a
- InsideRock.News (3 months ago)
The Bubble
Happy birthday, Charly García (or whatever)
- The Bubble (3 months ago)
Periodista: Entre Chopin y Prince hay una distancia grande ¿La llenás con otras cosas?
Charly Garcia: Sí,
- Fernando (3 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Maths O. Sundqvist (d. 2012), Charly Garcia, Fatmir Sejdiu, David Wills, Pierre Moerlen (d. 2005) and Ken Tipton.
- North Trenton (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday! a Charly Garcia, artista emblema del rock Argentino Foto: Col 2012
- RockoBits (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to Argentine singer Charly García, born Oct. 23, 1951. Here is his video of Chipi Chipi.
- forionpozo (3 months ago)
Cumpleaños feliz al dueño de mis oidos bicolor: happy bday Good Charlotte 30 Denarios - Charly García y Pedro Aznar
- G★ @beanewkillerstar (3 months ago)
G★ Cyber-Geisha
Cumpleaños feliz al dueño de mis oidos bicolor: happy bday Good Charlotte 30 Denarios - Charly García y Pedro Aznar
- G★ Cyber-Geisha (3 months ago)