Happy Birthday to my Fellow Leo and Still undefeated as the Best Point Guard to ever play
- MVH1508 (6 months ago)
Earvin \"Magic\" Johnson Jr. is an American former professional basketball player and former pre
- Space-reporter-news (6 months ago)
Chester Hopper
Better athletes, better shooters but NOBODY as exciting to watch as Earvin \"MAGIC\" Johnson. I have been a L
- Chester Hopper (6 months ago)
Joaquin Gloria IV
Happy birthday Mr. Earvin Magic Johnson.
- Joaquin Gloria IV (6 months ago)
Dodger Cards
Happy 62nd birthday to the great Earvin Magic Johnson. Magic is a message sensation and has been part owner of t
- Dodger Cards (6 months ago)
5-time NBA champion, 3-time Finals MVP and 3-time NBA MVP who spent his entire 13-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers; named to 12 NBA All-Star games and led the league in assists four times.