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anne-marie m. gething
i knew him when he was on games shows like scrabble and love connection and others to miss u babylove and thanks for being u sexy hot u and miss u on tv too god bless u and thanks for the memories too so happy b-day to u chuck getting old sucks don't it love u amen! from anne-marie m. gething!
- anne-marie m. gething (8 years ago)
Happy Birthday Chuck Woolery! May you be gifted with life s biggest joys and never-ending bliss.
- (9 months ago)
Veteran Owned
Today we wish Chuck Woolery a very happy 82nd birthday! Woolery is best known for hosting many game shows (
- Veteran Owned (9 months ago)
One-Hit Wondered?
Happy birthday to Chuck Woolery, in 1941. Yep, the game show host was part of a
- One-Hit Wondered? (9 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARCH 16th; Singer Ray Benson,71; Actress Alexandra Daddario,36; Actor Erik Estrada,73; Rapper Flavo
- BRONX POET (9 months ago)
Walter McBride
Happy 81st Birthday to Chuck Woolery
Born: March 16, 1941, Ashland, KY
Chuck Woolery at the 1991 NATPE Conference
- Walter McBride (9 months ago)
Macy\'s Parade History
We wish television personality Chuck Woolery a very happy birthday!
Chuck made his first Parade appearance in 1979
- Macy\'s Parade History (9 months ago)
Just Breathe
Wait a second its your birthday? I m a 3/16 birthday as well! I turned 5-0 today.
- Just Breathe (9 months ago)
Let\'s wish a Happy 81st Birthday to the former game show host, Chuck Woolery!
- TheFanofGameShows! (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday! also to Eric Estrada and Chuck Woolery just sayin\'
- torontorox (9 months ago)
Tran Khuong
Happy 81st Birthday Chuck Woolery - host of Love Connection and Scrabble
- Tran Khuong (9 months ago)
Happy birthday Game Show Host Chuck Woolery! Wishing you a beautiful day with good health and happiness forever. Ha
- (9 months ago)
Prayer List For Rock stars
Happy Birthday Chuck Woolery
Born: March 16, 1941
- Prayer List For Rock stars (9 months ago)
Let\'s wish a Happy 80th Birthday to former game show host, Chuck Woolery!
- TheFanofGameShows (9 months ago)
Let\'s wish a Happy 80th Birthday to former game show host, Chuck Woolery!
- TheGameShowFan2021Studios (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to television host and actor Chuck Woolery born on March 16, 1941
- Space-reporter-news (9 months ago)
Lucille Balls
Happy birthday to Nancy Wilson and Erik Estrada but not Chuck Woolery, because fuck that guy.
- Lucille Balls (9 months ago)
JC Allen
Happy 80th Birthday Chuck Woolery~~~Love Connection & Lingo Host Chuck Woolery - Hosts at Home via
- JC Allen (9 months ago)
Ann Robert
Happy Birthday Chuck Woolery!!!
- Ann Robert (9 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Bernardo Bertolucci, Vagif Mustafazadeh (d. 1979), Jan Pronk, Keith Rowe, Robert Guei (d. 2002),
- Teewhy Nyema (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Chuck Woolery! A fine patriot!
- Thenextshot (9 months ago)
Happy 78th birthday to television icon, Chuck Woolery!
- DATV (9 months ago)
Kracker Jones
Happy birthday Jerry Lewis(1926-2017)Henny Youngman(1906-1998)Chuck Woolery(78)Lauren Graham(52)Erik Estrada(70)Nan
- Kracker Jones (9 months ago)
Barry Kowal
March 16: Happy 78th birthday to game show host Chuck Woolery (\"Love Connection\")
- Barry Kowal (9 months ago)
Wan R
Happy Birthday, Chuck Woolery.
- Wan R (9 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Bernardo Bertolucci, Vagif Mustafazadeh (d. 1979), Jan Pronk, Keith Rowe, Robert Guei (d. 2002),
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (9 months ago)
Scott Mair
Happy birthday to Chuck Woolery. I hope you have a wonderful day and many more wonderful years. Thanks for reading,SM
- Scott Mair (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Chuck Woolery
- piano807 (9 months ago)
Happy birthday Chuck Woolery
- Linda (9 months ago)
Amazing Ralph
Happy birthday to my good friend, Chuck Woolery. We\'ll be back with your cake in two and two.
- Amazing Ralph (9 months ago)
Joe Arthurs
Happy Birthday Chuck Woolery...
- Joe Arthurs (9 months ago)
Jim Patterson
Chuck Woolery Happy March 16 birthday! Thanks for all the great entertainment! Best wishes for continued success an
- Jim Patterson (9 months ago)