Denise Crosby is known for portraying Security Chief Tasha Yar in season 1 of and Yar\'s daughter, the
- LadiesWhoTrek (3 months ago)
Geek Girl Authority
Happy birthday, Denise Crosby! Which of her roles is your favorite?
- Geek Girl Authority (3 months ago)
ralph copas
Happy birthday Denise Crosby
- ralph copas (3 months ago)
Attila Menyhárt
Happy birthday to you Denise Crosby!
Welcome from Hungary!
- Attila Menyhárt (3 months ago)
Toni Gálvez
Happy Birthday Denise Crosby, age is just a number and you are so wonderful. Time to get a Commodore 64 computer ;-)
- Toni Gálvez (3 months ago)
Jim Kirkwood Jr
Happy birthday Denise Crosby, born November 24, 1957
- Jim Kirkwood Jr (3 months ago)
Me, Maffew, Denise Crosby, & Beth Pheonix share a birthday together, happy birthday to y\'all and to y\'all a good ni
- Foolhardy (3 months ago)
Narciso (Nick) Lopez
Happy birthday to Denise Crosby, who played Tasha Yar in the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, as wel
- Narciso (Nick) Lopez (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Denise Crosby
- topstarbirthdays (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Denise Crosby who turns 64 today! Pictured here in the 1980s.
- Space-reporter-news (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday Denise Crosby!
- Marco Kurt (3 months ago)
Amanda Burton
No stranger to Horror and Sci-fi, lets wish Denise Crosby a Happy Birthday!
- Amanda Burton (3 months ago)
Steve Frazier ☕
Happy birthday to Denise Crosby. As you prep your turkey, listen along as and I discuss the brilliance
- Steve Frazier ☕ (3 months ago)
Andy Rash
Happy birthday, Denise Crosby!
- Andy Rash (3 months ago)
D. James
Happy Birthday to the amazing Denise Crosby! Honored to share this date with you! Enjoy your day Milady!
- D. James (3 months ago)
Happy birthday TV Actress Denise Crosby! Another adventure filled year awaits you. Welcome it by celebrating your b
- (3 months ago)
Dvd Daddy
Happy Birthday to TV/Film actress Denise Crosby. She\'s best known for portraying Security Chief Tasha Yar on Star T
- Dvd Daddy (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to Denise Crosby ( Tasha Yar in Star Trek TNG )
- AstroBlanca (3 months ago)
Coffee with Jeff
Happy 64th birthday to American actress and model, Denise Crosby. Denise is best known for portraying Security Chie
- Coffee with Jeff (3 months ago)
Star Trek Online Deutschland
Happy Birthday Denise Crosby, alias Lieutenant Tasha Yar und Kaiserin Sela in Star Trek: The Next Generation und
- Star Trek Online Deutschland (3 months ago) | warpCast | Warp-CoreTV
Denise Crosbys \"Star Trek\"-Karriere war zwar kurz. Aber immer noch erinnerungswürdig. Happy Birthday:
- | warpCast | Warp-CoreTV (3 months ago)
sharon grant
Happy Birthday Denise Crosby! Hope you had a great day and have a wonderful birthday year!
- sharon grant (3 months ago)
A Funny Black Guy
Happy birthday to Denise Crosby, who played Tasha Yar in the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, as wel
- A Funny Black Guy (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday Denise Crosby. If you drink have one of WHATEVER you drink for me.
- Vickie Dillon (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday , Denise Crosby
- Jerry (3 months ago)
Today In Star Trek History
24 November: Happy birthday Denise Crosby. The granddaughter of legendary crooner Bing Crosby was born in Hollywood
- Today In Star Trek History (3 months ago)