Welcome to Ed Harris's Birthday Celebration Page
Ed Harris got 413 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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MovieFanobi (A Steve)
Ooh Happy Birthday to the best nonbiological relative to Ed Harris. - MovieFanobi (A Steve) (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Brandon Buckingham
This man says happy birthday to the biggest Ed Harris fanatic I know - Brandon Buckingham (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

MB d\'Mittens
Lance Henriksen wishing Ed Harris a happy birthday, for some reason, is pretty badass. - MB d\'Mittens (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Victor Vazquez
Happy birthday Ed Harris - Victor Vazquez (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

DJ Punctum/@[email protected]
\"You\'re goddamn right it\'s right.\" Happy belated birthday, Ed Harris! - DJ Punctum/@[email protected] (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 72nd Birthday to Ed Harris, star of one of the finest films ever made - Krista (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Ed Harris! - appacadappa (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Ed Harris who is 72! - MOUNTAIN DEW 1965 (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

David Hollingsworth
Happy Birthday, Ed Harris! - David Hollingsworth (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 72nd birthday to Ed Harris! Bow before the king in George A. Romero\'s Knightriders on Screambox. - SCREAMBOX (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Ed Harris. One of the great ones. - Waveoquai (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Ed Harris! What a hunk. - DavidGT (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lance Henriksen
Wishing my dear friend Ed Harris a very Happy Birthday. - Lance Henriksen (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Birthdays of today is a topnotch lineup Berry Gordy Tina Turner Jimi Hendrix Ed Harris Demi Moore Styles P S. E - MaidentheUSA (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday What is his best role of all time? - Ranker (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Filmes Fodásticos
HOJE o Homem de Preto de Westworld está completando 72 anos. Mas esse não é o único personagem marcante de E - Filmes Fodásticos (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Damien Kowal
WAY TO GO LIL PHIL! Happy 72nd birthday to Ed Harris aka Rear Admiral Chaster \"Hammer\" Cain in - Damien Kowal (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bella\'s mike ❤
Here\'s a 2021 Guardian article about Ed Harris and \"Knightriders\"; check it out if you like Ed Harris and haven\'t s - Bella\'s mike ❤ (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Ed Harris! The talented actor turns 72 today! - GenerationX (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Timor O’Seery
Happy 72nd birthday to Ed Harris . Brilliant in one of my favourite films about the Irish Mob in Hell s Kitchen. - Timor O’Seery (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Time For A Film
Wishing Ed Harris a very Happy 72nd Birthday. - Time For A Film (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tom Madden
I have had the pleasure to work with Ed Harris on 2 movies. He is not only incredibly talented and a dedicated act - Tom Madden (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

jax ☘️
Happy birthday to Jersey boy Ed Harris, who turns 72 today! Snowpiercer (2013) - jax ☘️ (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Which Ed Harris movie is your favorite? - moviefone (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

ED HARRIS IS FINE! Whew! He\'s just trending bc it\'s his birthday. Happy Birthday, Ed! - Pamela-la-la (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Grant Stern is boosted!
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris! Now bring back Westworld for season 5, - Grant Stern is boosted! (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to Judd Nelson, Ed Harris, Alan Ritchson, Stephnie Weir, Jane Sibbett, Martha Cummins, - Jennifer Long ☮️ (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Robert P Coronado
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris . - Robert P Coronado (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Benji Aguirre
Happy 72nd birthday to Ed Harris! - Benji Aguirre (4 months ago)
birthday balloon
Happy birthday, Ed Harris... Best wishes to his health, personal life and career!!!! - [email protected] (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 72nd birthday to Ed Harris - drainpipe (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Ed Harris, born today in 1950, stat and director of the film \"Pollock,\" released in 2000. . Speak - TwoDesignersWalkIntoABar (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Ed Harris!!!! - Irene (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

I don\'t intentionally choose movies that aren\'t going to be successful commercially the most interesting scripts - anthonySC (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nindi.Jr ㄷㄱㅑㅊ
Happy 72nd Birthday Ed Harris - Nindi.Jr ㄷㄱㅑㅊ (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Killer 90s
Happy birthday to American actor, producer, director, and screenwriter Ed Harris, born November 28, 1950, whose 90s - Killer 90s (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Ed Harris. I love your body of work Even that little dance number that you did in CREE - therealsylviaTee (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Cristian Milla
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris! - Cristian Milla (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Adam Bonin
Ed Harris has been great in so many films, and that includes the silliest ones like THE ROCK, where he\'s able to th - Adam Bonin (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dvd Daddy
Happy Birthday to actors Mary Elizabeth Winstead ( Karen Gillan ( Ed Harri - Dvd Daddy (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Tony Wolf
Ed Harris is one of my all-time favorite actors. Happy Birthday, Ed Harris! - Tony Wolf (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Ed Harris what a great actor! - Jenny (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Samuel J. May
Happy birthday Ed Harris ~ Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) - Samuel J. May (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Barlow\'s Boutique
Happy birthday to the great Ed Harris! - Barlow\'s Boutique (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mr. Fahrenheit
Happy 72nd Birthday \'Ed Harris\' - Mr. Fahrenheit (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Teury Potter
HAPPY BIRTHDAY To American Actor ED HARRIS (November 28, 1950) The 4-Time Academy Award Nominated Actor Who, Turns - Teury Potter (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Today is 28 of November and that means we can wish a very Happy Birthday to Karen Gillan who turns 35 today! M - MovieFit (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday \"Ed Harris\" - elcira (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mike Mazda
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris Jon Stewart Randy Newman Judd Nelson - Mike Mazda (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

All Things Movies
Happy 72nd birthday to Ed Harris. Here he is going toe to toe again with Michael Biehn in THE ROCK (1996) after the - All Things Movies (4 months ago)

74 years old (Born on November 28, 1950)

Happy Birthday, Ed Harris! Whether you're calmly guiding Apollo 13 back home or fiercely commanding Alcatraz in "The Rock," you've always been the coolest guy under pressure. Honestly, if NASA ever needs someone to handle a crisis—or Hollywood requires an actor who can stare down Sean Connery without blinking—you're clearly their first call.

From your intense roles in "Westworld" to your unforgettable performances that make us cheer (or tremble slightly), you continue proving age is just another number on your impressive résumé. Here's hoping this birthday brings fewer asteroid-sized problems and more cake-sized celebrations. Keep rocking it, Ed!

Ed Harris's Best Moments

Happy 70th Birthday to Ed Harris.
Wishing my dear friend Ed Harris a very Happy Birthday.
Happy birthday, Ed Harris (aka Jason Hudson - Black Ops 1)!
Happy 71st birthday to Ed Harris. What is your favourite performance from this great actor?
A very happy 71st birthday to Ed Harris. Photograph from Borderline, 1980.
Happy birthday, Ed Harris!
Happy Birthday to actor Ed Harris!
  Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Ed Harris
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris
Happy Birthday !!! Thanks for the laughs, the fun and the Ed Harris Fandom! Rock on My Friend!!!
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris! 

He is as magnetic as ever in his portrayal of Lyle in
A very Happy Birthday today to the actor and filmmaker Ed Harris
Happy birthday Ed Harris ~ Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
Happy 72nd birthday to Ed Harris!

Bow before the king in George A. Romero\s Knightriders on Screambox.
Happy birthday, Ed Harris.
Happy Birthday American actor and filmmaker Ed Harris, now 72 years old.
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris. Not to name drop but...this shot was taken at Paul Newmans house.
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris, who starred with Viggo in AHOV and Appaloosa
Happy birthday, Ed Harris. The four-time Oscar nominee is 72 years young today.
Happy 72nd birthday to Ed Harris .
Brilliant in one of my favourite films about the Irish Mob in Hell s Kitchen.
Happy Birthday Ed Harris
Happy birthday, Ed Harris!
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris, who is rumored to have been \"The Voice\" in Field of Dreams.
Happy birthday Ed Harris!
Happy birthday to the phenomenally gifted ED HARRIS!         is a personal favourite of mine
Happy birthday, Ed Harris!
Happy Birthday Ed Harris!
Happy birthday to China Moon Ed Harris specifically- peak hotness
Happy birthday Ed Harris! I hope to draw you more in the future.
Happy 72nd Birthday Ed Harris
In honour of the fabulous,fabulous, fabulous Ed Harris who celebrated his birthday yesterday. Happy belated birthday
Happy 67th birthday to everyone\s favourite villain, Ed Harris!
Happy 67th Birthday Ed Harris -
Happy 68th Birthday to Ed Harris.
 Happy Birthday, Ed Harris!!!
  This one time will allow Ed Harris Gifs. Happy birthday PLD!
Happy 71st Birthday Ed Harris
Happy Birthday Ed Harris!
Happy Birthday Ed Harris
Happy Birthday to American actor and filmmaker Ed Harris
Happy birthday to Jersey boy Ed Harris, who turns 72 today!
Snowpiercer (2013)
This man says happy birthday to the biggest Ed Harris fanatic I know
Happy Birthday, Ed Harris!!
Felicidades a todo un crack en la gran pantalla. Ed Harris cumple 64 años.
Happy birthday ED!
Happy birthday, Ed Harris!
Happy Birthday 
Ed Harris
Happy birthday Ed Harris!
Happy birthday to a terrific actor and filmmaker, four-time Oscar nominee Ed Harris!
Happy birthday Ed Harris!
Happy 67th Birthday to four-time Oscar nominee Ed Harris.
Happy Birthday, Ed Harris! The Oscar-nominated actor and \"Westworld\" star is celebrating today.
Happy birthday Ed Harris! \86 winner for PRECIOUS SONS
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ED HARRIS - 28. November 1950.  Tenafly, New Jersey, USA
Happy birthday Ed Harris(born 28.11.1950)
Happy 71st Birthday to ED HARRIS
Happy birthday to Ed Harris!
Happy 72nd Birthday American Actor & Filmmaker Ed Harris
Happy 72nd Birthday \Ed Harris\
Happy 72nd birthday to Ed Harris
Happy 72nd birthday to Ed Harris!
Happy Birthday Ed Harris! The talented actor turns 72 today!
Happy Birthday What is his best role of all time?
Happy birthday Ed Harris, Louise Bourgoin and Joe Dante
Der großartige Ed Harris feiert heute Geburtstag. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to actor, screenwriter, and director Edward Allen "Ed" Harris (born November 28, 1950).
Happy 64th birthday, Ed Harris, one of the greatest in the biz - 4x Oscar nom  "A Beautiful ..
Happy birthday Ed Harris (Jason Hudson)
Happy Birthday Ed Harris!
Happy birthday Ed Harris <3
 Happy Birthday to Ed Harris,
Born: Edward Allen Harris 
November 28, 1950 in Tenafly, USA
Happy 65th Birthday Ed Harris
 Happy Birthday to actor Ed Harris 65 November 28th
Happy Birthday Ed Harris! Find out the and he likes at
Hoy es el cumpleaños del actor americano Ed Harris. Happy Birthday!
Ed Harris - 28 noviembre 1950
Happy Birthday to a very talented actor, Mr. Ed Harris.
Today is Ed Harris\s birthday! Happy 65th birthday!
Happy Birthday, Ed Harris! Born 28 November 1950 in Englewood, New Jersey
Happy Birthday, Ed Harris! See Ed in
Happy Birthday Ed Harris!
Happy Birthday Ed Harris! 
(Can you name the movie?)
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris, who turns 67 today!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to actor, screenwriter, and director Edward Allen \"Ed\" Harris (born November 28, 1950).
Happy 66th Birthday to Ed Harris.
November 28 in Sci-Fi History: Happy Birthday to Ed Harris
Happy birthday Ed Harris
As the title character in William Walker
Susan Meiselas, 1987
Happy birthday to Ed Harris.  Quality actor.
November 28 in Sci-Fi History: Happy Birthday to Ed Harris - SYFY WIRE (blog)
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris!
Happy Birthday Ed Harris
Happy Birthday to the one and only Ed Harris!!!
Today, Ed Harris turns 67. 

Wish him a happy birthday by commenting some of your favorite Ed Harris films!
Happy Nov. 28 birthday to acting legend Ed Harris ...
Happy Birthday Ed Harris!
Happy birthday Ed Harris
Happy Birthday Ed Harris!
Happy birthday to the big actor,Ed Harris,he turns 68 years today
Happy birthday to, Ed Harris!
Happy birthday, Ed Harris 68
Happy Birthday dear Ed Harris!
Happy birthday, Ed Harris!
Happy Birthday- Ed Harris
Happy birthday Ed Harris: My favorite Sheriff Alan Pangborn!
Morning! Today when I read messages, in my head they will be in the voice of Ed Harris. Happy birthday!
Ed harris
happy birthday great starring
Happy 68th birthday, Ed Harris.  Your favorite EH show or movie?
Happy birthday to Ed Harris!
Happy birthday, Ed Harris!
Happy Birthday, Ed Harris! Born 28 November 1950 in Englewood, New Jersey
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris!
November 28:Happy 69th birthday to actor,Ed Harris(\"Apollo 13\")
Happy birthday to Ed Harris
Here as Gene Kranz in Apollo 13
Happy Birthday Ed Harris :)
Born on this day, Ed Harris turns 69. Happy Birthday! What movie is it? 5 min to answer!
The Abyss  (1989)
Happy Birthday, Ed Harris!
Happy 70th birthday Ed Harris!
THE ABYSS (1989)
Classic movie directed by James Cameron.
 Happy 70th Birthday Ed Harris
Happy 71st birthday Ed Harris
Happy birthday, Ed Harris!
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris
Happy birthday to the biggest Ed harris fan
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris
Happy birthday to Jersey boy Ed Harris!
Happy Birthday \"Ed Harris\"
Happy Birthday to 

Ed Harris 
Jon Stewart 
Randy Newman 
Judd Nelson
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris what a great actor!
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris!
Happy Birthday to Ed Harris .
 Happy Birthday Ed Harris! What a hunk.
Happy Birthday, Ed Harris!
Happy 72nd Birthday to Ed Harris, star of one of the finest films ever made
 Happy Birthday Ed Harris!
ed harris movies 0
ed harris young 1
ed harris and amy madigan 2
Ed Harris dating 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Ed, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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