Welcome to Chris Claremont's Birthday Celebration Page
Chris Claremont got 122 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Rafael Martins
Happy birthday Chris Claremont - Rafael Martins (3 months ago)
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David Padovani
I suoi X-Men a fine anni \'80 mi fecero tornare a leggere i fumetti di supereroi, lasciati negli albi della Corno da - David Padovani (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Patricio Oliver
Happy Birthday to the amazing Chris Claremont, words can t describe how much his amazing art and work mean to me. - Patricio Oliver (3 months ago)
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Aaron King
Happy birthday to Chris Claremont, my finest friend & worst enemy (parasocial). I won\'t meet my resolution of readi - Aaron King (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Today is Chris Claremont\'s birthday which means it\'s Ororo Munroe\'s birthday. Happy Birthday to my GOAT. There\'s no - CURSED TO WIN ⚡️ (3 months ago)
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SuperHeroHype by Mandatory
Happy Birthday to Chris Claremont, the writer who turned the into one of Marvel\'s most popular comics. - SuperHeroHype by Mandatory (3 months ago)
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Alex Segura ⚡️ pre-order SECRET IDENTITY! ⚡️
Happy belated birthday to the legendary Chris Claremont, who\'s written some of my favorite comics, often paired wit - Alex Segura ⚡️ pre-order SECRET IDENTITY! ⚡️ (3 months ago)
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Mutual Respect Podcast
Happy birthday to the legendary Chris Claremont. Created some of the greatest comic book characters of all-time. Wa - Mutual Respect Podcast (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Chris Claremont! - woodywoodrum (3 months ago)
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Cyclops News
Happy Birthday Chris Claremont! - Cyclops News (3 months ago)
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Igor Mêda
Happy Birthday Chris Claremont. - Igor Mêda (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to comic book writer Chris Claremont - co-creator of Kitty Pryde, the X-Men character that Joss Whed - BuffyForums (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Chris Claremont! I\'m kind of a fan - Joe (3 months ago)
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Keona Tang
Happy Birthday to one of my great literary heroes, Chris Claremont!!! - Keona Tang (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Comic Tower
Wishing a happy birthday to legendary comic book writer Chris Claremont, who was born on this date in 1950. Most fa - The Comic Tower (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Chris Claremont - Kinneas (3 months ago)
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Smash Pages
Happy Birthday to Chris Claremont! - Smash Pages (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wakandan Love era
Storms birthday is on 25th November which is today according from Chris Claremont. Just to verify , Happy Birthday - Wakandan Love era (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

I Have A Nerdy Mind #Blacklivesmatter
Happy birthday to Eagle and Eisner award winner, X-Men writer, New Mutants co-creator/writer, Excalibur co-creator/ - I Have A Nerdy Mind #Blacklivesmatter (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael Edwards
Happy Birthday to the Godfather of the X-Men, Chris Claremont! - Michael Edwards (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lidia Castillo
These are the creators that made me fall in love with the X-Men as a little girl! what a great picture. Also, ha - Lidia Castillo (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Chris Claremont for helping younger me feel not so alone in the world...that even though I was di - Adam (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wwprice1: Happy 70th Birthday to legendary comics writer, Chris Claremont! He s written multiple iconic tales! What - Aloz (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Let’s Talk X-Men: Evolution
Happy birthday, Chris Claremont! - Let’s Talk X-Men: Evolution (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Eric Scott Smith
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chris Claremont. Thank you for your talent and your art that helped cement my - Eric Scott Smith (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to the great Chris Claremont! We met him foe the first time ever at New Mexico Comic Expo - he was v - XMenTAS (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

John \"The Masked Man\" Chadwick
Happy birthday to Chris Claremont! - John \"The Masked Man\" Chadwick (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Toon Hall of Fame
Happy birthday to writer Chris Claremont! - Toon Hall of Fame (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

(2/2) I was able to thank Chris for writing X-Men I told him I loved that story because it t - 808-comicbookfan (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

mike avila
Happy 70th birthday to comics legend Chris Claremont! I wrote about his incredible career - including one of his mo - mike avila (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Don Chin
Happy birthday to Chris Claremont, Comics Writer par X-cellence! (an - Don Chin (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Don Chin - xfarce.com
Happy birthday to Chris Claremont, Comics Writer par X-cellence! (an - Don Chin - xfarce.com (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Chris Claremont, born today in 1950. Claremont is a British-born American comic book writer and n - Vault0 (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Next 2 Nerds
Today is Chris Claremont s birthday. His works have been hugely impactful to us here at and We re so h - Next 2 Nerds (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Stormitorium
According to Chris Claremont, Storm\'s birthday is the same as his: TODAY, November 25th. Happy Birthday Ororo ST - The Stormitorium (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Man-Thing’s Menagerie of Marvelous Monsters
Happy Birthday, Chris Claremont. - The Man-Thing’s Menagerie of Marvelous Monsters (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bobby Varghese Vinu
Happy birthday Chris Claremont! - Bobby Varghese Vinu (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

I Bought That Comic
Happy 70th birthday to Chris Claremont, whose unparalleled run on X-MEN has achieved considerable lengths to shape - I Bought That Comic (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 40th Birthday to the Dark Phoenix Saga!! Throwback to meeting Chris Claremont ( ) the man who - Ødfel (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Today In Star Trek History
30 November: Happy birthday 1950: CHRIS CLAREMONT, author (Debt of Honor, DC graphic novel) 1952: KEITH GIFFEN, cov - Today In Star Trek History (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Comic Book Club
Happy birthday to Chris Claremont! - Comic Book Club (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Adam Hoffman
Happy birthday Chris Claremont. Hope you survive the experience! - Adam Hoffman (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

We Got The Geek
Happy birthday Xmen writer Chris Claremont! - We Got The Geek (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 69th birthday, Chris Claremont. Thanks for some of the mightiest Marvel stories ever. - pierce (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mr. Doctor
Chris Claremont\'s genius was writing for characters that he made so relatable and real, you felt like you know them - Mr. Doctor (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Chris Claremont. Whose incredible writing brought a massive dose of freshness and made t - SimonBarreBrisebois (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chett ❌
Happy birthday, Chris Claremont! - Chett ❌ (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jabari A Jefferson
birthday balloon

Will Pheesh
Happy Birthday, Chris Claremont! 18-31 by Claremont, Sienkiewicz, Wein, Orzechowski, Buhalis, Rosen - Will Pheesh (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Comic Attack
Happy birthday, Chris Claremont! - Comic Attack (3 months ago)

74 years old (Born on November 25, 1950)

Happy Birthday, Chris Claremont! May your day be as legendary as your nearly two-decade run on Uncanny X-Men—where you taught us that mutants have feelings too, and that spandex can indeed be timeless. Your storytelling gave us iconic characters like Rogue, Gambit, and Kitty Pryde; honestly, we still haven't forgiven you for making Wolverine so cool we all secretly wanted sideburns.

Beyond comics, you've soared into sci-fi novels like "First Flight" and "Sundowner," proving your imagination knows no bounds. Here's hoping this birthday brings fewer plot twists than a typical X-Men saga—but just as much excitement. Cheers!

Chris Claremont's Best Moments

Happy Birthday to Chris Claremont, the writer who turned the into one of Marvel\s most popular comics.
Happy Birthday, Chris Claremont!!!!
Happy birthday to Chris Claremont!
Happy birthday to Chris Claremont -- the most valuable member of the X-Men!
Happy birthday Chris Claremont
Happy Birthday Chris Claremont!
Happy birthday to Chris Claremont. His 16 year run on X-Men gave us a lot of great characters and themes.
Happy Birthday, Chris Claremont.
Happy Birthday Chris Claremont!
A very happy birthday to one of the all-time greats, Chris Claremont. Many happy returns sir!
Happy birthday to legendary X-Men writer Chris Claremont, who turns 69 today!
Happy Birthday, Chris Claremont.
Happy 69th Birthday to the uncanny Chris Claremont! Born today 25th November 1950!
Happy 69th birthday, Chris Claremont. Thanks for some of the mightiest Marvel stories ever.
Happy Birthday to Chris Claremont!
Happy Birthday Chris Claremont!
Happy birthday Chris Claremont! Thank you for so much! It was a real pleasure to meet you.
Happy 69th birthday to longtime X-MEN scribe Chris Claremont!
Happy birthday to writer Chris Claremont!
Happy Birthday to long-time New\ X-Men writer Chris Claremont! 2013 VIDEO INTERVIEW
Happy birthday Chris Claremont! writer
Happy Birthday Chris Claremont! (Author, X-Men, Wolverine comic book series)
Happy birthday, Chris Claremont.

He wrote this.

\Nuff said.
Happy Birthday Chris Claremont!!
Happy Birthday to Chris Claremont who wrote, the best comics.
The Daily LITG, 24th November 2019 Happy Birthday Chris Claremont
The Daily LITG, 24th November 2019 Happy Birthday Chris Claremont
Happy birthday, Chris Claremont!
Happy Birthday, Chris Claremont! 18-31 by Claremont, Sienkiewicz, Wein, Orzechowski, Buhalis, Rosen
Happy birthday to Chris Claremont! I\m kind of a fan
Chris Claremont sexy 0
Chris Claremont new pic 1
Chris Claremont dating 2
Chris Claremont sexy 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Chris, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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