62 years old (Born on September 19, 1962)
American, Actress; She is famous from Saturday Night Live.
Cheri is most known for her role on NBC`S "Saturday Night Live" (1975). Siblings are Denise, Brian and Tommy Jr. Often plays characters who are upbeat, perky, or hyper. Her father, Gaetano Thomas "Tommy" Oteri was a record producer in Nashville. He was allegedly murdered on April 26, 2008 by his friend/roommate, songwriter Richard Fagan. Oteri died from a "significant laceration" to his wrist caused by Fagan`s pocket knife. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Cheri Oteri's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Cheri Oteri
Worked as a Co-ordinator in the Promotion Department of A & M Records [1990-1994]
Presented at the 2000 GLAAD Media Awards to honor films and TV shows that accurately portray gay and lesbian people.
Her SNL character Rita Delvechio is based on her grandmother.
Known for her role on SNL as Arianna, the Spartans cheerleader wanna-be, who cheers with Craig, the male Spartans cheerleader wanna-be
Cheri is the niece of production designer Barbara Pietsch.