HAPPY BIRTHDAY APRIL 23rd; Actor David Birney,83; Actress Blair Brown,76; Music Producer Ciarán McDonald,29; Model
- BRONX POET (10 months ago)
Jim Kirkwood Jr
Happy birthday David Birney, born April 23, 1939
- Jim Kirkwood Jr (10 months ago)
Groovy Reflections™
Happy birthday to David Birney. An American actor/director best known for his role in the TV series Bridget Loves B
- Groovy Reflections™ (10 months ago)
Apr 23 Happy Birthday part 1: Alan Oppenheimer, David Birney, Lee Majors, Blair Brown, Joyce DeWitt, James Russo, J
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (10 months ago)
Walter McBride
Happy 82nd Birthday ... David Birney
Born: April 23, 1939, Washington, D.C.
David Birney on February 15, 1985 at
- Walter McBride (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to actor David Birney born on April 23, 1939
- Space-reporter-news (10 months ago)
spacewoman reporter
American actor/director whose career has performances in both contemporar
- spacewoman reporter (10 months ago)
Happy birthday David Birney! \'68 winner for SUMMERTREE
- Theatre World Awards (10 months ago)
Today In Star Trek History
23 April: Happy Birthday
1930: ALAN OPPENHEIMER, Koroth (Rightful Heir, TNG); Captain Keogh (The Jem\'Hadar, DS9); N
- Today In Star Trek History (10 months ago)
Kenneth Johnson
Apr 23 Happy Birthday part 1: producer Anne Douglas, Alan Oppenheimer, David Birney, Lee Majors, producer Michael L
- Kenneth Johnson (10 months ago)
Happy 78th birthday to David Birney! I remember him well from the TV show Bridget Loves Bernie. (Am I dating myself
- Karen (10 months ago)
IMDb. April 23rd. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! D.B. Weiss, Molly Burnett, Tim Blaney, Carla Quevedo, Aidan Fiske, Isaiah Robinson, David Birney.
- GSmith (10 months ago)
Today In History
Happy bday:[1] David Birney 78, Lee Majors 78, Blair Brown 71, Joyce DeWitt 68, James Russo 64, Michael Moore 63, Judy Davis 62
- Today In History (10 months ago)
Sun, 23 Apr 2017, let us all send David Birney the best Happy Birthday wishes today ( (78)
- Thorsten Alteholz (10 months ago)
Chase\'s Calendar
Happy Birthday! Valerie Bertinelli, David Birney, John Cena, Judy Davis, Joyce Dewitt, Andruw Jones, Melina Kanakaredes, George Lopez, and
- Chase\'s Calendar (10 months ago)
Today In History
Happy bday:[1] David Birney 76, Lee Majors 76, Blair Brown 68, Joyce DeWitt 66, James Russo 62, Michael Moore 61, Judy Davis 60
- Today In History (10 months ago)
Theatre World Awards
Theatre World Award: \"Summertree\"
Birthplace: Washington, DC
Mr. Birney\'s...
- Theatre World Awards (10 months ago)
Thorsten Alteholz
Thu, 23 Apr 2015, let us all send David Birney the best Happy Birthday wishes today ( (76)
- Thorsten Alteholz (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
David Birney will celebrate his 86 years old birthday in 1 month and 9 days! Send your greetings to him now!