Welcome to Chris Hadfield's Birthday Celebration Page
Chris Hadfield got 128 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Anak Ng AnjBrent (Part Two)
Almost everything worthwhile carries with it some sort of risk, whether it s starting a new business, whether it s - Anak Ng AnjBrent (Part Two) (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Fiona Boag
First, happy birthday for Tuesday! My book for you is \"An astronaut\'s guide to life on earth\" by Chris - Fiona Boag (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Corey Hooper
Happy Birthday, Chris Hadfield. Almost had a cool birthday gift with Artemis 1. What would you enjoy - Corey Hooper (6 months ago)
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It\'s the day of the Chris\'s! Happy birthday CT3 and Cmdr Chris Hadfield - paul (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Chris Hadfield ... 63. - rolocreative (6 months ago)
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Canadian History Ehx (Craig Baird)
Happy birthday to Chris Hadfield, born today in 1959! Hadfield will fly into space for the first time in November 1 - Canadian History Ehx (Craig Baird) (6 months ago)
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Christopher G. Johnson
Space Oddity via Happy Birthday, Chris Hadfield, retired astronaut, Born: August 29, 1959 - Christopher G. Johnson (6 months ago)
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Scott Smith
Happy birthday to this great astronaut who was the first Canadian in history to airways in space. Happy birthday to - Scott Smith (6 months ago)
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Mel Vaughan Smith
1/2 Happy birthday today to Elliott Gould (84), Lenny Henry (64), Chris Hadfield (63), Eddi Reader (63), Rebecca de - Mel Vaughan Smith (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 63th Birthday Cmdr Chris Hadfield! August 29, 1959. Spaceflight isn\'t just about d - CONTACT LIGHT 。 ◯ *・ (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

James Hollett
Happy belated Birthday{yesterday} I hope ye had an awesume day & az alwayz.... Be Safe & Stay L - James Hollett (6 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to the most inspiring person I ve had the privilege to meet - Chris Hadfield. Thank for sharing your - Bota (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Association of Space Explorers
Chris Hadfield Expedition 34 Flight Engineer played his guitar in the Cupola of th - Association of Space Explorers (6 months ago)
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Jim Kirkwood Jr
Happy birthday Chris Hadfield, born August 29, 1959 - Jim Kirkwood Jr (6 months ago)
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Fɾαɳ Núñҽȥ
Happy Birthday! astronauta retirado, primer canadiense en hacer una caminata espacial, a sus espalda - Fɾαɳ Núñҽȥ (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUGUST 29....Punk Singer GG Allin(1956-1993)\"65\"; Actress Nicole Anderson,31; Actor Dante Basco,46; - BRONX POET (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wishing a Happy Birthday to the first Canadian to walk in space, astronaut, engineer, and pilot, Colonel Chris Hadf - Beakerhead (6 months ago)
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Sonja Fade
Happy Birthday to Commander Chris Hadfield! Thinking about Chris always reminds me to let go of self imposed limits - Sonja Fade (6 months ago)
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Women in AI & Robotics
Happy Birthday/Joyeux anniversaire to Colonel Chris Hadfield Thank you for being an amazing role model. - Women in AI & Robotics (6 months ago)
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Hazel Percival
Happy Birthday Chris Hadfield - Hazel Percival (6 months ago)
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Mayor Mike Bradley
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Chris Austin Hadfield. Born August 29th, 1959. Pictured here with an Unidentified Man at Chris Ha - Mayor Mike Bradley (6 months ago)
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Rosmina Suárez-Piña
Chris Hadfield cumple años Hadfield el primer astronauta canadiense- dio sus primeros pasos en Maracaibo, donde - Rosmina Suárez-Piña (6 months ago)
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Dan Wiest Around The Community
Happy Birthday Chris Hadfield! Canadian retired astronaut, engineer, and former Royal Canadian Air Force fighter p - Dan Wiest Around The Community (6 months ago)
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tomie stan
Happy birthday to Shiro Sagisu, Chris Hadfield, Lucas Cruikshank, and also me a little bit but mostly the first thr - tomie stan (6 months ago)
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Just Carl
Happy Birthday Chris Hadfield! - Just Carl (6 months ago)
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Happy birthday to CSA/ASC Astronaut Chris Hadfield - Benny (6 months ago)
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The Flare
Happy birthday to me, Chris Hadfield and both the late Ingrid Bergman and Richard Attenborough Nice 26 point - The Flare (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Col. Chris Hadfield! - Lisa (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Astronaut Chris Hadfield! May you be gifted with life s biggest joys and never-ending bliss. After a - AllFamous.org (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chris Hadfield is 62 today. happy birthday Canadian space dad - Andrew (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Farah Perelmuter
Happy (slightly belated) birthday to Great article (and awesome photos!). Very proud to work with y - Farah Perelmuter (6 months ago)
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Charlotte M
Please forgive me... one day too late.......... HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM T - Charlotte M (6 months ago)
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Whitchurch-Stouffville Public Library
Happy Birthday, Col. Chris Hadfield! This Streaming Saturday post check out Hadfield\'s website for a selection of m - Whitchurch-Stouffville Public Library (6 months ago)
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Joaquin Gloria IV
Happy birthday Mr. Chris Hadfield. It\'s an honor to share the same birthday month as you. - Joaquin Gloria IV (6 months ago)
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Steve Lang
Happy birthday to Canadian astronaut Col Chris Hadfield a . A great Canadian and an inspiration to - Steve Lang (6 months ago)
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World Space Club
Happy Birthday to an astronautical singing legend flew on two - World Space Club (6 months ago)
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History of America. Philadelphia to Mars!
Quote of the Day I wasn t destined to be an astronaut. I had to turn myself into one. ~Chris Hadfield HAPPY BI - History of America. Philadelphia to Mars! (6 months ago)
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Science & Space
to Chris Hadfield ( Chris Hadfield is the first Canadian to walk in space and serve - Science & Space (6 months ago)
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Samar Anand
For fans. Chris Hadfield is a retired astronaut and the first Canandian to walk in space. Famous - Samar Anand (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 60th birthday to (and renaissance man) Chris Hadfield. The first Canadian to walk in space, he has - ThriftBooks (6 months ago)
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Tundra Books
Happy 60th birthday to - Tundra Books (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to who joined us in Season 6 for \"Social Media in Space with Chris Hadfield!\" Listen - StarTalk (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

On this day Aug 29, 1959, Astronaut Chris Hadfield was born in Sarnia, Ontario, and is the first Canadian to walk - HistoryGuy (6 months ago)
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Amir Manbachi, Ph.D.
Happy Birthday to Dr. Robert Langer, Chris Hadfield, Michael Jackson, John McCain, Mother Teresa and Warren Buffet. - Amir Manbachi, Ph.D. (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 60th Birthday Cmdr Chris Hadfield! August 29, 1959. Spaceflight isn\'t just about d - CONTACT LIGHT (6 months ago)
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Dana @ EditorialEyes
Happy birthday, [Image: Chris Hadfield signs my copy of his book at one of my favourite - Dana @ EditorialEyes (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

This is so amazing. Chris Hadfield onboard the Sings an original song along with fellow - WholesomeMemes (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 60th birthday to retired astronaut, author and singer Chris Hadfield. While aboard the ISS in 2013, Hadfield - SCCLD (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to astronaut Chris Hadfield ( Commander Hadfield spent a total of 166 - Paratext (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 60th Birthday Cmdr Chris Hadfield! b. August 29, 1959. You are truly out of this world! - T O R O N T O (6 months ago)

65 years old (Born on August 29, 1959)

Canadian Air Force Commander who became the first Canadian in history to walk in space. He gained a fan base on social media when he posted pictures aboard a space station of the Earth.

Chris Hadfield's Best Moments

Happy birthday, Remember that time you taught Tumblr HQ about space?
Happy birthday to Get more life lessons from Canada\s favourite astronaut:
Happy birthday to the first rock star in space, dog loving astronaut Chris Hadfield!
Chris Hadfield is 62 today. happy birthday Canadian space dad
Happy birthday Chris Hadfield
Happy Birthday Chris and Also not forgetting Happy Birthday Chris Hadfield. It was great to see you both today
Happy Birthday, see you October 25!

MT The world\s coolest astronaut, Chris Hadfield turns 56 today!
Happy Birthday Chris Hadfield
   Happy birthday, Chris Hadfield!
 8/29  Happy Birthday to: Deborah Van Valkenburgh, Nicole Anderson, Chris Hadfield, Elliott Gould
Happy Birthday, Chris Hadfield!
Happy 59 birthday to Chris HadField . Hope that he has a wonderful birthday.
Today s astronaut birthday; Happy Birthday to Chris Hadfield!
 Happy Birthday!! Chris Hadfield from our neighbors and our Canadian postal services.
I want to wish Chris Hadfield a very happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to Dr. Robert Langer, Chris Hadfield, Michael Jackson, John McCain, Mother Teresa and Warren Buffet.
Happy 60th birthday to
Chris Hadfield sexy 0
Chris Hadfield dating 1
Chris Hadfield hairstyle 2
Chris Hadfield where who 3

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Chris, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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