Welcome to Dabney Coleman's Birthday Celebration Page
Dabney Coleman got 164 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Happy belated 88th! Couldn't find this site 4 days ago. Glad I had the opportunity today. Live long and prosper, Dadney. - Roy (5 years ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Dadney! (Please write at least 8 meaningful words, it says. "Happy Birthday, Dadney" says it all. :-) - Roy (6 years ago)
birthday balloon

Roy Simon
I may be one of your smallest fans, but you're one of my biggest heros! - Roy Simon (8 years ago)
birthday balloon

neely o\'hara
Gene Hackman & Dabney Coleman 2 of the best UNDERRATED actors EVER! Happy Birthday,sir - neely o\'hara (1 month ago)
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The Sting
Happy Birthday, Dolly Parton Listening to Dolly giggling through these outtakes from 9 to 5 (1980) with Jane Fonda, - The Sting (1 month ago)
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Chris Tallman
Happy Birthday to Dabney Coleman! Love him. - Chris Tallman (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 91st Birthday to Dabney Coleman - TheSeer7 (2 months ago)
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(Papa Stro Maestro) Rob Kellum
Happy Birthday to Dabney Coleman - (Papa Stro Maestro) Rob Kellum (2 months ago)
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Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to Mel Gibson, Alex D. Linz, Nicholas González, Victoria Principal, - Jennifer Long ☮️ (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Stuff That Sugarplum Dreams Are Made Of
Happy Birthday to Dabney Coleman, here in TOOTSIE! - The Stuff That Sugarplum Dreams Are Made Of (2 months ago)
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Maggie Lawlor
Dabney Coleman has built an astronomical body of work in films and television, all of which are recog - Maggie Lawlor (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Dabney Coleman, Dan Harmon, Danica McKellar, Eli Manning, Florence Pugh, Greta Thunberg, Jason Ma - NotYourAverageMovieBuff (2 months ago)
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Brad Porter
A Happy 91st Birthday to a most underrated and legendary actor - Dabney Coleman. Cloak & Dagger, 9 To 5 , WarG - Brad Porter (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Carmi American Legion Baseball
Day 1,540 Happy Birthday to Mr. Dabney Coleman. I think this is what a \"no-win situation\" looks like. Follow us - Carmi American Legion Baseball (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

JAN 3 NATL CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRY DAY NATL FRUITCAKE TOSS DAY toss the fruitcake to ME and Leah Paules NATL D - jparsio (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Dabney Coleman!! - ClassicActorsOfHollywood (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Disney Wiki
Happy Birthday, Dabney Coleman For Disney, he voiced Principal Peter Prickly in the animated series He als - Disney Wiki (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

James Kenney
Happy 91st birthday to the one and only Dabney Coleman, star of TOOTSIE, 9 to 5, television\'s great BUFFALO BILL an - James Kenney (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Moving Pictures
Jan 3 Happy Birthday part 1: Mara Corday, Dabney Coleman, Betty Rollin, Thelma Schoonmaker, Vi - Moving Pictures (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Osmosis Jones Rules Est 2003 (Justin Thomas)
Happy 91st Birthday To Dabney Coleman! The Actor Who Played Milburn Drysdale In The Beverly Hillbillies (1993) And - Osmosis Jones Rules Est 2003 (Justin Thomas) (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Buzzn The Tower
Happy 90th Birthday to Dabney Coleman! He was SO punchable as Franklin Hart Jr. in 9 to 5 and he was a serious imag - Buzzn The Tower (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Exhibe Flix USA
Happy Belated Birthday Dabney! One movie featuring Mr. Coleman for you guys - Exhibe Flix USA (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Buffalo Blondie
Happy Birthday, Queen. I try to emulate basically everything about you and all I ve nailed is the disdain for Dabne - Buffalo Blondie (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

eArtFilm.com: Original Movie Posters for Sale
Happy Birthday, Dolly Parton! - eArtFilm.com: Original Movie Posters for Sale (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Chad Opitz
Happy 90th birthday to character actor extraordinaire, Dabney Coleman - Chad Opitz (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nicky J. O\'Hagan
Happy 90th birthday to the greatest and legendary performances as Franklin M. Hart, Jr., Jack Flack/Hal Osbourne, D - Nicky J. O\'Hagan (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ederik Schneider
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite comedic actors Dabney Coleman. Even in serious roles he\'s very funny, but put - Ederik Schneider (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nerd in Norway
Happy 90th birthday to Dabney Coleman, possibly the most underrated character actor of his generation. In this imag - Nerd in Norway (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jake with the Ob
Happy birthday to Dabney Coleman (90), Mel Gibson (66), Jason Marsden (47), Florence Pugh (26), Alex D. Linz (33), - Jake with the Ob (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Mel Gibson, Danica McKellar, Dabney Coleman. Dan Harmon, J.R.R. Tolkien, Thelma Schoonmaker, and - Happy Birthday (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Phil Rosenthal
Happy 90th birthday to the inimitable Dabney Coleman, aka Buffalo Bill Bittinger. - Phil Rosenthal (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Today In Nerd History
Happy birthday Dabney Coleman, born January 3, 1932 - Today In Nerd History (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to actor Dabney Coleman born on January 3, 1932 - Space-reporter-news (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

⚾ J. Daniel ⚾
Happy Birthday to terrible boss Dabney Coleman - ⚾ J. Daniel ⚾ (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

John Chadwick, Good-Hearted Weirdo
Happy birthday to Dabney Coleman! - John Chadwick, Good-Hearted Weirdo (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Yale Film Archive
A very happy 90th birthday to Dabney Coleman, the Austin-born star known for his roles in THE TOWERING INFERNO, 9 T - Yale Film Archive (2 months ago)
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Timmy Love
Happy 90th birthday to the legend Dabney Coleman. - Timmy Love (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael Daly
Happy birthday Dabney Coleman World\'s End via - Michael Daly (2 months ago)
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Groovy Reflections™
Happy birthday to Dabney Coleman. Is an American actor. His best known films include The Towering Inferno, 9 to 5, - Groovy Reflections™ (2 months ago)
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Mrs. Anne
Happy Birthday dear Dabney Coleman! - Mrs. Anne (2 months ago)
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CJ de Mooi
Happy 90th birthday to the legend Dabney Coleman. Star of 9 to 5 and Tootsie... still going strong - CJ de Mooi (2 months ago)
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Jaegar Heathman
Happy 90th Birthday Dabney Coleman a.k.a Principal Prickly of Recess. - Jaegar Heathman (2 months ago)
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Jane Karr
I just read that it s Dabney Coleman s 90th birthday (happy birthday!!!) and was immediately reminded I have still - Jane Karr (2 months ago)
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Mrs. Russ Crane
Happy birthday to the ever fashionable Dabney Coleman - Mrs. Russ Crane (2 months ago)
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Steven Senski
Happy 90th birthday to Dabney Coleman, and here\'s to all the women he inspired to be bolder with his reptilian boss - Steven Senski (2 months ago)
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Hillary Warned Us About Roe
Happy 90th birthday to Dabney Coleman, and here\'s to all the women he inspired to be bolder with his reptilian boss - Hillary Warned Us About Roe (2 months ago)
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Happy birthday TV Actor Dabney Coleman! Hope your birthday is just like you totally freaking awesome. - AllFamous.org (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

JC Allen
Happy 90th Birthday Dabney Coleman~~~ via - JC Allen (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Larry in Missouri ( Leisure Suit Larry)
Happy Birthday Dabney Coleman, out of Austin, Texas; his best known films include The Towering Inferno (1974), 9 - Larry in Missouri ( Leisure Suit Larry) (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

None Of Them Knew
Happy Birthday to Dabney Coleman, who turns 90 today!!! - None Of Them Knew (2 months ago)

93 years old (Born on January 03, 1932)

Nine to Five

Dabney Coleman's Best Moments

Happy birthday Dabney Coleman. Thank you for  decades of entertainment and friendship.
Happy Birthday Dabney Coleman.
Happy 90th birthday to character actor extraordinaire, Dabney Coleman
 Happy birthday to the legendary Dabney Coleman!
Happy birthday, Dabney Coleman!
Dabney Coleman is 89 years old today. Happy birthday to a bona fide king!
Happy 87th birthday to two-time guest star Dabney Coleman, who turns 87 today, 3rd January
Happy birthday Dabney Coleman!!
Happy Birthday goes out to Dabney Coleman born today in 1932. Here he is in the movie \"WarGames,\" 1983.
Happy Birthday Dabney Coleman!
Happy birthday, Dabney Coleman!
Happy Birthday to terrible boss Dabney Coleman
Happy 83rd birthday to one of my favorite over the top comic villains, Dabney Coleman. Remember Buffalo Bill?
Happy 85th birthday Dabney Coleman. Yes, you.
Happy birthday to Dabney Coleman, that amazing \"9 to 5\" baddie!
Happy birthday Dabney Coleman, I hope you\re not a creep.
Happy birthday to one of the all-time great character actors, Emmy-winner Dabney Coleman!
Happy Birthday: Dabney Coleman
Happy birthday Dabney Coleman!
Happy 87th Birthday Dabney Coleman! 

Watch \The Guardian\ Sundays at 5p ET
Happy 89th Birthday to 
Happy birthday to the ever fashionable Dabney Coleman
Dabney Coleman and Uma Thurman In WHERE THE HEAIS   1990.  Happy birthday Mr. Coleman.
Happy Birthday to Dabney Coleman, who turns 83 today!
A happy dapper 83rd birthday to Dabney Coleman!
Happy Birthday 3/1/1932 (83)
2x star 
Dabney Coleman 
1/2 people to star as a cop & murderer in seperate ep.
You know what happens if you don\t wish Dabney Coleman a happy birthday? World War III.
Happy Birthday Dabney Coleman, and
Happy Birthday to one of the greatest onscreen Smarm Merchants of all time... Dabney Coleman
Happy Birthday to Dabney Coleman(bottom, center), who turns 86 today!
Dabney Coleman is now 86 years old, happy birthday! Do you know this movie? 5 min to answer!
Happy Birthday to the one and only Dabney Coleman!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DABNEY COLEMAN - 03. January 1932.  Austin, Texas, USA
Happy Birthday to Dabney Coleman, here in TOOTSIE!
Happy Birthday to Dabney Coleman, who turns 90 today!!!
Happy Birthday dear Dabney Coleman!
Happy birthday to Dabney Coleman!
Happy Birthday to Dabney Coleman, here in TOOTSIE!
Happy 91st Birthday to Dabney Coleman
movies dabney coleman 0
dabney coleman 9 to 5 1
dabney coleman 2013 2
dabney coleman boardwalk empire 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Dabney, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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