Happy 66th Birthday to Craig Bartlett! The creator of Hey Arnold!, Dinosaur Train, and Ready Jet Go!.
- Jake with the Ob (4 months ago)
Jeremy Boo!-scaldo\'s Looking for Work
And Happy Birthday to its creator, Craig Bartlett.
- Jeremy Boo!-scaldo\'s Looking for Work (4 months ago)
Kevin Nguyen
Happy birthday, Craig Bartlett!
- Kevin Nguyen (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Craig Bartlett!
- Metalheadrailfan (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Craig Bartlett (The Creator of Ready Jet Go).
Here is a drawing of Jet and Sunspot from Ready Jet G
- YakkoWarnerFan324 (4 months ago)
Happy birthday TV Producer Craig Bartlett! You re older today than yesterday but younger than tomorrow, happy birth
- AllFamous.org (4 months ago)
Osmosis Jones Rules Est 2003 (Justin Thomas)
Happy 66th Birthday To Craig Bartlett! The Creator Of Hey Arnold!
- Osmosis Jones Rules Est 2003 (Justin Thomas) (4 months ago)
Stoop Kidz! A Hey Arnold! Podcast
Happy birthday to Craig Bartlett, the author of Hey Arnold! We wouldn\'t be here without you - thank you for making
- Stoop Kidz! A Hey Arnold! Podcast (4 months ago)
Cartoon Art Museum
Happy birthday to animator Craig Bartlett, creator of the television series \'Hey Arnold!\' and \'Dinosaur Train.\'
- Cartoon Art Museum (4 months ago)
Antony Ludwig
Happy birthday Forrest Gregg and Craig Bartlett!
Special birthday BURN IN HELL to Milo, go jump in a woodchipper.
- Antony Ludwig (4 months ago)
Oct 18 Happy Birthday part 1: Dawn Wells, Howard Shore, Merry Martin, Pam Dawber, Craig Bartlett,
- Moving Pictures (4 months ago)
Danny Martinez
I wish a happy 64th birthday to Craig Bartlett. He\'s creator of Hey Arnold, Dinosaur Train, and Ready Jet Go.
- Danny Martinez (4 months ago)
Jack McDaniel
Happy late 63rd Birthday to Craig Bartlett! The creator of everyone\'s football headed kid, Hey Arnold!
- Jack McDaniel (4 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Nick Houghton, Arliss Howard, Jean Pierre Hautier (d. 2012), Vanessa Briscoe Hay, Timmy Mallett,
- Teewhy Nyema (4 months ago)
Osmosis Jones Rules Est 2003
Happy 63rd Birthday To Craig Bartlett! The Creator Of Everyone\'s Favorite Football Headed Kid Hey Arnold!
- Osmosis Jones Rules Est 2003 (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Craig Bartlett, the voice of Abner, Brainy, and Miles Shortman and the creator of Hey Arnold!
- David Villafrade from MinionFan1024 (4 months ago)
Happy bday
to my
Craig Bartlett
- NIGHTS IN USA (4 months ago)
Ready Jet Go!
Happy Birthday to creator and writer, Craig Bartlett! Have a stellar Earthday birthday!
- Ready Jet Go! (4 months ago)
IMDb. October 19th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Marco Hofschneider, Evelyn Venable, Craig Bartlett, Chuck Berry, Barbara Baldavan, John Schwartzman.
- GSmith (4 months ago)
Let\'s give a LOUD and HAPPY birthday to the man who made our beloved football head, Craig Bartlett! Creator of Hey Arnold!
- EmaraldGAHHHHHHH763 (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to the coolest dude of Hillwood, Hey Arnold! creator Craig Bartlett!
- Nick Animation (4 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Timmy Mallett, Stu Mead, David Twohy, Rita Verdonk, Denis Watson, Mark Welland, Craig Bartlett and Martina Navratilova.
- North Trenton (4 months ago)
Amos Martinez
Happy Birthday to the creator of Hey Arnold, Craig Bartlett!
- Amos Martinez (4 months ago)
Spoopy Rick
Just wishing a very Happy Birthday to the legend, the creator of Hey Arnold!, Craig Bartlett.
- Spoopy Rick (4 months ago)
Happy 61st birthday to Craig Bartlett, creator of Hey Arnold
- ryry (4 months ago)