Welcome to Donald Sutherland's Birthday Celebration Page
Donald Sutherland got 904 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Happy birthday Donald Sutherland!!!! You\'re an amazing actor!!!! - xxLover_ofGwenxx (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Christer Holmström
Happy 87th birthday Donald Sutherland! The Canadian icon and legend. - Christer Holmström (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

John Kissamitakis
HAPPY 87th BIRTHDAY to DONALD SUTHERLAND!! - John Kissamitakis (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

And a Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland The Original Hawkeye Pierce 87 - ANDB (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Doug MacRay
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland! And now the man himself beating up a paluka in a church grave yard! - Doug MacRay (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

HaPpY bElAtEd BiRtHdAy DoNaLd SuThErLaNd !! An amazing 87 Orbits around the Sun - BobMc (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland who turns 87 today! - Lois (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Amyverse
Two favorites of his many wonderful performances: \"Calvin\" in Ordinary People (1980), and Mr. Bennet in Joe Wright\' - The Amyverse (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Isis - #RESIST
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland! I\'m proud of having met him, and I got a great impression I will never forget. - Isis - #RESIST (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

A happy birthday wish to the iconic actor Donald Sutherland, born this day in 1935. - Vampiresareonlyhuman (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland and may God bless you and keep you Amen - Sheldon (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

50 Jenna Ipcar Fans Can’t Be Wrong!
Happy (belated) birthday to Donald Sutherland. Here s a clip from Little Murders (1971) in one of his best scenes e - 50 Jenna Ipcar Fans Can’t Be Wrong! (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Susan Howe
\"Donald Sutherland\" Happy 87th birthday to one of the most elegant men on the planet. - Susan Howe (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Message needs to add \"IS OKAY\" after the name of every celebrity who is trending on their birthday. Happy birthday - HeyAnythingNewWithYou (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Brian Smith
Happy 87th birthday Donald Sutherland \'listen to the cocksucker speech\' - Brian Smith (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Winston Fettner
Happy Birthday, Donald Sutherland! - Winston Fettner (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland. \"Panem Today, Panem Tomorrow, Panem Forever\" - Anthony (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland, my favorite Oddball - MMad☮️ (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dr. Connie
Happy 87th Birthday, Donald Sutherland! - Dr. Connie (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland. Backdraft, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Pride and Prejudice and The Eagle. - doctorfan06 (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Shelly Shell
Donald Sutherland is trending because today is his birthday (happy birthday!). Here s a GIF of one of my favorit - Shelly Shell (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Donald Sutherland - GERA (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Leedetail - Brazen Hussy
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland. I miss that glorious voice of yours. - Leedetail - Brazen Hussy (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland who played President Coriolanus Snow in the four The Hunger Games movies! - The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to the great Donald Sutherland! My favorite films with Sutherland so far are Don t look now, JFK and - jhpcine (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Canadian actor Donald Sutherland, born today in 1935. With a career spanning over six decades, in - Vault0 (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Today is 17 of July and that means we can wish a very Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland who turns 87 today! - MovieFit (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland born on July 17, 1935. He is a Canadian actor whose film career spans over six dec - BostonJeff60 (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Gidgit VonLaRue
Happy birthday legendary actor Donald Sutherland - Gidgit VonLaRue (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bob Badner
Happy Birthday to the truly great, great actor Donald Sutherland. One of the finest, talented actors of all time. - Bob Badner (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland ... 87. - rolocreative (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dave\'s Comic Heroes Blog
A happy birthday to Donald Sutherland. - Dave\'s Comic Heroes Blog (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Secret City
Happy Birthday to one of my favorites! The always incredible Donald Sutherland! \"Multiple film critics and media ou - The Secret City (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Celebrity Born
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland (Canadian Film Actor, Television Actor, Theatre Actor & Voice Artist) - Other - Celebrity Born (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Cinema Frame By Frame
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland who turns 87 today! M*A*S*H (1970) - Dir. Robert Altman Don\'t Look Now (1973) - Cinema Frame By Frame (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Hollywood Genome
Happy Birthday, Donald Sutherland!! A few pics here with young Kiefer and also with granddaughter, Sarah (love her - Hollywood Genome (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Brenda Jones
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland! - Brenda Jones (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Canadian History Ehx (Craig Baird)
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland! Born today in 1935! He is considered to be one of the best actors to never rec - Canadian History Ehx (Craig Baird) (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

john slotkin
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland 87 Vern Lundquist 82 Lucie Arnaz 71 David Hasselhoff 70 Angela Merkel 68 Mark Burnett 62 Luke Bryan 46 - john slotkin (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 87th Birthday to actor Donald Sutherland - gordana (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Life Assure
Happy 87th Birthday Donald Sutherland! -Life Assure - Life Assure (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tran Khuong
Happy 87th Birthday Donald Sutherland - Tran Khuong (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Reel and Roll Films - FYC Yeoh, Quan, Hsu
Happy birthday to the great Donald Sutherland. From his striking turns as grieving fathers in DON T LOOK NOW and OR - Reel and Roll Films - FYC Yeoh, Quan, Hsu (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

James Kenney
Happy 87th birthday to the one and only Donald Sutherland. - James Kenney (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Horror Historian
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland ! You may remember him from such films as Dr. Terror\'s House of Horrors (1965) - Horror Historian (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dvd Daddy
Happy Birthday to actors Donald Sutherland ( Jason Clarke ( Tom Cullen ( and - Dvd Daddy (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Kevin Souliere
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland - Kevin Souliere (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

eArtFilm.com: Original Movie Posters for Sale
Happy Birthday, Donald Sutherland! - eArtFilm.com: Original Movie Posters for Sale (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael W. Freeman
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland, a terrific Canadian import, fabulous as architect John Baxter in Don\'t Look Now, - Michael W. Freeman (7 months ago)
birthday balloon

Time For A Film
Wishing Donald Sutherland a very Happy 87th Birthday. - Time For A Film (7 months ago)

89 years old (Born on July 17, 1935)

Kelly's Heroes

Donald Sutherland's Best Moments

Happy Birthday to the regal Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday to the Fabulous Donald Sutherland.
I shall watch this later...
A belated Happy Birthday to talented Donald Sutherland who\s entertained us brilliantly for decades.
Happy 86th Birthday to Donald Sutherland. He has had a tremendous acting career.
Happy Birthday, Donald Sutherland!
Happy 87th birthday to the one and only Donald Sutherland.
Happy 83rd birthday to Donald Sutherland.
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland who turns 86 today.
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland! With Jennifer Lawrence. (17-Jul)
A happy 86th birthday to Superfan Donald Sutherland
Happy 85th birthday Donald Sutherland ~ M*A*S*H (1970)
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland (b.1935), star of INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS and DON\T LOOK NOW
Happy 82nd Birthday to Expos superfan Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday to me and donald sutherland
Happy birthday, Donald Sutherland!:
Donald Sutherland was born on this day in 1935. Happy birthday, Donald!
Happy birthday, Donald Sutherland
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy 80th birthday to Donald Sutherland!
The great Donald Sutherland turns 80 today. Sing happy birthday to him pulling this face.
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland. Photo by Jack Robinson, 1970.
Happy birthday to \"Hunger Games\" and \"MASH\" actor Donald Sutherland!
July 17, 1935: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to International star and New Brunswick baby- Donald Sutherland!
Happy 86th birthday to the great Donald Sutherland:
Happy 80th Birthday to Donald Sutherland, the best villain we can wish for!
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland !!!
Happy Birthday to Top Actor Donald Sutherland 86 today
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy 80th birthday to Donald Sutherland (The Hunger Games, Invasion of the Body Snatchers):
Happy 80th Birthday to the incredibly talented Donald Sutherland, our President Snow!
Happy 83rd Birthday to Donald Sutherland born July 17th 1935
Happy birthday to one of the finest actors of the past half-century, Emmy-winner Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland, the original Silver Fox
Happy 83rd Birthday, Donald Sutherland!!!
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland, our perfect President Snow.
Happy 80th Birthday to actor Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy birthday to the great Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday to the one and only Donald Sutherland!
Happy 83rd Birthday
Happy Birthday, Sgt. Oddball... Donald Sutherland!
Happy 85th birthday to the great Donald Sutherland!
 Happy birthday to Canadian actor Donald Sutherland, born July 17, 1935
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland photo de jobie_loves_old_hollywood
By AlbertGalera>Happy birthday to the great Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland! 

Please watch Kelly\s Heroes in his honor.
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland
Donald Sutherland.

HAPPY  BIRTHDAY .... (born 17 July 1935) .
Happy Birthday to the legendary Donald Sutherland !
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland, and remember, if you don\t wear your muzzle, then..
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday donald sutherland
Happy 80th Birthday, Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy 80th Birthday, Donald Sutherland!
Rare photo of Donald Sutherland Actor. Hey Big Man How you doing? Happy Birthday for this month.
Happy Birthday , Donald Sutherland !!  Aquí con su hijo Kiefer, famoso actor televisivo
Happy birthday to our President Snow, the brilliant actor Donald Sutherland! We wish him a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday to the fabulous Donald Sutherland! Xx
Happy 83rd Birthday to actor Donald Sutherland, born in Saint John, NB on this day in 1935.
Happy Birthday 
Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland! 

Please watch Kelly\s Heroes in his honor.
Happy 85th Birthday, Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday to my Birthday Twin Donald Sutherland.
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland, here in M*A*S*H!
Happy 86th Birthday to a phenomenal talent -

Happy 86th birthday, Donald Sutherland.
A happy birthday to Donald Sutherland.
HaPpY bElAtEd BiRtHdAy DoNaLd SuThErLaNd !!
An amazing 87 Orbits around the Sun
Happy Birthday, Donald Sutherland!!
Happy 80th Birthday to Donald Sutherland!
Happy 83rd Birthday President Snow 
Aka- Donald Sutherland. You are so very regal.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Donald Sutherland. Der Schauspieler wird heute 80.
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy 80th birthday to a brilliant actor who\s been bodysnatched by great directors for decades - Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland from
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland - DON\T LOOK NOW - 1973 - Japanese release poster
Happy 82nd Birthday to Donald Sutherland !!
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland!!
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy 83rd birthday to the great actor Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy birthday, Donald Sutherland!
Happy 83rd Birthday, Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland. Enjoy some microwave johnnycakes!
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland!!
Happy Birthday, Donald Sutherland!!!
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland with Elliott Gould.
A very happy birthday to actor Donald Sutherland: 85 today
Happy 85th birthday to canadian actor Donald Sutherland
Happy Birthday to the great Donald Sutherland.
Happy 85th birthday Donald Sutherland
Wishing Donald Sutherland a very happy 85th birthday!
Happy 85th Birthday, Donald Sutherland.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer  (1992)
Happy Birthday, Donald Sutherland!
Happy 85th Birthday to Kiefer Sutherland s father, Donald Sutherland!
Happy 85th birthday to Donald Sutherland!
 Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland. (17 Jul 1934)
Happy 86th Birthday Donald Sutherland!  Fav show & movie: 
M*A*S*H* (Hawkeye  Pierce) 
Ordinary People 
Citizen X
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland!
Donald Sutherland, né le 17 juillet 1935.
Happy birthday sir
Happy birthday to movie star Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland!
 Happy 87th Birthday, Donald Sutherland. July 17, 1935
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland. \"Panem Today, Panem Tomorrow, Panem Forever\"
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland who turns 87 today!
Happy 87th birthday Donald Sutherland!
The Canadian icon and legend.
17 July Happy Birthday
- Jason Clarke 
- Sarah Jones
- Donald Sutherland
Happy Birthday, Die Leinwandlegende wird 80! Unser Porträt:
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland!
 Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland who turns 80 today
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy Birthday, Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland alias Snow    --> 8Oans
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland! Thanks for being a part of THG movies!
Happy 80th Birthday, Mr. Donald Sutherland!  Couldn\t ask for a better President Snow
Happy 80th birthday to the great Donald Sutherland.
FOR 1 DAY ONLY buy ANY cushion at 80% of the price! £9.60 each or two for £16!
LP of the Day: M*A*S*H Soundtrack. Happy 80th birthday Donald Sutherland.
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday to President Snow of the Hunger Games,  Donald Sutherland,80
Happy July 17th birthday today to:  Donald Sutherland (83), Diahann Carroll (80), Spencer
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy Birthday Donald & Angela
Donald Sutherland
July 17, 1935

Angela Merkel
July 17, 1954
Chancellor of Germany
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland our favorite bad guy!
Wishing a happy birthday to film legend & Inductee, Donald Sutherland!

Read more:
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland
Citizens, you are mandated to wish a Happy 80th Birthday to your President .Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland! Known for
Lastly for today, but certainly not least, happy 80th birthday to film legend, Donald Sutherland
Hoje o ator Donald Sutherland completa 80 anos. Happy Birthday Mr. Sutherland!
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland! Check him out in the FINAL Hunger Games chapter,
Happy Birthday the great Donald Sutherland!      17/July/1935
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland - star of my favourite film \Don\t Look Now\ - 80 today.
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland!
Happy Belated Birthday to the regal Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday,  Nicolas Roeg! (born 15 Aug 1928)

Pictured w/ Donald Sutherland on the set of Don\t Look Now (1973)
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy Birthday to the best President Snow ever, Donald Sutherland!
Happy 82nd birthday to the legend that is Donald Sutherland!
July 17: Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland and James Cagney
Happy 82st Birthday to Donald Sutherland.
Happy Birthday to laureate Donald Sutherland! 
Photo: GGPAA Archives
Happy Birthday James Cagney, Donald Sutherland, Diahann Carroll, and P.J. Soles.
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland, who turns 82 today!
Happy birthday Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland an amazing and talented person !
Happy Birthday to and actor Donald Sutherland!
 Donald Sutherland, who head-butted a cat to death in Bertolucci\s 1900. BOO!!

Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland!
Birthday to the talented Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday to actor Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday to the one and only Donald Sutherland!!!
Still creeps me out ...

Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland! (Martyn)
Happy birthday to actor Donald Sutherland
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland! Photographed here with Julie Christie in 1971, Venice.
Happy 83th birthday, Donald Sutherland
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland who\s now 83 years old. Do you remember this movie? 5 min to answer!
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland
 happy birthday to Donald Sutherland
Today s film quote

See gif

The hunger games

Happy birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy Birthday dear Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday-Donald Sutherland
Happy Birthday to Donald Sutherland, who turns 83 years old today!
Happy birthday donald Sutherland and love you buffy and a time to kill
   Wishing a very happy birthday to Donald Sutherland!
July 17:Happy 84th birthday to actor,Donald Sutherland (\"The Dirty Dozen\")
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland!
Happy birthday, Donald Sutherland 84
Happy 84th birthday Donald Sutherland
Happy birthday to Donald Sutherland!
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland!!
Happy Birthday Donald Sutherland :)
Happy 84th Birthday Donald Sutherland!
Sending HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes out to Donald Sutherland, born on this date in 1935.
Happy 84th Birthday Donald Sutherland! Born July 17, 1935.
donald sutherland movies 0
donald sutherland young 1
donald sutherland hunger games 2
Donald Sutherland sexy 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Donald, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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