Welcome to David Jason's Birthday Celebration Page
David Jason got 1024 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Happy Birthday to the legend David Jason - Nathanminas99 (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 82nd Birthday to the legendary fabulous actor Sir David Jason! - DW (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Emm Ledsam
Happy birthday David Jason... oh what? What?! - Emm Ledsam (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Acting legend Sir David Jason, turns 82 today. Happy birthday, Sir David. A.K.A Del Boy! Let\'s have a little bit of - Vanarama (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Adrian Sonos
I d like to take this opportunity to wish David Jason a very happy birthday. 82yrs old today. Legend. - Adrian Sonos (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday David Jason,. 82 today - Rutherfords (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

kirkby robert
Don\'t make them like David Jason anymore happy birthday - kirkby robert (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

The Monk 134
Happy 82nd Birthday to the Legend Sir David Jason - The Monk 134 (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Miss Marie Campbell
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason. X - Miss Marie Campbell (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Kerry Fowler ツ
Happy Birthday David Jason, still knockin\' \'em bandy at 82!. - Kerry Fowler ツ (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

steph beddoes
Lovely Jubbly happy birthday to David Jason have a lovely day - steph beddoes (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Sir David Jason. Only Fools and Horses Forever - Paris_20Times (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Hazel Armstrong
Gosh just for a second I panicked in case we d lost him too - happy birthday to the legend David Jason . - Hazel Armstrong (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday David Jason - 82 Today - Sue-Ellen (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

simon purves
82 today. Happy Birthday to Actor David Jason - simon purves (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

1980s Rewind
Happy 82nd birthday to Sir David Jason who I was fortunate enough to meet at Waterstones in London in October 2013 - 1980s Rewind (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Di Frisby
Happy 82nd birthday to Sir David Jason. - Di Frisby (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Tristan \"Fully Vaccinated\" Petty
Happy Birthday David Jason! - Tristan \"Fully Vaccinated\" Petty (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

James Kevill
Happy 82nd Birthday David Jason. He was the best legend actor ever. Best wishes. - James Kevill (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Prof Deborah Sugg Ryan
A very happy birthday to Sir David Jason! - Prof Deborah Sugg Ryan (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Geoffrey Brown
Very Happy Birthday David Jason and many more Sir - Geoffrey Brown (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Gemma Wilford
Aww yes, Happy 82nd Birthday to this absolute legend David Jason, over the past month I ve enjoyed w - Gemma Wilford (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 82nd birthday Sir David Jason, aka Derek Del Boy Trotter. - Rob (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday To Sir David Jason. - AJ (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Leigh Kinder
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason! - Leigh Kinder (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Matty Duggan
Happy 82nd birthday to the legend that is Del Boy I mean sir David Jason. Thank you for keeping us laughing all the - Matty Duggan (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Soleil Radio
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason who turns 82 today. we love you! - Soleil Radio (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Del Boy, Sir David Jason. - fendernicollback (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Trace Curtis (CrazyCatLady)
Awww Happy Birthday sir David Jason, he is the best actor, so so funny, we love him - Trace Curtis (CrazyCatLady) (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

hmv Carlisle
Happy birthday Sir David Jason of Peckham. - hmv Carlisle (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Reposted from HAPPY 82nd BIRTHDAY TO THE LEGEND HIMSELF! Sir David Jason turns 82 today an - FINGERSJOHN✌ (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason! Only Fools and Horses, considered by many as his best work, ranks as Britain\'s s - YouGov (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FEBRUARY 2nd; Bounty Hunter Duane \"Dog\" Chapman,69; Actor David Jason,82; Novelist/Poet James Joyce - BRONX POET (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Medieval History Buff
Happy Birthday David Jason - Medieval History Buff (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday David Jason - Sian (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Many Happy Returns to the Legend that is Sir David Jason , a true star of two of the greates - DAVID EASTON (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Glynn Edwards. We saw him as David Jason\'s father-in-law in Lucky Feller. - BritComPod (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 82nd birthday to one of Great Britain finest comedy actors Sir David Jason - mrclaretandblue1981 (1 month ago)
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Lamby - Toronto Shrews
Happy Birthday to the legend David Jason - Lamby - Toronto Shrews (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

David McComb
Happy birthday Sir David Jason and thank you for the countless laughs you ve given me and my family over the year - David McComb (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Bill & Ben the Cartoon Men
Happy birthday to the legend that is David Jason! Check out our caricature gifts if you know a or - Bill & Ben the Cartoon Men (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Donna Harvey
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason Lots of love ,Donna & Family xx - Donna Harvey (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

3 Peaps In A PodCast
Happy Birthday Sir David Jason - 3 Peaps In A PodCast (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Dr. Karl Beattie
Happy Birthday, to one of the nicest, kindest and funniest people on the planet, Sir David Jason, 82 today, Happy B - Dr. Karl Beattie (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Matt EFC
Happy birthday to this legend David Jason - Matt EFC (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Greatest Hits Radio
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason! What\'s your favourite Del Boy quote...? - Greatest Hits Radio (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Sam David
Happy birthday to Sir David Jason, 82! - Sam David (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Amazing 70s Radio
Seventiesuk: Sir David Jason is 82 today, Happy Birthday David fo - Amazing 70s Radio (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

shelbee smith
Happy Birthday to the forever fantastic Sir David Jason - shelbee smith (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

wanderingbiku-Dave for short
Happy Birthday to David Jason. - wanderingbiku-Dave for short (1 month ago)

85 years old (Born on February 02, 1940)

A Touch of Frost. "Derek Trotter" In Only Fools and Horses, Darling Buds of May...

David Jason's Best Moments

Happy 75th Birthday David Jason!
The David Jason birthday quiz! Happy birthday, Sir David!  When & where did I take this snap of the great man?
Happy 80th birthday to the legendary Sir David Jason!
Sir David Jason 81 today.  Happy Birthday .  One of the best British  actors we have.
Happy Birthday David Jason
Happy birthday, Sir David Jason You just had to be there
Happy 78th Birthday to the legendary David Jason. Mange tout!
Happy 80th Birthday David Jason
A very happy 75th birthday today to Sir David Jason. A national treasure who has kept us laughing for over 40 years.
Happy 75th Birthday David Jason please
Happy 80th birthday to one of my favourite comedians David Jason.
Happy 80th birthday to Sir David Jason!!!
Happy 75th Birthday to the one and only Sir David Jason!
Happy birthday to the legendary actor, Sir David Jason
Happy birthday to Sir David Jason, today the TV legend himself turns 83 years old  : Getty
Happy Birthday to sitcom legend David Jason. 77 today.
Merc Scenes - Happy Birthday Del Boy ! 
David Jason born on this day in 1940
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason - 77 today!
David Jason is 77 today, Happy Birthday David!
Happy 75th Birthday to David Jason
Happy 82nd birthday Sir David Jason
We\d like to wish an extremely happy birthday to the wonderful Sir David Jason, 77 today.
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason who is 79 today
Happy Birthday, David Jason! 81 Today!
Happy Birthday David Jason who is 81 today. He will always be Del Boy to me.
Happy 80th Birthday to David Jason. Here he demonstrates how PG Tips get more flavour in the cup, 1977
Happy 80th Birthday David Jason a legend not a plonker
Happy birthday David Jason
Happy 80th birthday to sir David Jason
Happy 80th birthday to the LEGENDARY David Jason
Happy Birthday Sir David Jason who is 80 years old today.
Happy Birthday to one of the greatest actors of all time!! Sir David Jason!  LOVELY JUBBLY!
Happy 75th Birthday David Jason!
Happy birthday David Jason, you wally
Happy 80th Birthday Sir David Jason
Happy 80th birthday to TV and comedy legend Sir David Jason! What\s your favourite role of David\s?
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason, 82 years young today, hope he has a cushty day
Happy Birthday to 1940 Sir David Jason
Happy birthday Del Boy, AKA Sir David Jason. Born OTD 82 years ago
Happy 82nd birthday sir David Jason you absolute legend!
Happy 80th Birthday to Sir David Jason OBE!

Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason The man best known for playing Del Boy in Only Fools
Happy birthday Sir David Jason
Happy 80th birthday to Sir David Jason.
Inset, Legend in Del Boy heyday
Happy 80th Birthday Sir David Jason
A very Happy Birthday today to actor, comedian, screenwriter and executive producer David Jason
Happy 82nd Birthday to this legend Sir David Jason
Happy Birthday Sir David Jason! The greatest ever!
Happy 83rd birthday legend David Jason
Happy Birthday Sir David Jason!!! 02 Feb 1940
Happy Birthday David Jason, born this day in 1940.
Happy 79th birthday to David Jason of Only Fools and Horses & A Touch of Frost.
Happy Birthday to this legend! Sir David Jason who turns 80 today!
Happy Birthday to the legend that is Mr David Jason
Happy Birthday Sir David Jason!!!!
Happy birthday David Jason!
Happy birthday to the legend Sir David Jason! 82 today.
Happy 82nd birthday to David Jason, who starred in the TV show A Bit of a Do by David Nobbs.
Seventiesuk: Sir David Jason is 82 today, Happy Birthday David  fo
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason who turns 82 today. we love you!
Happy birthday David Jason... oh what? What?!
Happy birthday actor David Jason, born 1940.
Happy 75th Birthday to my idol Sir David Jason   Always keeps ke laughing
Here\s wishing a very happy 75th birthday to Sir David Jason, a man who defines perfectly the term national treasure.
Happy birthday Sir David Jason, I can\t believe it\s forty years since our first pint together.....
Happy birthday Sir David Jason! Thanks for all the laughs... including Cushty!
Happy birthday to David Jason the legend that is del boy xx
Happy 77th Birthday to Sir David Jason. \"lovely Jubbly\"  have a \"cushty\" day \"you plonker\"
Happy Birthday Sir David Jason
. are waking up the Black Country on the day this young man turns 78! 

Happy Birthday Sir David Jason
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason who is 78 today! Luvly jubly!
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason who is 79 today
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason who is 79 today!
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason who is 79 today!
Happy Birthday Sir David Jason
Happy 80th Birthday to Britain s National Treasure, David Jason.
Happy 80th Birthday to this tv legend Sir David Jason.
Happy birthday to this legend David Jason... 80 today
 Happy 80th birthday Sir David Jason hope you have a wonderful birthday
  Happy Birthday Sir David Jason
Happy birthday to the great David Jason,proper comedy legend.
Happy 80th Birthday to Sir David Jason.
Happy 80th birthday David Jason
Happy 80th birthday to Sir David Jason! Luvvly jubbly!
Happy 81st birthday, David Jason! Here he is as Del Boy, but what\s your character from the great actor?
Happy Birthday David Jason, 82 today.
Happy 82nd birthday, Sir David Jason!
Happy 82nd birthday to Sir David Jason. Making people laugh is a beautiful thing :)
Happy birthday David Jason
Happy birthday Sir David Jason, 82 today.

Comedy legend.
Happy birthday to Build-A-Bond\s most scariest of villains... Err.... David Jason
Happy 82nd Birthday Del Boy AKA David Jason. 

Try not to get so drunk you fall over
Happy 82nd Birthday to the legend that is Sir David Jason, God Love Him Xx
A happy Birthday to comedy legend Mr David Jason
Happy Birthday Sir David Jason
A very happy birthday to Sir David Jason!
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason.
Seeing as Only Fools and Horses is trending...
Happy birthday to Sir David Jason. A living legend. An absolute British Icon
Happy 82nd Birthday to the living legend that is Sir David Jason.

Thank you for the decades of laughter.
Happy Birthday David Jason
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason
Happy Birthday David Jason
Happy 75th birthday to my main bro David Jason (Del boy)
Happy Birthday to the legend, Sir David Jason.
  Happy Birthday David Jason!  look at the coat
Happy birthday to Sir David Jason,  quite simply a legend
Again Happy Birthday Sir David Jason
Happy belated birthday to David Jason. Can\t believe we missed it - too busy celebrating for him in
Happy 77th Birthday Sir David Jason
Happy Birthday David Jason (77) - DEL-BOY vs DALEY by
Happy birthday Sir David Jason

Sir David played Nogood Boyo in the 1972 big screen adaptation of Under Milk Wood
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason - 77 today!
Happy Birthday to this acting legend, Sir David John White (David Jason). 77 years old today. \"You Plonkers!\"
Wishing Sir David Jason, an avid aviation enthusiast and great supporter of a very Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, David Jason!
Happy Birthday sir David Jason. A true television legend! 77 today
Happy Birthday David Jason
Happy 77th Birthday to the Legend that is Sir David Jason
Happy birthday to the wonderful Sir David Jason. 

A true icon!
\" Happy 77th birthday Sir David Jason! legend - happy birthday you perlonker
Happy 77th birthday to sir David Jason
Happy birthday to one of my favourite actors, David Jason.

Lovely Jubbly.
Happy Birthday David Jason!
Happy birthday Sir David Jason, thank you for hours of entertainment and laughs!
Happy birthday to the iconic Sir David Jason
Happy 77th birthday to the legendary, Sir David Jason!
Nice to see this legend has style, happy birthday Sir David Jason!
Happy Birthday Sir David Jason 77 today
Happy 77th Birthday David Jason!
He\s one of my comedy heroes and today it\s his birthday. Here\s wishing you a very happy birthday Sir David Jason.
Happy Birthday Sir David Jason. 77 today
Happy Birthday David Jason  78 today
Happy 78th Birthday to Sir David Jason
Happy 78th Birthday to the comedy legend who is, Sir David Jason!!
Tv Happy 78th Birthday   to actor David Jason
Happy birthday to Sir David Jason, 78 today!
Happy Friday and Happy Birthday, Sir David Jason!
Sre an 79-i care.
Happy birthday to Ser David Jason who is 79 today
Happy birthday David Jason. Comedy icon
Happy Birthday To Sir David Jason Who Is 79 Today! TV Legend
Happy Birthday Sir David Jason   Have a great 79th Birthday
 Happy birthday Sir David Jason
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID JASON - 02. February 1940.  Edmonton, London, England, UK
Happy birthday to Sir David Jason
 Happy birthday David Jason just watching him now
Happy Birthday to one of the nicest guys I ve met Sir David Jason
Happy 79th Birthday to Sir David Jason. A legend that still makes me laugh every time I see him on TV
HAPPY birthday Del boy (david Jason) 80 yrs young......3 pts be nice today tottenham be nice.....
Happy birthday to the legend David Jason he s 80 today
 Happy 80th Birthday to the Great Sir David Jason ! Have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason who is 80 today!
Happy 80th birthday David Jason
Happy 80th birthday to the wonderful David Jason.
Happy 80th birthday to the legend that is Sir David Jason. Have a good one Delboy.
Happy 80th birthday to the fabulous Sir David Jason. Hope he has a lovely jubbly birthday.
Happy 80th Birthday Sir David Jason
Happy birthday to David Jason, pictured here with Nicholas Lyndhurst
Happy 80th Birthday to the legend
Sir David Jason
Sir Derek Trotter
Happy birthday to my life long hero David Jason!
Happy 80th Birthday Sir David Jason! :)
Happy 80th birthday to the legend that we all love.... Sir David Jason
Happy 80th birthday David Jason
Blimmy Del Boy is 80 years young today. Happy birthday David Jason
Happy birthday Sir David Jason, absolute hero
Lovely - jobly Happy birthday to Sir David Jason!!!
Happy 80th birthday Sir David Jason
Happy 80th Birthday to the one and only Sir David Jason.
 What a legend. Happy birthday sir David Jason
Happy birthday sir David Jason
Happy 80th Birthday David jason.
Happy 80th Birthday to the totally cushty Sir David Jason.

Chateau neuf du Pape!
Happy 80th birthday to the Legend that is Sir David Jason!!!
Happy birthday Sir David Jason
 Happy Birthday to the legendary Sir David Jason!
Happy Birthday David Jason. 81 years young today.
Happy Birthday to the legendary David Jason!
   Very happy birthday to Sir David Jason, simply superb as Del Boy
Happy 82nd Birthday to the legend that is Sir David Jason.
Happy birthday David jason.have a day as wonderful as you X.
Happy 82nd Birthday David Jason. A true great.

Have a lovely jubbly day!
 Just simply the best Happy Birthday legend Sir David Jason
Happy Birthday David Jason! 82 today!
Wishing Sir David Jason a happy 82nd birthday.
Happy birthday to the one and only Sir David Jason!
 Happy Birthday Sir David Jason..
Happy Birthday to David Jason, 82 today
A Fantastic actor
A Legend
A National Hero
A National Treasure

Happy Birthday David Jason
Happy birthday to the National Treasure that is David Jason. One of this country s all time greats.
Happy Birthday today to the great Sir David Jason 82yrs young.
Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason! What\s your favourite Del Boy quote...?
Happy birthday to Sir David Jason, 82!
Happy Birthday to David Jason.
Happy birthday to this legend David Jason
 Happy Birthday to Sir David Jason Lots of love ,Donna & Family xx
Happy Birthday to Glynn Edwards. We saw him as David Jason\s father-in-law in Lucky Feller.
Happy Birthday David Jason!
Happy 82nd Birthday David Jason. He was the best legend actor ever. Best wishes.
Happy 82nd  birthday to Sir David  Jason.
david jason young 0
david jason wife 1
david jason and gill hinchcliffe 2
David Jason new pic 3

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, David, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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