Happy birthday delia Derbyshire your amazing
- emily young (9 months ago)
Happy birthday
- Darth (9 months ago)
Mat Pringle
Happy birthday to Delia Derbyshire the unsung hero of the BBC radiophonic workshop and electronic music pioneer. Th
- Mat Pringle (9 months ago)
Electronic Sound
On May 5th 1937, one of the most pioneering electronic musicians was born.
Through interviews with former collabo
- Electronic Sound (9 months ago)
Janine Bennett
Delia Derbyshire - Pot Au Feu (1968) via Happy 83rd Birthday in Heaven Delia Derb
- Janine Bennett (9 months ago)
Super-Frog Saves Tokyo
Good Morning All.
Safe to say some of us electronic music types wouldn\'t be around were it not for the work of De
- Super-Frog Saves Tokyo (9 months ago)
Gideon Coe
Happy birthday to Delia Derbyshire, Karl Marx and
- Gideon Coe (9 months ago)
Waldo Kanto
Happy Birthday Delia Derbyshire, 5 May 1937 3 July 2001.
- Waldo Kanto (9 months ago)
Track: 16 Happy Birthday 0:31
Artist - Delia Derbyshire
We\'re half way through (the track list)
- ThatIanBloke (9 months ago)
Happy belated birthday to Delia Derbyshire - here\'s something she made in 1969
- caroline (9 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
And Happy Birthday to Sandy Baron (d. 2001), Patrick Gowers (d. 2014), Ervin Lazar (d. 2006), Delia Derbyshire (d.
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (9 months ago)
Josh Weinstein
Also, happy birthday to fellow May 5thers Michael Palin, Karl Marx & Delia Derbyshire. Don\'t f ck
- Josh Weinstein (9 months ago)
Lefty\'s Records
Happy Birthday to the late Marshall Grant of the Tennessee Two & the late Delia Derbyshire who did the Dr. Who theme
- Lefty\'s Records (9 months ago)
Eli McIlveen
Happy birthday to the late great electronic music pioneer Delia Derbyshire:
- Eli McIlveen (9 months ago)
bbq everything
Happy Birthday to Delia Derbyshire! Electronic music royalty, no doubt.
- bbq everything (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Delia Derbyshire! Electronic music royalty, no doubt.
- Луки (9 months ago)
Jive Time Records
Happy 66th birthday to Bill Drummond, creative catalyst behind the KLF, the Time Lords, and other projects. This is
- Jive Time Records (9 months ago)
Happy birthday today would also have been the birthday of electronic music pioneer Delia Derbyshire
- Niki (9 months ago)
The Perlich Post
Celebrating the birthday of electronic music pioneer with Kara Blake\'s excellent doc The Delian Mo
- The Perlich Post (9 months ago)
RUPERT X / Official
Happy Birthday Delia Derbyshire
- RUPERT X / Official (9 months ago)
Last night I dreamt that people kept confusing Amelia Bullmore with Delia Derbyshire & calling her Amelia Derbyshir
- Hicks (9 months ago)
Adrian Last
Happy Birthday from Helen aka The Cake Lady and me. Shared with Karl Marx & Delia Derbyshire too...
- Adrian Last (9 months ago)
worker & parasite
Happy birthday to the person who has been a huge & positive influence on my life & has cast a shadow over so many o
- worker & parasite (9 months ago)
Moseley Record Fair
Happy Birthday Delia Derbyshire! She would have been 81 today.
- Moseley Record Fair (9 months ago)
Hannah Sawtell
Happy birthday -artwork produced in celebration of Delia s impact on electronic music Derbyshire
- Hannah Sawtell (9 months ago)
The Cov Music Museum
Happy birthday Dr Delia Derbyshire
- The Cov Music Museum (9 months ago)
Happy birthday Delia Derbyshire, 1937. One of the great electronic music composers; far more than just Doctor
- SalonW\'outBoundaries (9 months ago)
May 5th Happy Birthday to Johnnie Taylor (1934), Delia Derbyshire (1937), Tammy Wynette (1942), Jim King - Family
- TodayinMusicHistory (9 months ago)
Please listen to Auntie Maureen\'s - Happy Birthday Delia Derbyshire - radio show for real house radio, London:...
- female:pressure (8 months ago)
Patterned Air
Happy belated birthday to Delia Derbyshire this mix I did for includes Running, Falling, Blue Veils
- Patterned Air (9 months ago)
Douglas M. Griffin
Happy belated birthday, Delia Derbyshire.
- Douglas M. Griffin (9 months ago)
John Deehan
Happy Birthday, DELIA DERBYSHIRE, The Musical Talent Behind The ICONIC and UNFORGETTABLE Theme Tune For
- John Deehan (9 months ago)
Gender Amplified
Happy belated birthday to electronic music composer Delia Derbyshire! Here\'s some history for your Sat. afternoon
- Gender Amplified (9 months ago)
Sylvia R.J. Scott
Yes Happy Birthday to Delia Derbyshire. A woman who contributed a song all those who love Dr. Who will remember.
- Sylvia R.J. Scott (9 months ago)