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Derrick Harder
Happy belated birthday to Don DeLillo. Here is my shelf. The Names is my favourite; maybe my favourite novel by any
- Derrick Harder (3 months ago)
Tim Personn
Happy birthday, Don DeLillo (born Nov. 20, 1936)!!
- Tim Personn (3 months ago)
\"Pafko at The Wall\", the prologue to Underworld, was published as a stand-alone novella, it\'s a gem. An epic baseb
- Arundel (3 months ago)
Jessica Brazell
Happy 86th birthday to my mom, Don Delillo.
- Jessica Brazell (3 months ago)
The Bronx is Reading
Happy birthday, Don DeLillo!
- The Bronx is Reading (3 months ago)
Waywords Studio
And yet are words ever doomed to be reductive?
Happy birthday, Don DeLillo!
- Waywords Studio (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to Don DeLillo.
- JohnWBuaas (3 months ago)
Chris Power
Happy 86th birthday Don DeLillo! Thanks for 18 guides to the world inside the world.
- Chris Power (3 months ago)
American Culture and Literature
Don DeLillo is an American novelist whose postmodernist works portray global politics, the complexities of language
- American Culture and Literature (3 months ago)
Francesco Rossetti
\"Ero lì soltanto da due mesi e ancora cercavo di capire chi volevo essere in un posto come quello, come dovevo star
- Francesco Rossetti (3 months ago)
Mehul Gorilla
Happy Birthday to the best living writer in the world, Don DeLillo. The master turns 86 today.
- Mehul Gorilla (3 months ago)
Hansong Dan
Happy Birthday, Don DeLillo! I\'m not your best reader, but I\'m definitely the slowest, the most persistent one.
- Hansong Dan (3 months ago)
gil r. glover
Happy Birthday to Don DeLillo. His novels enlightened me, showed me different ways of see
- gil r. glover (3 months ago)
Happy birthday don delillo
- Xia (3 months ago)
Guy Debordian
Happy birthday don delillo thank you for writing The Names
- Guy Debordian (3 months ago)
\"That which we fear to touch, is often the very fabric of our salvation.\"
from \"Libra\" Happy Birthday, Don DeLi
- Tina (3 months ago)
Emmerich Anklam
Happy 85th birthday to Don DeLillo, the king of mystical American dread.
- Emmerich Anklam (3 months ago)
George Salis
Happy 85th birthday to Don DeLillo, one of the last living Greats!
- George Salis (3 months ago)
Happy 85th birthday, Don DeLillo!
- Andrei (3 months ago)
JC Allen
Happy 85th Birthday Don DeLillo~~~Don DeLillo: 2013 National Book Festival via
- JC Allen (3 months ago)
Friends of WHLibrary
Happy Birthday, Don DeLillo.
Collected from all 5 decades of his career, this stories show an acknowledged master o
- Friends of WHLibrary (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Mr Don DeLillo
- Incipitmania (3 months ago)
Richard Williams
A very happy birthday to Don DeLillo, 85 today. A day, perhaps, of listening to Monk and Coltrane, looking at Rothk
- Richard Williams (3 months ago)
uri singer
Happy Birthday, Don DeLillo!!!
- uri singer (3 months ago)
Tim Strzechowski
Happy Birthday to Don DeLillo, who was born on this date in 1936! Never underestimate the power of the State to a
- Tim Strzechowski (3 months ago)
FLP Author Events
Happy birthday to the incomparable Don DeLillo. This towering literary figure joined us back in 2003 with Cosmopoli
- FLP Author Events (3 months ago)
E. J. Levy
Surely I\'m not the only one delighted to learn that Don Delillo & president-elect share a birthday? Happy birthday & thank you!
- E. J. Levy (3 months ago)
Independent Books
Happy 84th birthday to - his recent novel \'The Silence\' was one of our books of the month
- Independent Books (3 months ago)
Everyone, say Happy Birthday to Don DeLillo
- Mason (3 months ago)
postelevator horror
Happy birthday, Don DeLillo
- postelevator horror (3 months ago)
Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see in the making all around us. In t
- WatermarkPress (3 months ago)
Glenn Johnston
Happy birthday Don DeLIllo, born OTD in 1936. In 1993 he told The Paris Review \"it was through Joyce that I learned
- Glenn Johnston (3 months ago)
Tony Trigilio
Happy birthday, Don DeLillo!
- Tony Trigilio (3 months ago)
Alexander Lumans
Happy Birthday, Don DeLillo: He speaks in your voice, American, and there\'s a shine in his eye that\'s halfway hope
- Alexander Lumans (3 months ago)
Anita Felicelli
\"we need the writer in opposition, the novelist who writes against power, who writes against the corporation or the
- Anita Felicelli (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Don DeLillo! DeLillo is a celebrated and influential author, known for the modern classic \"White No
- MandelPublicLibrary (3 months ago)
Happy birthday don delillo
- Jon (3 months ago)
M. C. Armstrong
Happy birthday, Don DeLillo!
Back in the USSR: Returning to History in Don DeLillo\'s Zero K
- M. C. Armstrong (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday American novelist, short story writer, playwright, screenwriter and essayist Don DeLillo (November 2
- Brookston (3 months ago)
Harper\'s Magazine
\"It\'s all falling indelibly into the now.\"
Happy birthday to the great Don DeLillo.
- Harper\'s Magazine (3 months ago)
Zachary Kocanda
Happy birthday to Don DeLillo. This description of him as a twenty-seven-year-old wannabe novelist who shared a hou
- Zachary Kocanda (3 months ago)
Zachary Kocanda, cranberry sauce defender
Happy birthday to Don DeLillo. This description of him as a twenty-seven-year-old wannabe novelist who shared a hou
- Zachary Kocanda, cranberry sauce defender (3 months ago)
Zach Kocanda, cranberry sauce defender
Happy birthday to Don DeLillo. This description of him as a twenty-seven-year-old wannabe novelist who shared a hou
- Zach Kocanda, cranberry sauce defender (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Don Delillo. Born on November 20, 1936, Delillo is an American novelist, short story writer, playwri
- BookGorilla (3 months ago)
Federico Bosco
Happy birthday Don DeLillo.
- Federico Bosco (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Bernard Horsfall (d. 2013), Curly Putman (d. 2016), Richard Dawson (d. 2012), Imre Makovecz (d. 2
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (3 months ago)
Jay Shelat
Happy Birthday, Don DeLillo! Here s a picture that the Don DeLillo Society shared on their Facebook page. It s wond
- Jay Shelat (3 months ago)
Vintage/Anchor Books
Happy 81st Birthday to born in 1936 in The Bronx, New York. How I would enjoy being told the nov
- Vintage/Anchor Books (3 months ago)
Jeff Jackson
Happy birthday to DON DELILLO.
Vividly remember reading \"The Names\" and reeling from the mix of chiseled language,
- Jeff Jackson (3 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Don Delillo will celebrate his 89 years old birthday in 9 months and 0 day! Send your greetings to him now!