Welcome to Christopher Reeve's Birthday Celebration Page
Christopher Reeve got 1324 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Cory Doctorow
Christopher Reeve - Cory Doctorow (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Anu TejRan
So many or our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they - Anu TejRan (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Once you choose hope, anything\'s possible.\" - Christopher Reeve HAPPY BDAY KARAN KUNDRRA - Bliss (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Once you choose hope, anything\'s possible.\" - Christopher Reeve HAPPY BDAY KARAN KUNDRRA - DIP༶⛧┈♛/ HBD KARAN KUNDRRA (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Once you choose hope, anything\'s possible.\" - Christopher Reeve HAPPY BDAY KARAN KUNDRRA - DIP༶⛧┈♛ (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sammy Westenberger
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve - Sammy Westenberger (5 months ago)
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Midnight Knight
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve - Midnight Knight (5 months ago)
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Emi nattramn
Although you are no longer with us... Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve...The original man of steel - Emi nattramn (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ahmed Al Khars
Happy birthday to the greatest superhero actor of all time. Christopher Reeve You made us believe a man can fly and - Ahmed Al Khars (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

[DC] I d say it s been swell! Coincidentally watched the Superman (1978) movie last night without realizing what - charlz (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Krypton\'s Fortress
Happy birthday to the man who made Superman popular again, the one who showed us that a man can fly, Christopher R - Krypton\'s Fortress (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Aaron Venture
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve, forever my favorite Superman - Aaron Venture (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Phil West
Happy Birthday Mark! I just discovered that you shared your birthday with another towering figure of my - Phil West (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mary-Kate Anthony
It s incredible that both & Christopher Reeve share a birthday.. both pure hearted, great humans that s - Mary-Kate Anthony (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Caleb Foshee
Today would have been Christopher Reeve s 70th birthday. Happy Birthday sir. - Caleb Foshee (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy heavenly birthday, Christopher Reeve. 9/25/52-10/10/04. - Kjpesceartist (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Time Warp Comics
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve. Wish you were still here. - Time Warp Comics (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Golden Age Movie Icons
Behind the scenes of Superman , 1978. Happy birthday Christopher Reeve. - Golden Age Movie Icons (5 months ago)
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Gerald A Johnson
Happy birthday: In Memoriam: Actor-Director-Activist Christopher Reeve (1952-2004)-\"Superman\" films - Gerald A Johnson (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Paul Riches (he/him)
Happy Birthday in Heaven to Christopher Reeve, born on this day in 1952. He was and is the BEST Superman ever. - Paul Riches (he/him) (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

⭐⭐Just Call Me Deezy
Happy Birthday to all my twins today: T.I. Will Smith Michael Douglas Catherine Zeta-Jones Barbara Walters Childi - ⭐⭐Just Call Me Deezy (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

wormtongue’s tongue worms
Watching my first Christopher Reeve movie tonight! Not any of the Superman films, but John Carpenter s Village of t - wormtongue’s tongue worms (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Matthew Hennessey
Happy 70th birthday to the late, great Christopher Reeve. Criminally underrated, he inspired the intro to my first - Matthew Hennessey (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Thirsty Chestbursty
My mom loved Christopher Reeve in Somewhere in Time, so we watched it a lot when I was a kid. Learned at a young ag - Thirsty Chestbursty (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to the great and also to the great Christopher Reeve, who would have been 70, today. - NixEclips (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Heavenly Birthday Christopher Reeve - Joshua (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Derf Backderf
Happy 70th birthday to Christopher Reeve. A great Superman, a man who suffered unimaginable tragedy with amazing di - Derf Backderf (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chet Kumar
Feroz shares his birthday with a bunch of famous personalities: Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta Jon - Chet Kumar (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sebastian Marchant
Happy 70th Birthday to the Greatest of all Time. Christopher Reeve would have turned 70 today. Gone but never forgo - Sebastian Marchant (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Kenny Kraly Jr.
The best and the greatest actor to have ever played Superman on film would have been 70 years old today. Happy Supe - Kenny Kraly Jr. (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

For me personally, Christopher Reeve was the best Superman. I read his Still me autobiography which was very movi - RichC (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael Anthony
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve! - Michael Anthony (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jeff Dyer
The greatest actor to have ever played Superman would have been 70 today. Happy birthday to the legend Christopher - Jeff Dyer (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Zeta Machine
Born on September 25th 1952 Christopher Reeve would have been 70 years old today. Happy birthday and Rest in Peace. - Zeta Machine (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dominic Gerrard
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve! What a superhero you were. Truly the real deal - Dominic Gerrard (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Brainiac¹³ 
No other Superman actor has topped this super scene. Happy Birthday to Superman, Christopher Reeve. - Brainiac¹³  (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Werewolf by Wansu
I always forget that the two most influential actors of my childhood and Christopher Reeve share a birt - Werewolf by Wansu (5 months ago)
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Nayyara Alam
Happy 70th Birthday to Christopher Reeve in Heaven!!!! He was an amazing actor! Very handsome and a gentleman! He w - Nayyara Alam (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Entitled Willennial
Happy birthday to Christopher Reeve, who was not only an inspiration as Superman but as himself too - Entitled Willennial (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Den of Geek News!
Happy Birthday to the legendary actor Christopher Reeve! Celebrate by looking at all the Superman actors - Den of Geek News! (5 months ago)
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Taylor McNab #MakeTASM3
Happy Birthday to the late great Christopher Reeve - Taylor McNab #MakeTASM3 (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chloe Cumming
Happy Birthday lovely Christopher Reeve x - Chloe Cumming (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Joe Chavez
Happy heavenly birthday to Christopher Reeve, the ultimate man of steel. He would\'ve been 70 years old today. - Joe Chavez (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Boolly PolliHaunt
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve! Thanks for changing my life - Boolly PolliHaunt (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

In Search of Legends
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve who would\'ve made 70 years old today. Reeve once said, \"A hero is an ordinary i - In Search of Legends (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Heroic Hollywood
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve! - Heroic Hollywood (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Gamermanx9000 3.0
Happy 70th Birthday to Christopher Reeve and Rest in Peace - Gamermanx9000 3.0 (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve!!!! He s my favorite Superman, and I thank him for showing us that a man can fl - Jack (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

John Demetry
Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve. Celebrate by watching his masterpiece Noises Off - John Demetry (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael Moreno
Happy Super Sunday. And also remembering the late Great Christopher Reeve on his 70th Birthday. Chris m - Michael Moreno (5 months ago)

72 years old (Born on September 25, 1952)


Christopher Reeve's Best Moments

Happy Birthday to my Superman Christopher Reeve!!!
Happy Birthday to Superman, Christopher Reeve.

He would have turned 63 today.
Drew this when Christopher Reeve passed. He would be 69 today. My Superman forever. Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve!
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve, who made me believe a man could fly.
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve, the real-life super man who always pushes us to \"Go Forward.\"
Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve.
*raises glass to the sky
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve.  Got me in a mood
Happy birthday to the from the Christopher Reeve movies, Margot Kidder!
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy 87th Birthday Roger Moore!!! Here in Clown costume being visited by Christopher Reeve on the set of Octopussy
Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy birthday to the definitive cinematic Christopher Reeve, who would have been 63 today.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve.
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve!
Happy Birthday to Superman himself, the late great Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve.
Happy birthday to the one and only Superman Christopher Reeve!
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve who would have been 62 today.
You made us believe a man could fly AND smile.
Happy 63rd Bday to a super man: Christopher Reeve! He made me believe I could fly via a receiving blanket as a cape!
Happy Birthday to the late, great Christopher Reeve. To this day, the most perfect casting ever.
\"Say, Jim, that\s a bad outfit!\"
Happy birthday to Christopher Reeve: the ONLY Superman.
Christopher Reeve and Jim Henson on the set of the Happy birthday Jim
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve. Gone but not forgotten.
Happy Birthday to my favorite Superman, Christopher Reeve!
Christopher Reeve would have been 67 today. Happy Birthday Superman.
Happy Birthday to the one and only Christopher Reeve!!
Happy 69th birthday Christopher Reeve.

What a lovely gesture from
Happy birthday to (at least) three Muppet Show guests: Christopher Reeve, and Juliet Prowse!
Happy birthday, Christopher Reeve.
Google just told me that Christopher Reeve would have been 69 today. Happy birthday, man, you are missed.
Happy birthday to Christopher Reeve. Thank you for everything.
Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve! You will always be Superman to me!
Happy Birthday To My Real Life Christopher Reeve
Our legendary Happy birthday, Christopher Reeve!
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve, still my favorite Superman
Happy birthday to Christopher Reeve who would have been 62 today. We miss you Superman.

Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve, a true superman! Hes still a huge inspiration to so many!!
Happy birthday christopher reeve, you were the embodiment of truth, justice, and the american way.
Happy birthday to Christopher Reeve, Superman for an entire generation and beyond. He would have been 68 today.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve, you really made us believe that a man can fly.
Happy Birthday to the !!! 
Christopher Reeve would have turned 70 today.
Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve! Reposting for daytime people.
Christopher Reeve would have been 62 today. Happy birthday, Superman.
Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve. Sensitive, talented, tragic. We miss you.
Happy Birthday & R.I.P., Christopher Reeve.
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve, born September 25th 1952.
Name a more ionic duo. I\ll wait.
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy birthday christopher reeve my favorite superman
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve! Art by Wilfredo Torres
Happy birthday to the big screen Superman I grew up with, Christopher Reeve.
Behind the scenes of Superman , 1978.
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve.
Happy Birthday to the late, Super Christopher Reeve. He may have flown away from this world, but not from our hearts!
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve, he would have celebrated 62nd today. He made us believe, a man could fly,
Happy birthday to Christopher Reeve- we believe a person could fly because of you.
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve. :)
Happy 63rh Birthday to the legendary Christopher Reeve!
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve  He\ll always be my and first love
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve (RIP), he would have been 65. You will always be Superman, Christopher.
Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve. Nobody did it better.
Happy Birthday Mark Hamill, Will Smith, Christopher Reeve and Donald Glover.
Happy birthday to the late christopher reeve who was an amazing Superman and just an amazing man in real life too!
  Happy birthday to the legend Christopher Reeve the one and only Man of Steel
The google header today is awesome! Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday to the first man I believed was superman - Christopher Reeve
Today would have been Christopher Reeve\s 69th birthday.

Happy Birthday to the one true Man of Steel!
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve. Thank you for truly being a Superman.
Happy Belated birthday to the legend, Christopher Reeve. We miss you.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday lovely Christopher Reeve x
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve. The best Superman ever.
Today would have been Christopher Reeves 62nd Birthday! Happy Birthday Superman!
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve , a Superman in and out of costume.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve. The reason why I do everything I do today.
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve.
Happy birthday to Christopher Reeve the man who made us believe he could fly.
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve!
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve! (Old request)
Christopher Reeve, who would have been 69 years old today, was such an iconic looking Happy birthday
I firmly believe, in my heart and soul, that this man could fly. Happy birthday Christopher Reeve.
Happy birthday to the inspiring Christopher Reeve. 

You made me believe. RIP.
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve, who would have turned 61 today!
Happy Birthday to the man of steel Christopher Reeve!
Happy birthday to Swoosie Kurtz; in \"5th of July\" w/ Christopher Reeve, Jeff Daniels, & Amy Wright, 1980
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday to the late Christopher Reeve, who would have been 63 today. He will always be the greatest Superman.
Happy 63rd Birthday Christopher Reeve. Watch over your pal up there.
Happy birthday to Christopher Reeve, who would have been 63 today. 2 days til our Cannon double-bill of Reeve roles.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve! The late actor would have been 63 today.
Happy Birthday to the true superman Christopher reeve... never forgotten
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve, the man who brought Superman to life four times on the big screen!
Happy birthday to Christopher Reeve. Thank you for showing me I could fly.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve... Forever My Superman ... Gone but Never Forgotten!
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve. (Sep.25)
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve aka
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve!!
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve!!!
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve.  You live on in our hearts forever. Rest in peace and glory, great one.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve. creates a tribute image for Reeve
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve.

You taught us to fly, and we\ll always remember.
Google making me cry this morning. Happy Birthday to my hero Christopher Reeve
Ya know, this is really special. Thank you. Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve. RIP
Happy birthday to Christopher Reeve. My favorite Superman. The first actor I cried for when he died.
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve, thank you for making us believe a man can fly.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve.
Happy Birthday to forever my Superman, Christopher Reeve. Rest In Peace Man of Steel.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUPERMAN! Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve!
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve. Coincidentally, I finished reading this today
Happy birthday to one of the greatest Supermen ever - Christopher Reeve. 

Continue to fly high.
Happy Birthday to the late, great Christopher Reeve. He will always be my favorite actor.
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve, thank you for inspiring me.
Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve A Real Superman We Miss You.
Happy bday to Christopher Reeve
Happy birthday to the late Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve!!!
Happy birthday to the late, great Christopher Reeve!
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy birthday to the late Christopher Reeve. Over 40 years later and we still believe he could fly.
Happy 70th Birthday to my generation s Superman Christopher Reeve.
Happy Birthday to My Favorite Superman...   Christopher Reeve...
Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve. Celebrate by watching his masterpiece Noises Off
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve! Thanks for changing my life
Happy birthday to Christopher Reeve, who was not only an inspiration as Superman but as himself too
Today would have been Christopher Reeve s 70th birthday. Happy Birthday sir.
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve, forever my favorite Superman
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve and RIP, you truly were a Superman
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve (RIP) Always Superman Forever!
Happy Birthday to the late, great Christopher Reeve. He may have flown away from this world, but never forgotten.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve! You made us believe that a man could fly! *cue John Williams Superman theme*
Happy Bday to the real Un día como hoy pero de 1952 nace el actor Christopher Reeve.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve R.I.P
Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve (B 1952 D 2004)
He made us believe a man could fly, happy birthday Christopher Reeve, still the best and still missed!
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve, forever my Superman
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve!!! You will always be superman
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy birthday to the one who made us believe we can fly. Christopher Reeve Sept. 25, 1952
Happy 62nd birthday to the late great Christopher Reeve! The original Man of Steel
Happy birthday to my hero Christopher Reeve. The real superman. You are greatly missed sir.
  Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve of Superman! Shop Collectibles:
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve (1952-2004)
Happy Birthday to my hero Christopher Reeve....
Happy Time, people! A melancholy happy birthday to Christopher Reeve. He made us all believe that a man could fly.
Greetings until ! Happy Birthday Superman Christopher Reeve
Happy birthday to Christopher Reeve! Your work as Superman was brilliant.
Happy Birthday to todays über-cool celebrity at an über-cool photobooth: CHRISTOPHER REEVE. Hed have been 62 today.
  Happy Birthday to the only Superman that matters. Christopher Reeve.
Happy 62nd birthday to my , Christopher Reeve. Please support
Happy belated Birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy 63rd Birthday Christopher Reeve!! The Original Superman!! R.I.P.
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve, gone but not forgotten
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve. He would have reached 63 today.
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve! Best Superman IMHO.
Happy birthday christopher reeve, may your beautiful soul rest in peace.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve RIP
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve (09/25/1952-10-10-2004)
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday to the late & True Superman Christopher Reeve
Did you know Mark Hamill and Christopher Reeve share the same birthday and it\s today? Happy birhday to them!
Happy Birthday to Superman, Christopher Reeve. He would have turned 63 today.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve - you are missed.
\" Happy birthday Christopher Reeve, a real super man.  Un verdadero heroe.
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve. A hero to us all.
Happy Birthday to the late, great Christopher Reeve, a Superman in more ways than one:
\" Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve! un grande!!! Forever superman!
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve!
Happy Birthday to the one and true Superman himself, Christopher Reeve.
    Happy birthday to the real man of steel Christopher Reeve
Liked on by dceufilms :Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve | Mark Hamill | and the man who cannot miss,
Happy Birthday to the man who made us believe a man could fly; the ever inspiring Christopher Reeve.
Happy birthday to Christopher Reeve, a real-life hero who left his mark with
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Pedro Almodóvar,Michael Duglas, Will Smith , Christopher Reeve & Catherine Z Jones. !!!
Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve.
Happy Birthday to the late Christopher Reeve. \"I like pink very much, Lois\"!
Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve, I miss you!
(This thought is something that accompanies me for my whole life).
A bit late but
Couldn\t forget the 63rd birthday of the original Man Of Steel. 
Happy Birthday
Christopher Reeve.
Happy birthday Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve. Would\ve been 63 today.
Another Christopher Reeve pic.....serious cuteness....pure super gorgeous looks...Happy Birthday...\Sept  25th\...
 Christopher Reeve was born on this day in 1952 
(died in 2004) 
Happy Birthday Superman
Happy Birthday to Christopher Reeve, who would have turned 65 today!
Remembering Christopher Reeve (1952 2004) happy birthday
Happy Birthday, Christopher Reeve
Happy Birthday Christopher Reeve. 

\"You\ll believe a man can fly\"
Happy birthday to the late great \"Christopher Reeve\"! 13 years gone and forever the best Superman.
Happy birthday have one for me...Christopher Reeve is 65 today
Also happy birthday to the one who made us believe a man could fly, Christopher Reeve
christopher reeve movies 0
christopher reeve superman 1
christopher reeve accident 2
Christopher Reeve sexy 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Christopher, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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