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Madd Hatta 97.9
- Madd Hatta 97.9 (2 weeks ago)
Happy 50th birthday to the Magnificent Dj Jazzy Jeff
- TheFreshest (2 weeks ago)
Dj Christylz
Happy Birthday, DJ Jazzy Jeff!
- Dj Christylz (2 weeks ago)
Gina Johnson Smith
Happy Birthday DJ.. Jazzy Jeff
- Gina Johnson Smith (2 weeks ago)
Happy 50th Birthday DJ Jazzy Jeff!
- DJ $HIN (2 weeks ago)
Majic 107.5 97.5
Happy Birthday DJ Jazzy Jeff
- Majic 107.5 97.5 (2 weeks ago)
Miss Keda
Happy 50th (yes, 50!) birthday to the legendary DJ Jazzy Jeff!!
- Miss Keda (2 weeks ago)
Wayne Wood
Happy Birthday to the one person who has had a major positive impact on my life DJ JAZZY JEFF. Oh and my wife, it\'s her Birthday too!
- Wayne Wood (2 weeks ago)
Bryans Kooley
Happy 50th Birthday to DJ Jazzy
- Bryans Kooley (2 weeks ago)
FLOSS Mobile App
Happy Birthday to Ray Rice, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Linda Blair, Guy Fieri, Steve Perry and legendary Mr. Sam Cooke(RIP)
- FLOSS Mobile App (2 weeks ago)
John Laurich
Happy Birthday DJ Jazzy Jeff!
- John Laurich (2 weeks ago)
Dawn B. Vaughan
Happy birthday to DJ Jazzy Jeff ( The first cassette tape I bought was \"He\'s the DJ, I\'m the Rapper.\"
- Dawn B. Vaughan (2 weeks ago)
Happy Birthday to my cousin, DJ Jazzy Jeff!
- GetdownwiththeBrowns (2 weeks ago)
Power 102.9
Happy birthday DJ Jazzy Jeff!
- Power 102.9 (2 weeks ago)
Troy Jones
Happy 50th birthday to DJ jazzy Jeff from fresh prince. still a good as DJ!!!
- Troy Jones (2 weeks ago)
Jon McBrine
Happy birthday to DJ Jazzy Jeff! You\'re a 50 yr old man named DJ Jazzy Jeff!
- Jon McBrine (2 weeks ago)
Also known as Jazz, this hip-hop DJ and producer starred in Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. He and Will Smith won the first Grammy Award for rap for their 1989 album Parents Just Don't Understand.