Welcome to Clint Eastwood's Birthday Celebration Page
Clint Eastwood got 4724 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Go ahead and make your day Clint ....Happy Birthday and many happy returns - Christine (7 years ago)
birthday balloon

Louise Wright
Happy birthday Clint Check out Clint Eastwood Universe\'s video! - Louise Wright (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Belated Birthday, Clint Eastwood! You\'ve still got it. Many happy returns. - Bassetlover8108986 (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, you still got like 25 years left before you can retire. Just look at Clint Eastwood and William Shatner. - EarthMaven79 (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Bruce, however you shall never retire, be the next Clint Eastwood who acts until your 216 years old - CorpseNation (8 months ago)
birthday balloon

Six of One: The Prisoner Appreciation Society
Happy 85th birthday to Derren Nesbitt, Number 2 in the episode \'It\'s Your Funeral\' and our special guest for the 20 - Six of One: The Prisoner Appreciation Society (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael Stockman
Clint Eastwood happy birthday - Michael Stockman (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Clint - Tribute to the actor Clint Eastwood. Enjoy it. via - WalkAgainstTheWoke (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 93rd birthday Clint Eastwood - Vesmarck (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Huey K. Bridgeforth
Happy 93rd Birthday to Actor, Director, Mr. Clint Eastwood. One of the last true legends of our time. - Huey K. Bridgeforth (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Clint Eastwood ,you are looking very handsome as always. One of - lilmsfancyface (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lynnda Mackey
I can\'t believe 93! Power to you.... Clint Eastwood! Happy Birthday! - Lynnda Mackey (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Clarence Miller Jr
Most definitely! From Rawhide all the way thru his career. Never missed any of his show - Clarence Miller Jr (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Johnny Cadillac
Happy 93rd Birthday ! Yesterday Clint! Eastwood !! Living legend - Johnny Cadillac (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

MItch Swanson
happy Birthday you old fart Clint Eastwood Thank you for the great movies mister they helped. Right turn Clyde :) - MItch Swanson (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

RigoNek Punk
Happy birthday Calvin Klein or Clint Eastwood - RigoNek Punk (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Today is Clint Eastwood s 93rd birthday and I m so happy to see he s still alive and well.. I love his old western movies - Masami (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Aaron Guillory
Happy late birthday My favorite actor Clint Eastwood from Aaron Guillory - Aaron Guillory (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 93rd birthday to Clint Eastwood, the legend! If only he had TEMU back in his Kelly\'s Heroes days, he could\'ve - A_Webb (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

W Matthew
It\'s not shared with my future co-worker Clint Eastwood but happy birthday to the one and only - W Matthew (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Alexander Marcolla
I forgot to add this in to say Happy B-lated birthday to you Clint Eastwood. Happy Birthday Mr. Eastwood : - Alexander Marcolla (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bing Bong #BREXIT #WTO #NoDealNoProblem
: Happy birthday Clint Eastwood another 93 years will do , I\'ve got some spectacular horses that love westerns. - Bing Bong #BREXIT #WTO #NoDealNoProblem (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Cyrus S. Saiwalla
Charles Trendberg Happy Birthday to actor and director Clint Eastwood! Clint turns 93 today. - Cyrus S. Saiwalla (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Alright Mr. Snerdley... now comment on everyone wishing Clint Eastwood a happy birthday last week. - NOTDaleJR88 (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tony Rose
\'\'Happy-Belted-Birthday!!\'\' Clint Eastwood. \'\'I Love You. Sir. - Tony Rose (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Price Action Trader
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood! - Price Action Trader (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood! - Chris (BLUE CHECK OFFICIAL) (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Eddie Graf
31. Mai 1930 Happy ( 93 ) !! Birthday Clint Eastwood und ja , er dreht und dreht und dreht. - Eddie Graf (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sojin Glories
Living Legend Clint Eastwood @ 93. Happy birthday Peter Mbah The NLC Sean Tizzle Victor Osimhen Qudus Yhemo Lee Ga - Sojin Glories (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Stevie Turner
Happy 93rd Birthday Clint Eastwood! His Triple Play Of Classic Films In One Year! via - Stevie Turner (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 93rd birthday to Clint Eastwood. - leon6424831 (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Frank Smeraglinolo
Happy Birthday Bruce Dern. Please accept my thanks for your portrayal of \"John May\" a victim of mu - Frank Smeraglinolo (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Hank Jr
I love Clint Eastwood. I love this movie The unforgiven. It\'s one of my favorite westerns. Happy b - Hank Jr (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Patricia Deri
Happy and great Birthday Clint Eastwood! Kin, he\'s a great actor but you are too! - Patricia Deri (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Billy Ferguson
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood The Man The Legend - Billy Ferguson (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Belated Birthday to Clint Eastwood - RacketEĐ (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

William warren
Happy Birthday champ. Check out Clint Eastwood Universe\'s video! - William warren (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Scott Leeper
Happy 93rd Birthday to Clint Eastwood - Scott Leeper (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

D® Phil
Happy Birthday to actor and director Clint Eastwood! Clint turns 93 today. - D® Phil (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Great actor in Hollywood Clint Eastwood Happy Birthday. I love Clint Eastwood\'s cowboy movie!Big RESPECT! - ☆☆☆翔陽☆☆☆ (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

The world\'s a Meme
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood - The world\'s a Meme (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

j wall ✡
Happy 93rd birthday to actor and filmmaker CLINT EASTWOOD (born May 31,with girlfriend Christina Sandera - j wall ✡ (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Living Legend Clint Eastwood @ 93. Happy birthday. Respect!!! - Entertainmentnaijatv (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Giovanna Nigris
Happy birthday to Clint Eastwood the best actor! - Giovanna Nigris (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY 93rd BIRTHDAY CLINT EASTWOOD! Beloved actor & filmmaker. Achieved success in many TV series, including, Rawhi - CAROLYN HAYNES—“BEWITCHED” First Class #LATimes (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy belated bday to Clint Eastwood - Oskay (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Syed Mehfooz Husain
Dang Dang Dang... Clint Eastwood, Happy 93rd Birthday! - Syed Mehfooz Husain (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, Clint Eastwood - mood5050 (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

muhammad ismail awan
Happy 93rd Birthday to Clint Eastwood! - muhammad ismail awan (9 months ago)
birthday balloon

And Happy Birthday Mr. Clint Eastwood. - Alan (9 months ago)

94 years old (Born on May 31, 1930)

Dirty Harry

Clint Eastwood's Best Moments

Happy birthday Clint Eastwood
Happy 90th Birthday To The Absolute Legend That Is Clint Eastwood
Happy 91st Birthday to a great film director and great guy, Clint Eastwood.
DaveMustaine: Happy birthday to my biggest inspiration...Clint Eastwood.
Happy 93rd Birthday ! Yesterday  Clint! Eastwood !! Living legend
Wishing Clint Eastwood a very happy 88th birthday!
 Go ahead, make my day. Wishing the legendary Clint Eastwood a happy birthday.
Happy 88th Birthday to the man, the myth, the Legend, Clint Eastwood. Merica.
31. Mai 1930 Happy ( 93 ) !! Birthday Clint Eastwood und ja , er dreht und dreht und dreht.
Happy 85th birthday, Mr. Clint Eastwood!
Happy Birthday to the great Clint Eastwood!
Happy 90th birthday, Clint Eastwood.
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood 92 years old on May 31, 2022
Clint Eastwood. (92 today) Happy Bday Brother
Happy 90th Birthday, American Maestro Clint Eastwood!!
Happy 85th Birthday Clint Eastwood! What\s your favorite of his films?
Join me in wishing
Clint Eastwood a
Happy 92nd Birthday
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood.
Go ahead, make his (birth)day... Happy birthday Clint Eastwood!
Happy 89th Birthday to a living legend, Clint Eastwood Jr.
\"The Good, the Bun and the Fluffy\"
- Bun Edition
Happy Birthday, Clint Eastwood!
Happy Birthday, 
Clint Eastwood
Happy Birthday to the Iconic Academy Award winning director Clint Eastwood whose next directorial is
Join us in wishing a very Happy 93rd Birthday to Clint Eastwood!
Happy Birthday to our favorite cowboy, Clint Eastwood!
THR: Happy 85th Birthday, Clint Eastwood! Here\s a Look at Some of His Career Highlights (Photos)
Happy Birthday to Clint Eastwood who turns 92 today!  Photo by Lance Dawes.
Happy 85th Birthday to an American icon and screen legend, Clint Eastwood!
A big Happy Bday to the Greatest Actor of all time. Mr.Clint Eastwood 92 years young. You the man Clint.
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood
Have to wish my favorite actor Clint Eastwood a Happy Birthday. Here he is with ANGELINA JOLIE
Happy birthday, Clint Eastwood!
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood
Happy 90th Birthday to Clint Eastwood.
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood!
A very happy 92nd birthday to Clint Eastwood. Photograph c.1956.
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood. - Harry Benson, 1984-
Happy 93rd birthday to Clint Eastwood.
Happy birthday to Clint Eastwood! Looking good in today s Times...
Happy Belated Birthday to Clint Eastwood
Happy Birthday, Clint Eastwood!
Happy birthday to Clint Eastwood, 87 today!
 Happy 89th Birthday to Clint Eastwood (born May 31,1930). Pictured with his son Scott Eastwood.
Happy Birthday, Clint Eastwood!!!
Happy 87th birthday to Clint Eastwood, a true American icon.
Happy birthday, Clint Eastwood!
Happy birthday to Clint Eastwood who turns 87 today!
Happy 90th birthday Clint Eastwood!
93 años cumple hoy Clint Eastwood. Leyenda!
Clint Eastwood Happy birthday, 93 years old. Legend.
Yes sir you are a living movie legend. Happy 87th birthday Clint Eastwood
Happy 87th birthday to Clint Eastwood!
Happy 88th Birthday to the great Clint Eastwood !
Happy 92th Birthday To Clint Eastwood.   . I\m guessing we are all getting old
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood
Happy Birthday to Clint Eastwood seen here as a lab technician in REVENGE OF THE CREATURE(1955).
Happy 85th birthday to Clint Eastwood!
I what to wish Clint Eastwood
A happy 91 today birthday from me The Count
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood 92 today
 Happy 85th birthday to Clint Eastwood, seen here directing \Unforgiven\ (1992).
Happy 85th Birthday to living legend Clint Eastwood!
Happy birthday to a living legend, Clint Eastwood, seen here filming \Unforgiven\ (1992):
Happy 90th birthday, Clint Eastwood.
Happy 91st birthday, Clint Eastwood What s your favorite Clint Eastwood s movie?
Feliz Cumpleaños 92 años  Clint Eastwood.  Happy 92nd Birthday Clint Eastwood. A living Legend!
Nothing but respect for my President. Happy birthday to Clint Eastwood.
Happy 90th birthday Clint Eastwood!
Happy 92nd Birthday to the one and only Clint Eastwood !!
Wish Clint Eastwood a Happy Birthday!
Happy 90th birthday Clint Eastwood
Happy birthday to our most topical filmmaker. Here s to many more.

Clint Eastwood Facts
Happy birthday 
Clint Eastwood
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood.
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Clint Eastwood turns 92 today!
Happy 92nd birthday! What is your favorite Clint Eastwood movie?!
Happy 91st birthday Clint Eastwood!
Happy Birthday to a real legend ! 
Clint Eastwood, born on this day in 1930.
Happy birthday, Clint Eastwood!
Happy 88th Birthday to the one and only Clint Eastwood!
Happy 91st Birthday to the Iconic Actor-Director Clint Eastwood
Happy 91st birthday Clint Eastwood Movie: A Fistful of Dollars (1964) 
Dir. Sergio Leone
Happy 91st birthday to the very handsome and very cool Clint Eastwood
92 años cumplio Clint Eastwood. Happy Birthday
And wish Clint Eastwood a happy birthday!
Happy birthday to Hollywood icon Clint Eastwood!
Happy 88th birthday to actor and director Clint Eastwood!
These two original posters hang in my office. Happy 89th birthday to Clint Eastwood.
Wishing you many more Birthdays !!
Happy 91st Birthday Clint Eastwood
Happy birthday, Clint Eastwood!
Happy 90th Birthday to the magnificent Clint Eastwood, May 31, 1930... 
Happy Birthday to the legend himself, Clint Eastwood!
Happy 91st birthday to U.S. Army and Korean War veteran Clint Eastwood.
Happy 92nd birthday to the one and only Clint Eastwood.
\"GO AHEAD, MAKE MY DAY\" Join us in wishing a happy 92nd birthday to actor and director Clint Eastwood!
Happy 92nd birthday Clint Eastwood
We hope his birthday makes his day. Happy Birthday, Clint Eastwood!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mayor Clint Eastwood turns 92 today!
Happy 92nd birthday Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood ko czy dzisiaj 93 lata.
Aktor, re yser, wielka posta  Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday,  Clint Eastwood! 93 Today!
Happy Birthday to Clint Eastwood Born May 31. 1930
85 years today
What a photograph !!
Clint Eastwood on a skateboard, Happy Birthday to a Film Icon born on this day in 1930.
Happy birthday to the legendary talent that is Clint Eastwood.
Happy birthday to Clint Eastwood from this chair.
Happy 91st birthday to U.S. Army and Korean War veteran Clint Eastwood.
Happy 92nd Birthday to Clint Eastwood. I will be celebrating by yelling at kids to Get Off My Lawn.
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood. The Legendary Actor/Director Turns 92
Happy Birthday to actor and director Clint Eastwood! Clint turns 93
Happy Birthday to Clint Eastwood!
Pos, Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood.
Born MAY 31, 1930 CLINT EASTWOOD, Actor, Detective Harry Callahan in the Dirty Harry franchise. Happy Birthday
Clint Eastwood is 85 today. 
Wonder if anyone has hired a skywriter to wish him a happy birthday again...
Happy birthday to the legend that is Clint Eastwood today!
The good, the bad, and the birthday. Happy 87th birthday to Hollywood icon Clint Eastwood!
Happy Bday, Clint Eastwood!
Happy birthday, mr. clint eastwood!
Wishing a very happy 91st birthday to the incredible Clint Eastwood!
Happy 91st birthday Clint Eastwood. 
Thank you for the good, the bad, and the ugly
Happy 91st birthday to U.S. Army and Korean War veteran Clint Eastwood.
A very Happy Birthday today to the actor, film director and producer Clint Eastwood
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood.
Happy 93rd Birthday to Actor, Director, Mr. Clint Eastwood. One of the last true legends of our time.
A legend who still walks on the face of the earth. 

Happy 85th Birthday Clint Eastwood!!!
Happy 85th Birthday to an American icon and film legend, Clint Eastwood! A true example that age is just a number.
Happy 85th Birthday to an American icon and screen legend, Clint Eastwood!
Wishing a very happy 86th birthday to the one and only, legendary, Mr Clint Eastwood
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood [born May 31, 1930]
Happy birthday, Clint Eastwood! The Hollywood legend turns 87 today!
Happy 89th birthday Clint Eastwood!
Wishing Clint Eastwood a Happy Birthday!
Happy 90th Birthday to one of the biggest badass actors of all-time,  Mr. Clint Eastwood.
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood - 91 today
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood
Happy birthday to the legend Clint Eastwood
Happy Birthday! Clint Eastwood
Happy 93rd birthday Clint Eastwood
85 years worth of stares, and still the best in the game. Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood.
Happy 85th birthday to Clint Eastwood.
Happy Birthday, Dirty Harry!
Clint wird 85.
A very happy birthday to Mr. Clint Eastwood!
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood! Here\s one on the set of Joe Kidd, 1972.
Happy 87th birthday to \"Dirty Harry\" the all American badass Clint Eastwood.
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood!
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood / 31.05

Million Dollar Baby -Music by Clint Eastwood
Director Clint Eastwood
Happy birthday, Clint Eastwood!
Happy Birthday, Clint Eastwood!
Happy birthday to Mr.Clint Eastwood    5 31                89  ( )
He\s one of the greatest gunslingers that Hollywood has ever known! Happy Birthday to Clint Eastwood!
Happy birthday to, Clint Eastwood!
90th Happy Birthday Mr.Clint Eastwood
Happy 90th birthday to the legendary Clint Eastwood.
Ens enterrarà a tots
Avui en fa 90

Happy birthday, Clint Eastwood
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood !
Happy 90th birthday to silver screen legend and lifelong jazz lover and patron Clint Eastwood!
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood - 91 today 
What a legend
Happy 91st Birthday to 
A Happy Birthday to Kezar Stadium\s finest enforcer, Clint Eastwood!
Happy birthday to Clint Eastwood
Happy 92th Birthday Clint Eastwood!!
Happy Birthday to Clint Eastwood 31 maja 1930
Happy Birthday num 92 to
May 31st, 1930   All movies online
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood
Avui Clint Eastwood fa 92 anys. Happy Birthday
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood  Here during the Rawhide promotional tour of Japan in 1962.
American Hot Rodders Show
18h  · 
Wishing Clint Eastwood a Very Happy 92nd Birthday!!!
   Happy birthday Clint Eastwood 93
Happy 93rd Birthday to the legend himself, Clint Eastwood.
Happy Birthday to actor and director Clint Eastwood! Clint turns 93 today.
Happy 93rd birthday to actor and filmmaker CLINT EASTWOOD (born May 31,with girlfriend Christina Sandera
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood, 85 today. Here\s one of my favourite quotes from the great man...
Via \"Life and art\"
Clint Eastwood - Happy Birthday May 31, 1930
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood
Happy birthday to the legendary CLINT EASTWOOD!!
Happy Birthday an eine lebende Legende: Clint Eastwood! Dirty Harry wird heute stolze 85 Jahre alt.
Happy Birthday, Clint Eastwood! In 1979, the Times explored his signature acting style.
 A young Clint Eastwood, waiting for his big break:   Happy 85th Birthday Dirty Harry!
Happy 85th birthday Clint Eastwood!
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood. The American Sniper director is 85 today.
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood!
5 31             (Clint Eastwood)    1930 5 31 ~ Happy birthday87           Music by: Lalo Schifrin
Happy 87° Birthday to Clinton \"Clint\" Eastwood!
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood! He\s pictured at his imprint ceremony in 1984!
Happy 87th Birthday Clint Eastwood! .* *. *¨   Actor Clint Eastwood playing piano while son Kyle Eastwood sits ...
Happy 87th Birthday to Mr Clint Eastwood!!
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood
Happy 88th birthday, Clint Eastwood
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood. I grew up watching his movies and to me he s always the hero
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLINT EASTWOOD - 31. May 1930.  San Francisco, California, USA
Happy Birthday  Clint Eastwood
Happy 89th Birthday to Clint Eastwood. What\s your favorite movie of his?
Happy Bday, Clint Eastwood. Still your greatest gift to cinema.
Clint Eastwood- I Talk To the Trees

 via Happy Birthday Clint
Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood! 90!!!
Wishing Clint Eastwood a very happy 90th birthday! What is his best movie?
Happy 90th birthday to my favorite actor Clint Eastwood!! His movies have \"made our day\"!!!
Happy Birthday  Clint Eastwood
Happy birthday to American actor, filmmaker, musician, and politician Clint Eastwood, born May 31, 1930.
Happy birthday, Clint Eastwood! The actor turns 91 years old today. Do you have a favorite Clint Eastwood movie?
Happy 91st birthday to legendary actor & director, Clint Eastwood.
Clint Eastwood exclusive 0
Clint Eastwood new pic 1
Clint Eastwood body 2
clint eastwood son 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Clint, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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