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Hi and It my mate birthday today and he loves you both for completel
- SixStarsUK (6 months ago)
David Walter Dunlo Allen
- David Walter Dunlo Allen (6 months ago)
Sharing a birthday with Jimmy Anderson, Daley Thompson and England winning the World Cup. Happy birthday
- Dean Cornish (6 months ago)
Melwyn Moore
Many Happy Returns, Have a Great Birthday
- Melwyn Moore (6 months ago)
64 today. Happy Birthday to former Olympic Athlete, Daley Thompson
- Manchester (6 months ago)
Mel Vaughan Smith
1/3 Happy birthday today to Paul Anka (81), Frances de la Tour (78), Arnold Schwarzenegger (75), Jean Reno (74), Fr
- Mel Vaughan Smith (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday Kate Bush, Frances de la Tour, Eliot Sumner, Louise Wener, Phil Da
- BRMGradio (6 months ago)
I bloody loved my Spectrum ZX. Couldn t beat feeling like you d got arthritis while trying to make Dal
- Delboy (7 months ago)
Giles Turner
Hi Daley, my mother-in-law, Norma Drew s, 70th birthday is on Wednesday. She is a life long fan fol
- Giles Turner (6 months ago)
Barry Mingard
Happy Birthday Daley. Hope you have a good one
- Barry Mingard (6 months ago)
Jack Freeman
Happy birthday
- Jack Freeman (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Daley Thompson CBE
Born 30 July 1958.
Thompson is a British former decathlete. He won the
- BRITISH HISTORY (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to you and all others like us celebrating reaching 21 for the third time. Good health and many more.
- Christhechoir (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to
Benito Mussolini
Clive Sinclair
Daley Thompson
Kate Bush
Jürgen Klinsmann
Tom Green
Justin Rose
- Dave (6 months ago)
simon stanley
happy birthday have a good day best wishes
- simon stanley (6 months ago)
joe card
happy birthday to the greatest, this photo sums it up perfectly.
- joe card (6 months ago)
Biology Rules Ok
Happy birthday
- Biology Rules Ok (6 months ago)
7. Daley Thompson. b.1958 in London. Two time Gold Olympic medalist in the Decathlon in 1980 and 1984. Arguably one
- Jeanette (6 months ago)
Bjorn Paree
Happy Birthday !
- Bjorn Paree (6 months ago)
Happy birthday Daley Thompson. What a man!
- adamcvscott (6 months ago)
Shaun Pickering
Happy Birthday to the Big Man with \"The Big G\" or lots of them in his case. Daley Thompson.
The most competitive gu
- Shaun Pickering (6 months ago)
Garry Dods
Well done Team Bridgestone and happy birthday An inspiration to us all
- Garry Dods (6 months ago)
We re celebrating 40 years since won his first gold medal, with 4 special episodes of the Olympic C
- WeAreFearless (6 months ago)
Countryside La Vie
Happy Birthday to - Arnold Schwarzenegger (73) Daley Thompson(62) Kate Bush(62) Laurence Fishburne(59) Lisa Kudrow,
- Countryside La Vie (6 months ago)
Gary williams (Bonzo)
Happy birthday Daley mate
- Gary williams (Bonzo) (6 months ago)
Melanie VaughanSmith
1/2 Happy birthday today to Peter Bogdanovich (81), Clive Sinclair (80), Paul Anka (79), Frances de la Tour (76), A
- Melanie VaughanSmith (6 months ago)
Thank you!! And Daley Thompson. Happy birthday to us
- Harry Myers (6 months ago)
Brutus Maximus #BritishLivesMatter
Happy Birthday Daley Thompson . world\'s greatest athlete
A Real legend A Real World beater
Why in
- Brutus Maximus #BritishLivesMatter (6 months ago)
September 3rd
And Happy Birthday to Kate Bush and Daley Thompson.
- September 3rd (6 months ago)
Sean Fitzpatrick
Happy birthday to my hero and friend Daley Thompson laureussport @ Putney
- Sean Fitzpatrick (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday
- Wanderlust (6 months ago)
Digvijay Singh Deo
Happy Birthday . Have a blast Good Sir...
- Digvijay Singh Deo (6 months ago)
Hatty Burpday
July 30
Happy birthday today to
Daley Thompson (61)
Laurence Fishburne (58)
Lisa Kudrow (56)
Jürgen Klinsmann (55)
- Hatty Burpday (6 months ago)
Sabotage Times
And Happy Birthday Francis Morgan Ayodélé \'Daley\' Thompson.
- Sabotage Times (6 months ago)
karen lashmar
Happy Birthday have a fantastic day xx
- karen lashmar (6 months ago)
Stephen Bootle
How is Daley Thompson only 61??!! He was 40 about 35 years ago. Anyway happy Birthday to the Benjamin Button of athletics
- Stephen Bootle (6 months ago)
Celebrity Birthdays
July 30
Happy birthday today to
Daley Thompson Laurence Fishburne
Lisa Kudrow Jürgen K
- Celebrity Birthdays (6 months ago)
Ian Abrahams (Moose)
Happy 61st Birthday have a great day my friend
- Ian Abrahams (Moose) (6 months ago)