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Go ahead and make your day Clint ....Happy Birthday and many happy returns
- Christine (7 years ago)
Louise Wright
Happy birthday Clint Check out Clint Eastwood Universe\'s video!
- Louise Wright (8 months ago)
Happy Belated Birthday, Clint Eastwood! You\'ve still got it. Many happy returns.
- Bassetlover8108986 (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday, you still got like 25 years left before you can retire. Just look at Clint Eastwood and William Shatner.
- EarthMaven79 (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Bruce, however you shall never retire, be the next Clint Eastwood who acts until your 216 years old
- CorpseNation (8 months ago)
Six of One: The Prisoner Appreciation Society
Happy 85th birthday to Derren Nesbitt, Number 2 in the episode \'It\'s Your Funeral\' and our special guest for the 20
- Six of One: The Prisoner Appreciation Society (9 months ago)
Michael Stockman
Clint Eastwood happy birthday
- Michael Stockman (9 months ago)
Happy birthday Clint - Tribute to the actor Clint Eastwood. Enjoy it. via
- WalkAgainstTheWoke (9 months ago)
Happy 93rd Birthday to Actor, Director, Mr. Clint Eastwood. One of the last true legends of our time.
- Huey K. Bridgeforth (9 months ago)
Happy birthday Clint Eastwood ,you are looking very handsome as always. One of
- lilmsfancyface (9 months ago)
Lynnda Mackey
I can\'t believe 93! Power to you.... Clint Eastwood! Happy Birthday!
- Lynnda Mackey (9 months ago)
Clarence Miller Jr
Most definitely! From Rawhide all the way thru his career. Never missed any of his show
- Clarence Miller Jr (9 months ago)
Johnny Cadillac
Happy 93rd Birthday ! Yesterday Clint! Eastwood !! Living legend
- Johnny Cadillac (9 months ago)
MItch Swanson
happy Birthday you old fart Clint Eastwood
Thank you for the great movies mister they helped.
Right turn Clyde :)
- MItch Swanson (9 months ago)
RigoNek Punk
Happy birthday Calvin Klein or Clint Eastwood
- RigoNek Punk (9 months ago)
Today is Clint Eastwood s 93rd birthday and I m so happy to see he s still alive and well.. I love his old western movies
- Masami (9 months ago)
Aaron Guillory
Happy late birthday My favorite actor Clint Eastwood from Aaron Guillory
- Aaron Guillory (9 months ago)
Happy 93rd birthday to Clint Eastwood, the legend! If only he had TEMU back in his Kelly\'s Heroes days, he could\'ve
- A_Webb (9 months ago)
W Matthew
It\'s not shared with my future co-worker Clint Eastwood but happy birthday to the one and only
- W Matthew (9 months ago)
Alexander Marcolla
I forgot to add this in to say Happy B-lated birthday to you Clint Eastwood.
Happy Birthday Mr. Eastwood :
- Alexander Marcolla (9 months ago)
Bing Bong #BREXIT #WTO #NoDealNoProblem
: Happy birthday Clint Eastwood another 93 years will do , I\'ve got some spectacular horses that love westerns.
- Bing Bong #BREXIT #WTO #NoDealNoProblem (9 months ago)
Cyrus S. Saiwalla
Charles Trendberg
Happy Birthday to actor and director Clint Eastwood! Clint turns 93 today.
- Cyrus S. Saiwalla (9 months ago)
Alright Mr. Snerdley... now comment on everyone wishing Clint Eastwood a happy birthday last week.
- NOTDaleJR88 (9 months ago)
Tony Rose
\'\'Happy-Belted-Birthday!!\'\' Clint Eastwood.
\'\'I Love You. Sir.
- Tony Rose (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to Clint Eastwood the best actor!
- Giovanna Nigris (9 months ago)
HAPPY 93rd BIRTHDAY CLINT EASTWOOD! Beloved actor & filmmaker. Achieved success in many TV series, including, Rawhi
- CAROLYN HAYNES—“BEWITCHED” First Class #LATimes (9 months ago)