Good morning everyone especially Dirk Nowitzki.
Happy birthday, GOAT.
- /r/Mavericks offszn (6 months ago)
Mestre dos Mavs #MFFL
Aniversário do nosso GOAT, Dirk Nowitzki! Todo torcedor tem o dever de reverenciar esse cara por tudo o que ele fez
- Mestre dos Mavs #MFFL (6 months ago)
Team Retro US
Happy Birthday Dirk Nowitzki fête ses 43 ans aujourd hui !
Saisons NBA : 21 (1998-2019)
Équipe : Dallas Maver
- Team Retro US (6 months ago)
Happy 43rd Birthday To One Of The Greatest Power Forwards Of All Time Dirk Nowitzki .
*NBA champ
*NBA Finals MVP
- TimeoutSPORTS__ (6 months ago)
Venu de nulle part, travailleur acharné, champion NBA, Most Valuable Player, fidèle à sa franchise, possesseur d un
- Baby T.E.R. (6 months ago)
Fadeaway World
Happy Birthday, Dirk Nowitzki!
2011 NBA Champ
Finals MVP
2006-07 MVP
14x NBA All-Star
German Jesus
- Fadeaway World (6 months ago)
Trey campbell
Happy birthday to the greatest European player of all time Dirk Nowitzki.
- Trey campbell (6 months ago)
Ich kann mich beim besten Willen nicht mehr erinnern, wieso, aber ich habe mal mit Dirk Nowitzki telefoniert. Er wa
- Norbakus (6 months ago)
22Bet Kenya
Happy 43rd birthday to the Dallas Mavericks GOAT Dirk Nowitzki What is your most memorable moment of The G
- 22Bet Kenya (6 months ago)
Dirk Nowitzki
- crazy-bic (6 months ago)
Nicholas Francoletti
Happy Birthday to C.J. Mosley, Xavier Rhodes, Rashard Mendenhall, and Dirk Nowitzki!
- Nicholas Francoletti (6 months ago)
Happy belated birthday to my hero in Dallas Mavericks history he turn 42 yesterday and our true mvp, goat and champion Dirk Nowitzki. .
- MulletMike (6 months ago)
Otto Birss
Happy Birthday Dirk Nowitzki! You are the GOAT in my eyes because of the 2011 run in the playoffs & NBA Fi
- Otto Birss (6 months ago)
Johnny Parlay
Happy 42nd B-day to great Dirk Nowitzki Here\'s a BD salute from
- Johnny Parlay (6 months ago)