Welcome to Dane Dehaan's Birthday Celebration Page
Dane Dehaan got 404 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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luci #OurSweetCharlieHeatonDay
Hope everyone had a happy national british tormented twink day (dane dehaan and charlie heaton birthday) - luci #OurSweetCharlieHeatonDay (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Hope everyone had a happy national british tormented twink day (dane dehaan and charlie heaton birthday) - luci (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday dane dehaan - leah (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Dane Dehaan! - unicronicron (3 weeks ago)
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Dvd Daddy
Happy Birthday to actors Dane DeHaan ( Kathy Najimy ( Josh Stewart ( and Rip - Dvd Daddy (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Alice Eve, Axl Rose, Babe Ruth, Bob Marley, Brian Stepanek, Charlie Heaton, Dane DeHaan, Josh Ste - NotYourAverageMovieBuff (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Chronicle, Lawless, Cruce de caminos, Tulip Fever, La cura del bienestar, Valerian y La ciudad de los mil planetas. - SoniadelFaces (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Alfred Junior of Bruce
Happy birthday Dane DeHaan. - Alfred Junior of Bruce (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday To Dane Dehaan! my Favorite Actor ! - Alexia (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

2/2 happy birthday! Dane DeHaan February 6 2023 20:00 - MyFace (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

eddie || parksborn truther
Omg before it\'s too late happy birthday dane dehaan <33 - eddie || parksborn truther (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

happy birthday, dane dehaan - desma (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Waaait happy birthday dane dehaan.. it was fate - mafer (3 weeks ago)
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the buffoon
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANE DEHAAN U RAISED ME - the buffoon (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FEBRUARY 6th; 3rd VPOTUS Aaron Burr(1756-1836)\"266\"; Actor Dane DeHaan,36; 40th POTUS Ronald Reagan( - BRONX POET (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

there was a rumor when he was at uncsa that dane dehaan sucked his own dick and there was even a song lm - sibel (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Mrs. Anne
Happy Birthday dear Dane DeHaan! - Mrs. Anne (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday dane dehaan <333 - 15 (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy fucking birthday to ! I still remember having a dane dehaan phase back in 2020 and couldnt stop w - ANDREW GARFIELD 2 TIMES OSCAR NOMINEE (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy fucking birthday to ! I still remember having a dane dehaan phase back in 2020 and couldnt stop w - ANDREW GARFIELD OSCAR NOMINEE LEADING ACTOR (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy fucking birthday to ! I still remember having a dane dehaan phase back in 2020 and couldnt stop w - ANDREW GARFIELD BEST ACTOR 2022 OSCAR (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Celebrity Born
Happy Birthday to Dane DeHaan (American Film Actor, Television Actor, Theatre Actor & Model) - Other Name : Dane W - Celebrity Born (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Movie Actor Dane DeHaan! Hoping you get the whole birthday package: great food, drinks, fun and lots - AllFamous.org (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Finished my comic version of Dane DeHaan s + + Happy Birthday - Gnitnig (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANE DEHAAN - cole (3 weeks ago)
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Nicole Grant
Happy Birthday Bob Marley, Rick Astley, Dane DeHaan, Alice Eve, Crystal Reed, Kathy Najimy, Tinashe, Natalie Cole, - Nicole Grant (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Dane DeHaan Happy Birthday - ちな (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

36 Dane DeHaan, Amazing Spider - NavaBharat (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Isabelle Lightwood
Happy birthday dear Dane dehaan - Isabelle Lightwood (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

The Batman Who Laughs/Thexan le prince-liche/Jimmy
Happy Birthday My Brother Dane DeHaan ! - The Batman Who Laughs/Thexan le prince-liche/Jimmy (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Mashley at the Movies
A happy 35th birthday to Dane DeHaan, one of our more underrated actors. - Mashley at the Movies (3 weeks ago)
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Joaquin Gloria IV
Happy birthday Mr. Dane DeHaan. - Joaquin Gloria IV (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANE DEHAAN !! - & (3 weeks ago)
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Sci-Fi Fantasy Fans
Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan, who played Major Valerian in Green Goblin / Harr - Sci-Fi Fantasy Fans (3 weeks ago)
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Sina Sparrow
Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan - Sina Sparrow (3 weeks ago)
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Solo Juan
Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan - Solo Juan (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday dane dehaan thank you for portraying a teenage stoner with daddy issues so well <3 - ♋︎ (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Dane DeHaan, born today in 1986. He is an actor, known for his roles as Andrew Detmer in Chronicl - Vault0 (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan (Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider-Man 2) - DavidEvansakaDarthSpiderMaul (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Today\'s Famous Birthday
All the best on your special day! Dane DeHaan (Movie Actor), 35 years old. May the joy that you have spread in the - Today\'s Famous Birthday (3 weeks ago)
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George Schmidt (G)
Happy 35th Birthday to DANE DeHAAN - George Schmidt (G) (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Hoy cumple años Dane DeHaan (35) Happy birthday Aquí mi Ranking: - titorube (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan - くま (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

joe i forgot my last name
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEXY DANE DEHAAN - joe i forgot my last name (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

grace ate u
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEXY DANE DEHAAN - grace ate u (3 weeks ago)
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grace misses mae
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEXY DANE DEHAAN - grace misses mae (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Nightmare on Film Street
Happy Birthday to DANE DEHAAN (no relation to our own ) star of genre frights like A CURE FOR WELLNE - Nightmare on Film Street (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Jacob Thomas Mankos
Happy birthday to Dane Dehaan who played Green Goblin in The Amazing Spider-Man 2! - Jacob Thomas Mankos (3 weeks ago)
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANE DEHAAN - Dilara (3 weeks ago)
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Delhikka Rajput
happy birthday dane dehaan sorry i cant wish u at time sorry! - Delhikka Rajput (3 weeks ago)

39 years old (Born on February 06, 1986)

American, Actor; He is famous from Chronicle.

Dane Dehaan's Best Moments

Hope everyone had a happy national british tormented twink day (dane dehaan and charlie heaton birthday)
Happy Birthday to the very talented Dane DeHaan!
A happy 31st birthday to Chronicle, Life After Beth, and The Amazing Spider-Man 2\s Dane DeHaan.
Happy birthday dane dehaan
-amazing and talented actor
-needs to be more appreciated
-cinnamon roll
-i love him
Happy Birthday !
Happy birthday to Dane DeHaan and Dane DeHann 2
Happy Birthday, Dane Dehaan.
Happy Birthday Dane Dehaan 29
Happy birthday to Dane DeHaan!
Happy 29th Birthday To Dane DeHaan!
Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan!!!
Happy Birthday to Dane Dehaan! My favorite villian/guy from Amazing Spiderman. He is an amazing actor.
Happy birthday, In quale ruolo vi è piaciuto particolarmente?
A happy 35th birthday to Dane DeHaan, one of our more underrated actors.
                                           Happy BDay Dane Dehaan
 Happy Birthday Dane Dehaan                                             stay cute
HApPy biRThDaY TO daNe DeHAan  LOvE yOu iN cHiNA
 Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan I wish you all the best :\")
 Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan =D
Happy birthday to the worst thing that\s ever happened to me fuck u n ur damn eyebags @ dane dehaan
Happy Birthday to Dane DeHaan, 2\s Harry Osborn / Green Goblin!
Happy Birthday! Dane Dehaan Turns 29 Years Old Today!
Happy Birthday to dane dehaan to day 29 Year old~~~~~~~~~
                    Happy 29th Birthday to Dane DeHaan(
Happy birthday Dane Dehaan !
Happy Birthday! Dane Dehaan Turns 29 Years Old Today!
If you missed the news: we have a lot of UNSEEN photos to celebrate Dane DeHaan\s birthday:
Happy 29th Birthday to Dane DeHaan of Spider-Man! Shop Collectibles:
Happy birthday, dane dehaan <
HAppY BIrtHDay DaNE DEhAan!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love your work<333
Happy birthday Dane Dehaan!!!
Happy birthday, Dane DeHaan!
Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan    06/02/15
Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan
Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan. 
We love you^^
Happy birthday to an amazing actor dane dehaan!!
Happy birthday, Dane DeHaan!
Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan
Dane Dehaan HAPPY BIRTHDAY!       32
Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan
Dane DeHaan turns 31 today, happy birthday! What movie is it? 5 min to answer!
Happy birthday to dane dehaan only i hope he listens to wild thoughts again
Happy Birthday Wishes to Dane DeHaan!
Happy Birthday!! Dane DeHaan I\m cheering for you from Japan!!
Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan
Hoy cumple años Dane DeHaan (35) Happy birthday Aquí mi Ranking:
Happy 35th Birthday to 
Happy Birthday Dane DeHaan (Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider-Man 2)
Happy birthday dane dehaan thank you for portraying a teenage stoner with daddy issues so well <3
Happy birthday dane dehaan <333
Happy Birthday dear Dane DeHaan!
happy birthday!
Dane DeHaan
February 6 2023 20:00
 Happy Birthday To Dane Dehaan!      my Favorite Actor !
dane dehaan the place beyond the pines 0
dane dehaan anna wood 1
dane dehaan harry osborn 2
dane dehaan the place beyond the pines 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Dane, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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