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Vince Staskel
Happy Birthday to dear Debby Boone! As a matter of fact Deana you and Debby both \"light up my life!\"
- Vince Staskel (5 months ago)
Werner Christof
Like her father she looks younger.
Happy birthday Debby Boone
- Werner Christof (5 months ago)
UCM-The Beat
Happy birthday to:
American singer and dancer Toni Basil (1943)
U.S. singer Debby Boone (1956)
Joan Jett, American
- UCM-The Beat (5 months ago)
Robert P Coronado
Happy Birthday to Debby Boone . You Light Up My Life
- Robert P Coronado (5 months ago)
Deana Martin
Happy Birthday to my beautiful girlfriend Debby Boone!
- Deana Martin (5 months ago)
Sailing Starboard
Happy Birthday Debby Boone. Won\'t ever forget that year when \"you light up my life\" was the most popular song on the radio.
- Sailing Starboard (5 months ago)
104.1 The Ranch
Happy birthday Debby Boone.. You Light Up My Life
- 104.1 The Ranch (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to singer and children\'s book author Debby Boone
- Geneanet (5 months ago)
Raylene - Undercover Indie ®
Please join me here at in wishing Deborah Anne \"Debby\" Boone (Vocalist/Actress/Author) a very happy
- Raylene - Undercover Indie ® (5 months ago)
Happy birthday Pop Singer Debby Boone! Hope your 66th birthday is more than special. I hope it\'s extra, extra speci
- (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday!
Debby Boone, YOU LIGHT UP MY LIFE via
- sweetrhythms (5 months ago)
WPEN - The Station of the Stars!
Sept 22nd Happy 66th birthday to Debby Boone! Record Producer Mike Curb encouraged Debby to focus on a solo singi
- WPEN - The Station of the Stars! (5 months ago)
Ralph Michaels
Happy Birthday Sept 22, 1956 - Debby Boone, US singer. Daughter of 50s singer Pat Boone. 10 weeks at on the US s
- Ralph Michaels (5 months ago)
The Dude
Happy Birthday Debby Boone! pop/country/christian/gospel singer best known for 1977 pop hit You Light Up My L
- The Dude (5 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEPTEMBER 22...Singer Toni Basil,78; Singer Debby Boone,65; Actress MyAnna Buring,42; Baseball Tommy
- BRONX POET (5 months ago)
David Roberson
Happy Birthday 9/22: Annie Herring (2nd Chapter of Acts) - 76, Debby Boone - 65, Joan Jett - 63, Scott Baio - 61, R
- David Roberson (5 months ago)
Jim Kirkwood Jr
Happy birthday Debby Boone, born September 22, 1956
- Jim Kirkwood Jr (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Debby Boone
- topstarbirthdays (5 months ago)
Libra Girl
Song of the day(Happy birthday, Debby Boone)
- Libra Girl (5 months ago)
JC Allen
Happy 65th Birthday Debbie Boone~~~Prayers in the bathroom with Debby Boone ! via
- JC Allen (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to singer, actress, author and spokesperson Debby Boone born on September 22, 1956 (Pop, country and
- Space-reporter-news (5 months ago)
Purple Radio Athens
\"You Light Up My Life\"
Happy Birthday to American singer, author and actress,
Debby Boone (September 22, 1956).
- Purple Radio Athens (5 months ago)
The Hi-Fi Hillbillies
Happy Wednesday, September 22nd. Today is National Ice Cream Cone Day. 1964: Fiddler On The Roof opens on Broad
- The Hi-Fi Hillbillies (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday Tom Felton, better known as Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter movies, he turns 33 today. Scott Baio
- Brian O\'Connell (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday!
Debby Boone (9/22), YOU LIGHT UP MY LIFE via
- Cherie (5 months ago)
Mohd Afiq bin Ahmad
My best ever Instagram post because my wife is in this post and because today is her birthday but actually because
- Mohd Afiq bin Ahmad (5 months ago)
Suzanne Noa
Debby Boone You light up my life via Happy Birthday Debby
- Suzanne Noa (5 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Bobby Radcliff, David Coverdale, Doug Somers (d. 2017), Mike Graham (d. 2012), Bob Goodlatte, Suk
- Teewhy Nyema (5 months ago)
spacewoman reporter
American singer, author, and actress. She is best known for her 1977 hit, \"You
- spacewoman reporter (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday Debby Boone born on September 22, 1956, She is an American singer, author, and actres
- JeffJ (5 months ago)
Barry Kowal
September 22:Happy 63rd birthday to singer,Debby Boone (\"You Light Up My Life\")
- Barry Kowal (5 months ago)
Todd Jessup
Happy 62nd Birthday to Debby Boone. She is a singer, author, and actress. She is best known for her 1977 hit, \"You
- Todd Jessup (5 months ago)
Happy birthday Debby Boone
- ATOM RECORDS (5 months ago)
Sean Mcdowell
Happy Birthday Debby Boone. Debby sang \"You Light Up My Life\" in 1977. If ever there was song that QUICKLY made me
- Sean Mcdowell (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Debby Boone.
Working on this show, was a JOY for me.
- RichardJay-Alexander (5 months ago)
Old School Country
Happy Birthday to June Forrester and Debby Boone both born in 1956.
- Old School Country (5 months ago)
Average American Bill
Happy Birthday Debbie Boone (daughter of the legendary Pat Boone).
Born: September 22, 1956
Kind of a \'One hit wo
- Average American Bill (5 months ago)
Your Average American Bill
Happy Birthday Debbie Boone (daughter of the legendary Pat Boone).
Born: September 22, 1956
Kind of a \'One hit wo
- Your Average American Bill (5 months ago)
September 22nd Happy Birthday to David Coverdale - Whitesnake (1951), Mark Panker - American Music Club (1952), Ric
- TodayinMusicHistory (5 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Debby Boone will celebrate her 69 years old birthday in 6 months and 13 days! Send your greetings to her now!