Happy Birthday To Dakota Johnson <3
- dakota post\'s (4 months ago)
Jamie/Dakota/Guilio/Melanie My Idols Forever
Happy Birthday to my idol Dakota Johnson. She is the best at all she does like fashion, movies/TV, being a sister/d
- Jamie/Dakota/Guilio/Melanie My Idols Forever (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to epitome of beauty Dakota Johnson
- K̲ ♛ (4 months ago)
Happy 32nd birthday to Chris Martin s universe, Dakota Johnson!
- preachymae (4 months ago)
rodica nisim
From Tomorrow OCTOBER 4TH 2021 Everyone Celebrates International Dakota s Johnson Day
- rodica nisim (4 months ago)
Purple Radio Athens
Happy Birthday to Dakota Johnson (October 4, 1989).
- Purple Radio Athens (4 months ago)
Alejandra Aguirre
Happy birthday hermosa Dakota Johnson que sigas brillando
- Alejandra Aguirre (4 months ago)
Happy 32nd birthday to this angel who has no idea I exist and yet I\'m obsessed with her to the point where I fight
- Camila (4 months ago)
suzie ❀
- suzie ❀ (4 months ago)
The Bombay Duck
It\'s that time of the year .... it\'s the \'Dakota Johnson\' day. Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, adorable and
- The Bombay Duck (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to the icon, the legend, miss dakota johnson.
- bree. (4 months ago)
Movies Now
Popularly known for her role in \'50 Shades of Grey\', Dakota Johnson quickly became one of the most loved actresses
- Movies Now (4 months ago)
nanᴴ dakota’s bday
Happy 32nd birthday to my gorgeous, extraordinary and talented girl! the one who saved me and make my life way much
- nanᴴ dakota’s bday (4 months ago)
Hometown Sha Sha Sha
Happy birthday
melissa benoist, you make such a great kara/supergirl!
alicia silverstone, thank you for giving us
- Hometown Sha Sha Sha (4 months ago)
yana, money
I just started watching Dakota Johnson compilations on YouTube a few days ago. They started showing up
- yana, money (4 months ago)
AWW and happy birthday to miss dakota johnson
- rania (4 months ago)
Happy bday dakota Johnson !!
- teja (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Dakota Johnson, I love you girl!!
- Chloe (4 months ago)
Julian Kay
Double Happy Birthday today!! First up is the lovely Mrs. Grey - Dakota Johnson. Next up is the lovely Supergirl -
- Julian Kay (4 months ago)
Kenneth Johnson
Oct 4 Happy Birthday part 2: David W Harper, Mary Ellen Stuart, Sarah Lancashire,
- Kenneth Johnson (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to me and Dakota Johnson
- eeve (4 months ago)
#TisTheDamnSeason gla
Happy birthday Dakota Johnson to this stunning woman, who continues to work on her talents and challenge her emot
- #TisTheDamnSeason gla (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Dakota Johnson!!! Queria tanto que vc tivesse message pra eu marcar o seu Espero que você seja fe
- adriana (4 months ago)
Olympe Pomfrey
Dakota Johnson being Medusa in an interview, anyway Happy Birthday bbg, Dakota
- Olympe Pomfrey (4 months ago)
Ana ☽
Happy Birthday to Dakota Johnson!!
- Ana ☽ (4 months ago)
nic ⎊
Então dakota johnson ( não tem tt pra eu marcar ) PARABÉNS PRA VOCÊ NESSA DATA QUERIDA MUITAS FELICIDADES MUITOS A
- nic ⎊ (4 months ago)
Happy bday, dakota johnson
- mari;ᶜʳᶠ (4 months ago)
maria xavier dakota day
Happy birthday dakota johnson
- maria xavier dakota day (4 months ago)
HOJE É ANIVERSÁRIO DO MEU AMOR!!!!! essa mulher que me enche de orgulho sempre te amo tantoooo happy birthday d
- gabi (4 months ago)
Reader Shelf
Stay Tuned to to know those inspiring quotes to progress every day in your life.
Happy Birthday To
- Reader Shelf (4 months ago)
Prayer List For Rock stars
Happy Birthday Dakota Johnson
Born: October 4, 1989
- Prayer List For Rock stars (4 months ago)
j♡// sof’s day!!
Happy birthday to my dream woman. i love love love love love love love you soo much!! It s Dakota Johnson day!!!! I
- j♡// sof’s day!! (4 months ago)
Happy 32nd birthday my sweetie dakota johnson!!! and I still want YOU to be my gf
- iris, (4 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Dakota Johnson will celebrate her 36 years old birthday in 7 months and 11 days! Send your greetings to her now!