Welcome to Devika Parikh's Birthday Celebration Page
Devika Parikh got 33 balloons for her birthday! Gift her more message balloons!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :O :O =-O =-O :O :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-) -HAAAAAAPPPPYYYYY BIIIIRRRRTTHHHDDAAYYY TTTTTOOOOOOOOO YYYOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUU, Deeevviikkaaaa Paaarrriiiikkkkhhhhh, Well, Today is your Birthday, and I wish you wish you many more (in my best Solomon Burke voice), you've gotta put all the Birthday songs on heavy rotation today, the beatles birthday song, Stevie Wonders Happy Birthday To You, just all of them. <3 Happpy biiirrthdayyy tooo-ooo yooouuuu, Haaapppyyy wondeerrrfulll Biiiirrrrttthhhddaaayyy tooooooooo-ooooo yyooooouuu-ooouuu-ooouuuuu, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppyyyyy, Biiiiiiiirrrrrtttttttttthhhhhhhddddaaayyyyy Devika Parikh, Lady D, Vika, Vee, Dee, Myuture', DeviPariebonyindianepitoepicmyugoddessblincess, Haaappppyy Birrthhdaaayy, DO YOU HEAA-EAARR MEE, CAANN YOUU HEAARR MEEE-EE, I SAAII-AAIII-AAAIIAAIIIDD (A LITTLE LUTHOR RIGHT THERE, YOU KNOW I GET CARRIED AWAY OVER YOU), Hhhaaaaaaaaapppppppppppyyyyyyy Biiiiiirrrrtthhhhddddddaaaaaayyyyyyyy Tooooooooo-ooooooooooooo, ta, ta ta ta, ta, ta ta taaaaaa, oooooooo-ooooooo, Yoooooouuuuuuu, Baby, baby, baby, seeexxyyy #*$??! ( I don't curse but it was there emotionally, ) #*$??! ( ooppss again ) Laaaaaddyyyy, Haaapppyy Biirrthddaayyy Toooo Yooooouuu, ( And manyy mannnyy mooorreee). ;-) :'( :'( :-* I<3U infinity. God Bless Your All and keep spreading the joy of the Lord wherever you go Devika, and yes I Love You To infinity back and around again. In Jesus Name Let Gods Will be Done between us, Amen. <3 :-* O:-) <3U, Myuture' <3 :-* U. - chaklet50/HappyBirthdayDevika (8 years ago)
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1 day to go Myuture' and I know you're gonna be laughing and being ever so thankful to the Lord for bringing you this far and walking with you. Its appreciation day and I just wanna thank God for everything and allowing me the honor and priviledge to meeting one of his lovely daughters being you Devika Parikh. We haven't had a get together and lunch or dinners or movies and walks under the moonlight midnights. Our eyes haven't stared endlessly into each others or have held swinging hands like teenage sweethearts do or have went to concerts, plays, museums or the zoo. But even withiut not having did all that and even more I like you so much without all those precious like moments of shared quality time it takes to build a bond. I hope the very best for you at all times, so whatever you think of me I hope your mind says to you, Lord somewhere there's a man that likes me and treasures me, maybe not as much as you do, my father or mother does, but doggonit he's running a nice fourth place position and coming for the two spot in my heart pretty hard. Even if he's never truly able to attain it he might just tie up for it in the longrun sooner or later. IDo<3U Devika Parikh and wish this to be one of your greatest and best Birthdays ever if possible, and I just happen to think it is more than possible. God be your all in all, in Jesus Name I Pray and thank him for allowing me to just see you, cry for you, and hope all for you, I thanked God for you.., if you can feel my tears pour as I cry, cry with me too, cause God has been more than Good to a faithless world. Amen and Amen again. :-* O:-) <3 I<3U - chaklet49 (8 years ago)
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2 days and its on Lady D. I'm so excited for you and the amazing festivities that are about to go down. Well its ? Mark day and that means karoake of course. I'm gonna go back to a very special song that helped bring my enthusiam up to be a christian even though my Grandmother Mary Magdalene Thomas rest her soul took me to church with her when I was 4 it wasn't until I was in high school at age 12 that God truly started to reveal Himself to my mind. I was singing bass/baritone in the H.S. choir and all city chorus and was in a competing barbershop quartet H.S. chorale grup at the time as well, ( my oh goodbye my coney island baby/shine, ten cents my baby needs a new pair of shoes days, that are no more and far behind me but I seem to remember almost every song from then) my best friend at the time Robert4 father loved this song so I learned it for him and every time I came over just about he'd want me to sing it and he'd get so happy and tickled when I did so. I couldn't find the rare Jimmy Jones & Sensations gospel version and Take 6 did a decent version, but I did find this version to be the closest to what I remember it sounding like to my ears. Its by the gospel group called Harmonizing Four song is titled "Farther Along". I'm sure you've heard a version of it somewhere down the line. There were other songs that were at my beginnings ala. Holy One, Be Grateful ect.., but none of them have the historical monumental value in my memory like that song. Once again enjoy your Birthday week, you are in the thoughts of my heart and mind. I hope your happinesses to be gargantous and immense beyond compare. God guide you and lead you to where you always should and need to be, In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen. <3U <3 :-) <3 ;-) <3 :-* <3 O:-) <3 <3U - chaklet48 (8 years ago)
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Can you believe it 3 days left to go Devika. Are you ready? I certainly think you are. Well this is my final poem on here for now so let's get to it and not prolong the matter. ©10-31-2016 (TM) ..., by chaku...,- See Me, See You..., - Your love is sealed forever, in my heart and mind.., Safety and security for you comes first, they're the top priority thoughts of mine at all times..., Anyone looking into my eyes, will see your glorius beautiful reflections,,. And feel the erections of our affections, that has bonded our connections..., wherever I am or I go, I want everybody and one to know.., You're my girl, my whole world, my yesterday, my today and my tomorrow..., If I stand in a room all by myself, I'm not really alone.., You're hidden from sight, like a shadow at midnight, and calm unseen winds enblown..., were dual dimesions holy ghost filled, bodies standing simultaneously exactly in each others space.., And double universes fused, emotionally feeling what the other always does, co-existing in and at the same time zone and place..., When a sperm marries an egg, new life is brought forth, created and born of a seed.., Ironically were the same thing, redoing it over and over again, as God has intended it to be..., You're the nut to my bolt, screwing and winding down all around on top of me firmly, us fitting perfectly.., twisting and turning coming closer to my bottom, ultimately we intimately lock and fasten, jointly joined as on piece tightly..., Like hands in gloves and white on doves, we belong together like the ding and dong. Of sweet silver church bells.., "They'll. Think and say".., There he is, There she is, because wherever they see me, you too, will be, who they also see as well..., - - Enjoy your Birthday Devika and the rest of the week. Pray for me because I'm certainly always Praying for you. God be with you and bless you continueally, In Jesus Name I Pray and Thank The Lord for it All, Amen. <3U <3 :-) <3 ;-) <3 :-* <3 O:-) <3 <3U - chaklet47/poetry (8 years ago)
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4 days to go and let all that wonderful love come a pouring down and in from all those that care for you Devika. Here we are at Scripture Sunday and I've chosen a common but relateable scripture from Gods word. Kjv yeah you know me.., hahaha.., Galatians 6; 1-10..., 1.) Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 2.) Bear ye one anothers burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. 3.) For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, deceiveth himself. 4.) But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. 5.) For every man shall bear his own burden. 6.) Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. 7.) Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8.) For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9.) And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 10.) As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, "especially" unto them who are of the household of faith. -- I woke up to this today.., God bless you, I<3U, and have a wonderful week full of happiness leading up to and after your Birthday Myuture', In Jesus Name I Pray And Thank Him For It All..., Amen. <3 <3 <3 :-* O:-) <3 <3 <3 <3 - chaklet46 (8 years ago)
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5 days more and you better get those sexy dancing legs in motion. Get in a mirror and get those poses and moves together. Hope you have all the fun you could ever imagine happening and then some and some more on top of that. Well its the Sabbath Saturday time to "Pray, Rest and Reflect" before a big week of preparation for toy begins. Take care of yourself. I<3U. God is good, God is great, I hope you enjoy, your Birthday Cake. God Bless and Keep You and cover you with the Angels from Heaven, In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen. <3 O:-) <3 - Chaklet45 (8 years ago)
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Saludos mu ceilo futuras, usted es un bella, dios te bendiga senorita Devika. Something like that in spanish I guess. Can't speak the language barely at all even though I live in a predominantly latino based neighborhood and have friends that are latin which I ask a ton of questions when I do get to have time with them. (Yeah they get annoyed from my curiosities.) Well only 6 days to go now and I hope and pray for your ultimate joys to overtake you emotionally. Its ? Question mark day better known now as karoake takeover. Today I've chosen 4 songs which you know I'm sure but I like a lot. I hope you play them in this order as well on a created playlist. 1.) Nat King Cole, Unforgetable - 2.) Nat King Cole, When I Fall In Love - 3.) The Danny May Orchestra, Boiling Point movie intro song, "Dream" - 4.) Betty Carter and Ray Charles duet, "Baby Its Cold Outside" which some of the words are questionable but I still like its overall message in whole. Enjoy your weekend and get rested up because you and I both know "Its About To Go Down"!!! God Bless Your All, All The Time. In Jesus Name I Pray And Thank Him For It, Amen. <3 :-) ;-) =-O :-* B-) O:-) <3 <3 <3 <3 - chaklet44 (8 years ago)
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7 days to the upcoming creation with sensation, your place to be birthday party, ohhh how I wish I was gonna be there to see you cut the cake and cry tears full of joys. (Truth is Id probably be shedding more tears than you at your Birthday Party, I know I got it bad like that..., sorry) Well let's get to this poetry day. ©10-27-2016 (TM) ..., - My True ...., - You've planted a seed, within me..., It grew to be, a lovely fruit filled tree..., So clearly, plainly, easy to see..., You're what I need, like air I breathe..., The tears I've cried, have never lied..., They haven't judged, or asked why's..., For you I live, For you I die..., I'll sacrifice, my life like Christ..., We can marry, everyday boo..., Your choice, you choose, is left, to you..., I hope, I pray, I get to say, I do..., To; My Heart, My Love, My All, My True. - God walk and be your guide in all things Myuture' .., In Jesus Name I Pray and ask., AMEN. <3 :-* O:-) :-* O:-) :-* O:-) :-* O:-) <3 - chaklet43/Poem (8 years ago)
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8 to go, really, foreal, oh wow its right upon you now beautiful. Tell that Dj to play celebration, there's a party going on over here!!! I see a well toasted night ahead in the forecast happening for you. Well its appreciation day today. Always so much to be grateful and thankful for to the Lord. God we thank you for finding us and allowing our minds and hearts to know you're alive and real and are the key to us having our true happiness in and after this life. His chosen children even though sometimes we don't represent the kingdom like we should you still forgive us and and gie us more opportunities. Thank you for giving us this day our daily bread. Our Redeemer and Savior we love you and humbly appreciate all you've done and are doing, In Jesus Name we Pray And Thank You For It All Lord god Yah.., Amen. <3 :-) O:-) O:-) <3 - chaklet42 (8 years ago)
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9 days to go.., well sorry for the mishaps..., Corr.#1 (and) honey...., and Corr.#2 (Devipar)..., thanks again for your time and precious wonderful ears! God bless your all, all the time., In Jesus Name I Pray And Thank Him, Amen. <3 :-) ;-) B-) O:-) <3 - chaklet41/corrections (8 years ago)
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9 little itsy bitsy, teenie weenie wittle tiny days to go.., well let's get to this poetry right, its really impossible for me to put a description of you and how I feel for you into words, but I have to at least try once Devika no matter what I believe, <3 ©10-25-2016 (TM).., - U (you) -.., Directly straight out of heaven, you must've come and flown down.., but I've checked on your back, and there's no signs of angelic wings to be found.., An immaculately sculptured work of art you are, Like a beautifully painted Blindian Princess wearing her jewels and crown, were you born in the garden of Eden, Purely Perfected all the way around..., So deliciously supple and succulent, I've eaten and tasted your tasty tastefulness with the eyes of my mind.., Every drop and ounce, was, mouthwatering and just to die for, if I could, id swallow and chew you up ten thousand many many many more times..., creamy smooth, silky satin, velvetty cashmere to the touch, that chocolate mix of marvelous mocha melanin, blended perfectly in that brown sugary skin you wear., Its glittering glow, glistens and glimmers, with shimmery shining sparkles, when mirrored reflections of light hit it any and everywhere..., those breathtaking, heartstopping exotic jungle eyes, makes a cat wishes it had their powers and hypnotical immobilizing abilities., And your carwrecking, neckbreaking, pretty gorgeous smile, can paralyze and mesmerize someone into a blissed state of gratificated tranquilities..., all the earths skies are your fields and playground, because faith and beliefs inside you haven't any bounds., wise, funny, compassionate, intelligent, considerate and kind, Rated finer than a five starred dime.., if I had to identify how beautiful you are by an aromatic scent., I'd choose lavender, vanilla, honeywith a light spicy mint combined..., Symbolically, metaphorically, you're undescribeable by words and are undeniably one of Gods greatest exquisitely made creations., despite an obvious, luxuriously plushy luciousness about your sexiness, you remain sweetly courteous in demonstrating appreciation..., Talkers talk and doers do, and I see doing all in you, there aren't phrases that can illustrate visualized pictures of your contented unpretentiousness..., I tried supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, but you've gotta have your own original, personal line, it might go a little like this, if we flip the switch on it., Devpar-indian-epito-epic-myu-goddess-blincess..., (the end) <3 had some trouble on this site.yesterday but they seemed to have fixed them. Godspeed and enjoy your happy moments with a fullness unseen!! In Jesus Name, Amen. <3 :-) B-) ;-) O:-) <3 - chaklet41 (8 years ago)
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10 days left, dweedle dee dweedle dum were almost out of them, that magical moment is almost here. Yes I'm excited for you. Your fine is gonna shine, I wish I was gonna be there to share your special times. Ohh heart of mine..., anywho its gift day wish me well on my picks. Sorry for these delays, I'm trying to pick better writing schedules but I've been falling to sleep as of late. Forgive me please. God bless you always and forevermore, In Jesus Mighty Name I Pray, Amen. <3 :-) O:-) <3 <3 - chaklet40 (8 years ago)
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11 days to go until your Birthday festivities start to take place, or have they begun already? 10-23-2016 well its Scripture Sunday and I've chosen the subject of judgement and fairness in forgiving. The Bible verses from kjv of course, I loves me shakespearian lingo. -Zechariah 7: 9-10...., 9.) Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Execute true judgement, and shew mercy and compassions every man to his brother: 10.) And opress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor, and let none of you "imagine" evil against his brother in your heart. - - I also like verse from Micah 7: 18..., - 18.) Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? He retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. - - <3 Hoping all is well with you and happiness and peace walk with you in your heart each day. In jesus Name I Pray God gives you the vision to see the unseen truths and lies in the eyes of people., Amen. <3 :-) ;-) B-) O:-) <3 - chaklet39 (8 years ago)
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12 days and its gonna be on Lady D. 10-22-2016 its Saturday the Sabbath let's take a break if at all possible. God Bless your All In Jesus Name I Pray and Thank Him.., Amen. <3 <3 <3 :-) O:-) <3 <3 <3 - chaklet38 (8 years ago)
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13 days you're ever so near a n amazing moment that will be so wonderful, your Birthday of course. 10-21-2016 its appreciation day and I'm thankful for thr Love of God literally because his example of love makes our idea of what we think love to be so minute because of a word called sacrifice, thr only way to understand his love is biblically so we have to read and study his word and ask for discernment to be able to comprehend its full meanings. Be safe and yes you are in my heart and thoughts a lot these days. <3U spiritually first and you're looking and doing real nice on the physical side of things as well. Take care and Godspeed..., <3 :-) ;-) B-) O:-) <3 - chaklet37 (8 years ago)
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14 days to go, well Devika its ? Day 10-20-2016 and that means karoake. Todays selection will be yes another fav of mine by the Classic group the Clark Sisters a song called " A Praying Spirit " with the full musical intro on it..., also if you get a chance check out katt williams First Sunday movie choir directing performance of the song " The presence of the Lord is here " which is hilarious and a great song to enjoy as well. Have a great day as always. God give you power and strength to face all your challenges wach day, In Jesus Name I ask and Pray.., Amen. <3 :-) O:-) ;-) <3 - chaklet36 (8 years ago)
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Well 15 days left now, Did ya miss me? Its the Varn..na..na..nell hill what's the deal keeps it razeal shizknow on your toes..., :ahaha (in my best jerome from martin show impersonation) ok.., sorry again for these delays going through..., I'm experiencing a lotta late than never belated moments and I need huge amounts of your forgiveness for so much. Here we go.., its poetry day ©10-19-2016 (TM) - Rekindling Love-.., (poetic memoirs of a man in love)..., - .., Highs peaking skies, depths lying on ocean floor bottoms, good memories shared made us so unforgettable.., Hotter than brimstone mixed in lava, Equivalent to the suns scorching surface, we were inexorable.., A storybook fabled fairytale life, shebangs filled with cheese, entire kits and caboodles, our love had the cats meows., but the heartfelt affection, lost sight of its direction, making a wrong turn into a bad back alley, forboded by trainwrecking why's and how's.., Fading, falling, slipping away out of a love once highly esteemed and admired., There wasn't anything more, we could've asked for, having exactly what everyone wanted and desired..., Two blinding fires, dying and dwindling, day by day their beautiful brightness becoming dim., from tempers of the same old truculent splenetic relived boredoms were locked hopelessly in, making us cantankerously grim.., this house use to be a lovely home, until untolerable dramafied displayed hate, anger and resentments, became ongoing reproduced proclivities.., Soughted after thoughts, with daydreams of premiscious elsewhered behaviors, got activated and fueled by catastrophic mental abuses and sullen unyielding negativities..., Changing battling pains, dug in disaster, for an almost unsaveable, uncureable collapsing downtrotten relationship that's broken, seems pointless and dumb.., Answers to healing intense unbearable emotional wounds, from toxic poisoned brisk harsh words thrown back and forth, aren't easy to find or overcomed..., We must resuscitate and revive beginnings, unchaining and releasing the shackles of pride, vanity, narcissism, unforgiveness and egos that separate and keep us apart.., Surviving an inclinated predispositioned destructive nature, are reminding affirmations which confirmated the vile feeling we no longer can contain in our hearts..., Everlasting paradises in felicity, with jubilations engulfed in delightful ecstasies, at one time reigned over and sustained us.., Unclinging terrible habits, that hinder the rebuilding of fresh new days, beats cussing and fussing about things never discussed..., protecting, providing, preserving, are antidotes and keys to conquering the difficulties of critical challenges well defeat.., prescribed frequent dosages of hugging, kissing, leg wrapping and eye gazing alleviates dead idlenesses, killing it and helping treat issues we don't want to repeat..., Dedication, devotion to qualities and quantities in any and everything in our case makes pinches of preventions, eliminate tons of complications., The final main and most important ingredient to all wellness is praying and fasting together to GOD to save, sanctify, bless and cover us with his grace and mercy while strengthening our gifts and our Loves soul and spiritual foundations..., - Be blessed and highly favored forever, In Jesus Mighty Name I Pray., Amen. <3 :-) ;-) B-) O:-) :-* :-* :-* <3 - chaklet35 (8 years ago)
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16 days left D, I've decided to make this gift day to get a break in between poems sometimes and let my mind breathe and reflect. Hope all is well and great with and for you in your life. These days are going by quickly and we've all gotta try to make our time here count and unwasted. I pray that the world will be good but the word of God brings clarity to all that you don't understand or realize. Needless to say all prayer is good because it will help those that choose and want to be helped and sometimes the Lord being great and awesome in forgiveness and mercy will even rain his graces on the wicked hearts and change them, cause we are all born sinners with the exception being Jesus Gods son. God be with you always in all things and choices, In Jesus Mighty and wonderful Name I Pray, Amen. <3 :-) ;-) O:-) <3 - chakulet34 (8 years ago)
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Hey there beautiful, 17 days to go just over two weeks and you'll be celebrating your birthday. Well its poetry day and I chose to use the nicknames I've been using for you. ©10-17-2016 (TM) - Myuture' -..., Favored blessed coverings.., Godgiven and handpicked for me.., Happinesses waiting, with, Myuture', Lady D, My Baby to be Vee.., Every second were closer., though a million arms of miles away., I feel your presence ever so near., when I kneel down to pray., dreamers often see her., visions she will tell, Euphorias despairs, wars and peace.., and for whom tolls the bell.., Heavily debated, loved and hated., she never lies or plays any games., you can't buy or sell her., cause her desires aren't fortune or fame.., Past, present and tomorrows., she's seen and embodies them all., over trillions of amounts of information in her thinked thoughts., the test of time is tiny and small on her walls..., She's waiting to happen.., She's waiting to see.., What she already knows.., my and your future will be...., - <3 God give you a refreshed daily vigor and peace, In Jesus Mighty Name I Pray, Amen. I'm gonna summarize all these poems into a song and post the lyrics where we met on your Birthday..., I know you'll be very busy so maybe after a week when you're winding down from all the festivities you'll read it, I hope..., Godspeed my Princess.., <3 :-) ;-) <3 O:-) <3 - chaklet33 (8 years ago)
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Hi, can you believe it Devika 18 days to go. Winding down so fast I feel like New years eve is coming, woman you're a big deal without tooting your own horn. Well its scripture Sunday and I've chosen one that reminds us of the saying two heads are better than one and an old al green song that was ringing for a loop in my brain that says I'm so tired of being alone. KJV bible cause I like the wording but I read other versions to stay current and be relevent. Ecclesiastes 4: 8-12...., 8.) There is one alone, and there is not a second; yea, he hath neither child nor brother; yet is there no end of allhis labour; neither is his eye satisfied with riches; neither saith he, For whom do I labour, and bereave my soul of good? This is also vanity, yea, it is a sore travail. 9.) Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. 10.) For if they fall, The one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. 11.) Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? 12.) And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him: and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. <3 please don't hold any of my ways like this against me if you think it to be foolishness, but if you think its cute and endearing ;-) then my heart will smile endlessly with joy Lady D. God bless you and keep you always, In Jesus Name I Pray., Amen. Enjoy your Sunday. <3 <3 <3 :-) ;-) O:-) <3 <3 <3 - chaklet32 (8 years ago)
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21 days and youre there..., sorry for this late posted ballon but its necessary for corrective purposes, and theres 6 of them here..., corr#1. on a (poetic) cruise ship..., - corr#2. best of (friends)..., - corr#3. I (hope) for it in you..., - corr#4. (fighting) for your love...., - corr#5. the (significance) ...., - corr#6. fit and (pleased)....., sorry again just late night drearyness getting to me a little i apologize for this wholeheartedly to you Devika...., enjoy the weekend.., God bless you always.., <3 :-) ;-) O:-) <3 - chaklet29/part2/corrections (8 years ago)
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Shivee me timbers 19 ta go days tis be and it fall down like gentle snow out the sky on us..., enjoy your weekend, God rest you in his perfected pure peace and cancel and rebuke all your worries and troubles.., In Jesus Christ Name I Pray and Ask.., Amen. <3 :-) ;-) O:-) <3 - chaklet31 (8 years ago)
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Just 20 days to go and before you know anything that moment will be upon you. Well without any further ado its ? Marked day which has made itself a musical/karoake appreciation day on its own. Well I've chosen 2 songs from secular writings. Which we choose sparingly as christian people should because of words, morals, sincerity, directional and emotional things that songs say and represent. The way we are fed mentally and spiritually means so much to our lives and faith choices. 1st song is a fav of mine as usual of course by Deniece Williams called "1. Black Butterfly" which I love...., and the 2nd song is yes another fav by Minnie Riperton which I love called "2. Inside My Love" hope you listen to them even though you've heard them many times already.., chante moore has a more laid back remake of minnies song inside my love if you'd like to check it out. Enjoy them and your weekend.., God is all.., <3 <3 <3 ;-) :-) O:-) ......, <3 " :-* " <3 - chaklet30/karoake (8 years ago)
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How yer derin' haha.., 21 days again huhh, I hope to be up to speed after this moment. ©10-13-2016 (TM) - Funny Love (part2)..., Remixxx..., Let's rip the script then flip the script., go for a trip on a portic cruise ship, or in its flaming whip, get a tight grip, don't slip, while you're drinking this, you need to slowly sip, so you won't trip on it, honey dip.......,- Where do I start? Where can I begin?.., you're flawlessly finished, every end to end., let's be the best of freinds, and then I'll graduate to your man, God surely had us planned, before our meeting began.., The heavens, stars, dreams and visions are never wrong, Our life and love is written clearly in them, like music making pretty songs, I walk wowed in awe of you, and all I think of you, the more I learn of you, the more I like it and believe its true..., For better or worse, sounds, feels real good to my ears, I'm not scared of what's ahead, the tears or the fears., cause funny love slapped the silly stupid, out of my mind, I'm racing and chasing after it, I for it in you I'll finally find..., fight for your love and honor, like a chilvarous knight, Armed with sciptures of faith, hope, love and all that's good and right., its probably crazy to people, who don't know and don't care, But my focus is totally on and for you only, not the haters everywhere.., I cry, respecting the signifigance of the representation you mean and show as a christian lady, shown to the bone and owned, no phony clone, doing, walking and living it daily.., Is love held and locked, imprisoned by us in our hearts, and freed only by destined mates having sole keys to release its expression, Or., do we have our own individual key, and a choice to open it and release it freely as we see fit and please, giving and sharing it to those we choose as a gift and a blessing..., thank you Devika, have an exhilarating and amazingly peaceful weekend.., In Jesus Name.., AMEN..., <3 :-) ;-) O:-) <3 - chaklet29/part2 (8 years ago)
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21 days 10-13-2016 , i have two corrections..., corr#1-( ive got you) part 1....., corr#2- want (these) fourth of july..., thanks again and sorry for the extra balloon. Godspeed.., <3 :-) <3 - chaklet29/part1/corrections (8 years ago)
birthday balloon

21 days wheww seems like they're movin' even quicker Lady Devika. Well I did oversleep, I'm a littlle restbroken I guess. ©10-13-2016 , get yo part 1 of this poem, again love is so highly regarded and serious for me its hard to have comedic thoughts processing in the middle of passionate thinking. I fell like this one is a book even though its far from being that. Putting love into any kind of words period can be difficult, because it mostly leaves you speechless. Here we go..., ©10-13-2016 (TM) - Funny Love (part 1)-...,, You melt me, like ice cream does on a steamy sticky hot summers day, I don't want there fourth of july fireworks and explosions you've created inside to leave or ever go away.., butterflies, goosebumps and chills, going all over and thru me, from your cottony candy sugary cane sweet lovin, that's like honey made by bees.., I got knocked off my feet, onto my knees, and I'm in love, head over heels, I've met someone so wonderful and beautiful in you, my heart and soul truly feels foreal., baby you're sexy and fine, at least a trillion or more out of ten, the richter scale got broken, when you weighed your beauty on it in.., Divine Goddess credentials and Imperial Royal Queen status, is bonified and certified., A quality lady of class whose character and intelligence are unquestionably amazingly personified.., I voluntarily jumped into a blackhole and forever freefall dive of your never-ending unlimited joyfulness.., now I'm helplessly gotten in an unstoppable gravitational pulling force of love, in the atmosphere steadily drawing us..., I'm thirsting and hungering for you daily, like vampires needing blood to live., for the smallest micro milli-second time lapsed moment of happiness with you, my entire life I'm willing and wouldn't hesitate to give.., an unduplicateable original, one of a kind, one time mold, prized and precious gift from Gods hands, whom I treasure and adore..., hand in hand, side by side, were a win win winning combination, I want more of you., and more.., and more.., and more. Thanks again, hope all is well, part 2 should be up and done today. God bless your all as always, In Jesus Mighty Name.., Amen. <3 :-) ;-) O:-) <3 - chaklet29/part1 (8 years ago)
birthday balloon

Whoaaa 22 days to go and let the grand festivities for your birthday party begin.., I know I'm behind cause of this poetry and other factors, but it is lengthy and long and different a little and yes I could've stopped and went to another shorter and easier idea but I don't wanna give up any of this flow from it. So let's just make today 10-12-2016 appreciation day and take the time to pray for our worst of enemies known and unknown to us. God bless and help our enemies to find love joy and forgiveness and find your presence and you through us or whomever you choose and find to be a worthy vessel they know love and respect. Save their souls Lord and help them to find Jesus and repent for the sins thryve done that keep them from being heavenbound. Give them the courage and strength to be brave and take a stand against the emotions and fears that keep them away from you and your plans for them to have a better life..., In Jesus Mighty Name we PRAY and ask you with humble hearts and Thank You God for us to intercede for the misled and lost people Lord..., Amen. Have a wonderfully blessed filled day Devika (Myuture')..., <3 :-) ;-) O:-) <3 - chaklet28 (8 years ago)
birthday balloon

Well there's 23 days left and I don't know about you but boy do I feel the excitement in the air, I'm trying to catch up with my poetry because I do write them the same day I just have a title to inspire me mostly. I'm gonna make a switch today to gift day 11-11-2016 because I'm just halfway through this poem its just becoming so long. I'm trying to have so humor but love is so serious with me its difficult and very hard to combine and mix the two. Pray for me I alway appreciate prayers going up to God on my behalf because I need them seriously. I haven't been feeling well but I'm getting better as of lately. I hope you can understand and bear with me. I hope you receive unlimited joy and happiness on your Birthday from even unknowns as well as family and friends, God bless you tremendously and always In Jesus Mighty Name I ask and Pray.., Amen. <3 :-) B-) O:-) <3 - chaklet27 (8 years ago)
birthday balloon

24 days left,,, 10-10-2016 poem., A case called love 2 corrections..., by the end of the poem...., Corr.#1- odds were (stacked) against me....., Corr.#2- God (if) you believe..., thanks again sorry for the extra ballon but I didn't want to put this on tomorrows poem because I don't know how lengthy it will be. Have a spectacular and beautiful day In Jesus Mighty Name I Pray and Thank Him for It All.., Amen. <3 :-) ;-) O:-) - chaklet26/corrections (8 years ago)
birthday balloon

24 left and that is it Lady D. Well here goes my attempt at another poem its not funny like the next ones but I was drawn to write at the very last minute as you can see. ©10-10-2016 (TM) <3 A Case Called Love <3 (a short poetic love story) ..., Laughing at myself, was all I could do., no I couldn't blame anyone else, what I got in and into., why didn't I play it safe, and do it differently, now, Love is the case, that they gave to me.., I heard the jury box whisper and chat, as I took the stand, already accused and sentenced before I even sat, saying he's a guilty man, I raised up my right hand, wondering what to say, thinking I'm a prejudged defendant been branded, the question is, how'd they charge me for the crime timewise I had to pay.., I'm prepared to do the time, no matter how long, cause if love is a sin and crime, id rather be guilty and wrong, is there any way out, cause I'm short on money and clout, it doesn't look too good even to my friends, how will I ever win.., Blinded by her Blindian persuasion, hooked and tooked at first glance, her heavenly unctions, the ora and glow, that smile, those eyes, are all such sensations, I knew I had no chance, once you've gone Blindian, there just ain't no turning back, I was lost in and addicted to her perfections, and I'll never change that..., When the judge on the bench slammed the gavel down, it was done, by a miracle innocent was I found, freed from bondage, I prevailed and won, the odds were against me, but I had faith and stood tall, knowing nothing is impossible with God I you believe, That Love, true and real, can and will, when its all said, in the end, Does Conquer All..., thanks again Miss Devika for your loveliness and ears. You sure are appreciated..., God bless you.., <3 <3 <3 :-) ;-) O:-) - chaklet26 (8 years ago)
birthday balloon

25 days away now half way there and your born day will be here upon us. Scripture Sunday and I've tooken special notice if how verses from Proverbs 3;5-6 helped you to get through a tough season which is a testimony I hope you'd share with me one day. And I said people wonder how do you hear from God is it audible to your ears, mind, ect.., I said you must be his child first in belief of who he is as a savior that he sent hi s only begotten son to die for our sins, then you must read his word the bible to learn his teachings and covenants and commandments to have a walk and ways as his son Jesus did.and when he does call you in thought or otherwise you will truly know and all doubts will be gone. Psalm 25: 4-5..., Make me know your ways, O Lord, Teach me Your paths, lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I. Wait all the day...., and also verses John 10: 3-4..., " To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out, "when he puts forth all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice...., I also like Psalm139:23-24 and a real favorite Isaiah 55:8-9 are beautiful as well. King James version gives me a chance to talk in a shakespearian old england type of voice which is some fun to me and a little humorous, keeps the sleepies away. Have a blessed and joyful Sunday Lady D. In JESUS NAME , AMEN. <3 :-) ;-) O:-) - chakulet25 (8 years ago)
birthday balloon

26 days to go, can't you feel the eletricity in the air Devika and goosebumps or butterflies accompanied by some chills maybe. I'm excited for you that's for sure. Well have a great weekend and a restful sabbath if it be possible for you. Also I'm gonna try to write my next few poems with some humor seeing that you like to laugh I'm hoping I can at least get a giggle or chuckle or two from you, I just wanna picture you in my mind smiling laughing and enjoying yourself. God bless you and take care in Jesus Name, Amen. <3 <3 <3 ;-) :-) O:-) - chaklet24 (8 years ago)
birthday balloon

IMDb. November 3rd. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Aria Wallace, Greg Plitt, Adam Ant, Stacy Asaro, Devika Parikh, Brigitte Lin, Philippe Brenninkmeyer. - GSmith (3 months ago)

58 years old (Born on November 03, 1966)

She played Maureen Kingsley on the TV drama 24 with Kiefer Sutherland.

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Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Devika, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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