Welcome to Christian Slater's Birthday Celebration Page
Christian Slater got 500 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Sorry its late but a Happy 53rd birthday from yesterday to the American actor Christian Slater who has played in fi - movietelevisionandactorfan (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sorry its late but a Happy 53rd birthday from yesterday to the American actor Christian Slater who has played in fi - movieandactorfan (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday! If your is August 18th, then you share it with Patrick Swayze, Christian Slater, and Edw - imnotthatoldami_og (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday CHRISTIAN SLATER (born August 18, 1969) Shown here in The Name of the Rose (1986), Heathers (19 - ClassiCMovieSHD (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Peter North
Happy birthday Christian Slater - Peter North (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Gold Label Goods
He s so cool Happy birthday, Christian Slater! Fans can celebrate him all year with gear from - Gold Label Goods (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Candice Frederick
Happy birthday, Christian Slater - Candice Frederick (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Matthew Coburn
Happy Birthday To Christian Slater. Tales from the darkside A case of the stubborns epi - Matthew Coburn (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

John McQuilkin
wishes Christian Slater a very Happy Birthday! - John McQuilkin (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Anyway, happy birthday, Christian Slater! - Waldrumpus (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sothia Chhoeum
Happy Birthday Christian Slater - Sothia Chhoeum (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Still Any Good?
Happy birthday, Christian Slater! - Still Any Good? (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

On This Day
Happy Birthday Christian Slater! Follow for daily updates - On This Day (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Can I Have Your Pickle
So this is 40. Mmm k. Happy birthday to Robert Redford, Andy Samberg, Edward Norton, Dennis Leary, Christian Slater, and, ME! - Can I Have Your Pickle (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

John Frederick Barnum
-Happy 53rd Birthday to Christian Slater- - John Frederick Barnum (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

‎ ‎ً
Happy birthday christian slater, you\'ll always be famous x - ‎ ‎ً (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

BBC EastEnders ➐
Happy birthday christian slater, you\'ll always be famous x - BBC EastEnders ➐ (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

l’est est en haut
Happy birthday to the stunning mr christian slater <3 x my blood by twenty one pilots - l’est est en haut (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Christian Slater, born today in 1969. An American actor, Slater has appeared in such films as Ro - Vault0 (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Disney Wiki
Happy Birthday, Christian Slater For Disney, he voiced Paul in the episode \"Delivery of Destiny\", G - Disney Wiki (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tran Khuong
HAPPY 53RD BIRTHDAY CHRISTIAN SLATER - Tran Khuong (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Verbo, no carne
Happy birthday Christian Slater!! - Verbo, no carne (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

wendi freeman
Happy birthday to both of us! And also Christian Slater, Roman Polanski and Redford - wendi freeman (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mystic Falls
Happy Birthday to this Gen X heartthrob, Christian Slater! Born today, in 1969. Favorites? - Mystic Falls (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dvd Daddy
Happy Birthday to actors Robert Redford ( Christian Slater ( Madeleine Stowe ( - Dvd Daddy (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Robert P Coronado
Happy Birthday to Christian Slater .. - Robert P Coronado (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mike Mazda
Happy Birthday to Robert Redford Denis Leary Madeleine Stowe Edward Norton Christian Slater And the late greats - Mike Mazda (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Celebrity Spotlight
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! CHRISTIAN SLATER - Celebrity Spotlight (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Christian Slater! - PIET LATEGAN (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Scott Smith
Happy birthday to this great actor. Happy birthday to Christian Slater - Scott Smith (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Geek Girl Authority
Happy Birthday, Christian Slater, aka Daniel Molloy, aka Jason J.D. Dean, aka Captain Riley Hale! - Geek Girl Authority (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Christian Slater. We dig \"Pump Up The Volume\". Indie podcasting before podcasting. - the80sand90s.com (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mel Vaughan Smith
Happy birthday today to Roman Polanski (89), Robert Redford (86), Joseph Marcell (74), Dennis Elliott (Foreigner)(7 - Mel Vaughan Smith (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Flashback 80’s With Purple
Happy Birthday to Christian Slater born on this day in 1969 - Flashback 80’s With Purple (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

cinematic films
Happy 53rd birthday to christian slater! - cinematic films (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Geraldine L
Happy birthday Mr Christian Slater! - Geraldine L (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to robert redford, andy samberg, edward norton, shelley winters, taylor swift s rep era social media - taylor (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

taylor | bday girl
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to robert redford, andy samberg, edward norton, shelley winters, taylor swift s rep era social media - taylor | bday girl (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Moving Pictures
Aug 18 Happy Birthday part 1: Roman Polanski, Robert Redford, Martin Mull, Carole Bouque - Moving Pictures (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Aug 18 Happy Birthday part 1: Roman Polanski, Robert Redford, Martin Mull, Carole Bouque - WmsbgNostalgiaFest (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Alfred Junior of Bruce
Happy birthday, Christian Slater! You are the best actor for Robin Hood! - Alfred Junior of Bruce (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday! Aug 18th, 1969 - Christian Slater (Actor) Heathers - Retro80sRadio (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy belated birthday to christian slater!! - Sbeve (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Halls of Llandaff
To everyone who has a birthday today may we wish you a very happy day. I know your friends & family Mau not have bo - Halls of Llandaff (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jeff Adryan
Hi my sister Cindy, He is a good friend, happy birthday day Christian Slater, Go - Jeff Adryan (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Christian Slater! Born in 1969 Christian Slater, who has starred in the films Tales From the Dar - afrohorror (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday christian slater - julia (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Robert Redford, Patrick Swayze, Edward Norton, Christian Slater, Madeleine Stowe, Martin Mull, an - Happy Birthday (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Velikaia Knazhna Catherina
A few of my fav artists BOTD: Robert Redford, Madeleine Stowe, Edward Norton, Christian Slater, Roman Polanski, Car - Velikaia Knazhna Catherina (6 months ago)
birthday balloon

Joaquin Gloria IV
Happy birthday Mr. Christian Slater. - Joaquin Gloria IV (6 months ago)

55 years old (Born on August 18, 1969)

Happy birthday to the ever-charming Christian Slater! From unraveling mysterious manuscripts in "Der Name der Rose" to romancing Patricia Arquette amidst action-packed chaos in "True Romance," you've made the big screen brighter with your unmistakable charisma. And let's not forget your charming swagger and cheeky wit in "Kuffs"—truly timeless!

You've given moviegoers unforgettable performances, stealing hearts effortlessly (even an untamed one!), and delightfully embracing roles that range from gritty drama to sparkling humor. May your day be filled with joy, laughter, and plenty of Tarantino-approved banter. Keep shining brightly, Mr. Slater—Hollywood is always better when you're lighting up a scene!

Christian Slater's Best Moments

\"We\re what killed the dinosaurs\" - J.D.

Happy Birthday to the HEATHERS bad boy, Christian Slater!
Happy Birthday to Christian Slater from VI: The Undiscovered Country. Learn more at:
Happy almost birthday to Christian Slater and ME
Wohoo my first crush!! " Happy birthday Christian Slater! For Heathers we salute you!
Happy Birthday to Christian Slater who turns 49 today!
Happy 51st birthday to one my favorite actors Christian Slater!
Happy birthday, Christian Slater!
Happy Birthday, Christian Slater!
Happy TOSS Birthday to... Christian Slater, who I always forget is in Star Trek VI
Happy birthday to American actor, voice actor, and producer Christian Slater, born August 18, 1969.
Happy Birthday to Christian Slater who turns 52 today!
Happy Birthday Christian Slater!
   Happy Birthday Christian Slater
Happy birthday Christian Slater. Liked him very much in The name of the rose, one of my favorite 80 s thrillers.
Happy 45th birthday, Christian Slater! See what the stars have in store for Christian, and you
Happy Birthday,
 8/18 Happy Birthday to: Bob Woodruff, Christian Slater, Elayne Boosler, Maia Mitchell
Happy Birthday Christian Slater
Happy Birthday Christian Slater!
Happy birthday Christian Slater!!
Happy Birthday Christian Slater!!!
Happy Birthday to Christian Slater born on this day in 1969
Happy birthday, Christian Slater
Happy Birthday  to Edward Norton (45), 
Robert Redford (78), 
Christian Slater (45), 
Madeleine Stowe (56)
Happy Birthday to actor Christian Slater. Which Star Trek movie did he appear in and what ship did he serve on?
BIG one for Birthdays today. Happy Birthday Edward Norton, Christian Slater & Robert Redford
Happy birthday, Edward Norton (46), Robert Redford (79) and Christian Slater (46) !
Happy birthday christian slater:\) you\re so cool
8/17: Happy 46th Birthday 2 actor Christian Slater! Wonderful, intense! Now on Mr. Robot!
Happy Birthday to Christian Slater who turns 48 today!
Happy Birthday Christian Slater!
Happy 49th birthday to Christian Slater!
Happy Birthday Christian Slater!
Happy birthday, Christian Slater!
Happy birthday Christian Slater. The name of the rose is one of my favorite 80 s thriller.
Happy 51st Birthday to 
   HAPPY BIRTHDAY   Christian Slater  and  (the great) Robert Redford
Happy birthday to Christian Slater!
Happy birthday, Christian Slater!
Happy birthday to this great actor. Happy birthday to Christian Slater
Happy Birthday to this Gen X heartthrob, Christian Slater! Born today, in 1969. Favorites?
Happy birthday Christian Slater
Happy Birthday to Christian Slater, who turns 45 today!
Its power-packed today! happies to Edward Norton, Robert Redford, Christian Slater, Roman Polanksi
Happy Birthday à Robert Redford, Edward Norton et Christian Slater  !
Happy 45th birthday to the bae who slays my heart, Christian Slater
Happy Birthday Christian Slater!! Here we are at a play he directed. :-)
Happy birthday christian slater. youre not gonna see this so it doesnt really matter what i say.
Both and Christian Slater are 46 today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY guys
Happy birthday Christian Slater!
Now on my fav show   Happy Birthday to Christian Slater !
 Happy Birthday to actor Christian Slater 46 August 18th
Happy Birthday 46th!!!

Christian Slater
Edward Norton
Happy Birthday Edward Norton & Christian Slater Aug 18 Event
Happy 46th birthday, Christian Slater!
Happy 46th birthday to Christian Slater. He co-starred with Connery in the 1986 film \"The Name of the Rose.\"
Hoy cumple años el señor Christian Slater, a quien seguimos atentamente en . Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Christian Slater!
Happy birthday sweetheart. 
Porque para mí Christian Slater siempre será JD.
Christian Slater completa hoje 46 anos. Happy Birthday!
Happy 46th Birthday to my one true love, Christian Slater!!!
Happy birthday Christian Slater
Happy 48th birthday, How he went from \"Heathers\" to \"Mr. Robot\"
August 18: Happy Birthday Christian Slater and Robert Redford
Happy Birthday Christian Slater! We thought he was really great as Slater in Archer...
Happy Birthday Christian Slater
Wishing Christian Slater a very Happy Birthday.
   We wish a very happy birthday to Christian Slater! ¡Feliz cumpleaños
Happy 48th birthday to Christian Slater today!
Happy birthday christian slater, thanks for being my favorite actor ever.
Christian Slater turns 49 today, happy birthday! What movie is it? 5 min to answer!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTIAN SLATER - 18. August 1969.  New York City, New York, USA
Happy Birthday to Christian Slater (49)
Happy Birthday Christian Slater
Happy Birthday-Christian Slater
Yo, happy birthday, Christian Slater!
Happy Birthday Christian Slater!
August 18:Happy 50th birthday to actor,Christian Slater(\"Heathers\")
Happy birthday  to  one of my favourite  actors  mr Christian  slater
Happy Birthday Christian Slater!!
Happy Birthday to Christian Slater who turns 50 today!
Kuffs  (1992)
Happy Birthday, Christian Slater!
Happy birthday to you Christian Slater !!! wishing you many , many more to come . Enjoy your special day .
Happy Birthday Christian Slater 5 1
Happy Birthday dear Christian Slater!
Happy birthday Christian Slater!
On in 1969 Christian Slater, movie actor was born in NYC, New York. Happy
Happy birthday to Christian Slater!
Happy birthday Robert Redford, Edward Norton and Christian Slater!
Happy 51 birthday to Christian Slater. Hope that he has a wonderful birthday.
Happy Birthday Christian slater have a very blessed day
Happy Birthday Wishes going out to the charismatic Christian Slater!
Happy 51st Birthday to Christian Slater! What is your favorite Mr. Slater movie?
How could I forget, happy birthday christian slater aka fashion icon since 1969 x
Happy Birthday Christian Slater from the best movie cameo!
Happy birthday Christian Slater
Happy Birthday to Christian Slater!
Happy birthday to my absolute favorite person on the planet. christian slater! i love you so much!!
Happy Birthday Christian Slater.
Good morning and happy birthday to Christian Slater and Christian Slater only
Hoy cumple años el actor Christian Slater (52). Happy Birthday ! Aquí mi Ranking:
Happy belated birthday to christian slater!!
Happy Birthday, Christian Slater!
Happy Birthday to Christian Slater ..
-Happy 53rd Birthday to Christian Slater-
christian slater heathers 1
christian slater 2013 2
Christian Slater young 3
Christian Slater new pic 4

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Christian, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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