Happy Birthday Eddie Jobson! Best wishes from the guys
- ProgJect (9 months ago)
Geoffrey Mason
Happy birthday to YES-great Eddie Jobson! He just turned 67, born on April 28, 1955. He may certainly be the favori
- Geoffrey Mason (9 months ago)
Jive Time Records
Happy 67th birthday to Eddie Jobson, an inventive violinist/keyboardist who improved the sound for progressive arti
- Jive Time Records (9 months ago)
Deep Purple Podcast
Wishing a very happy birthday to Eddie Jobson who was born on this day in 1955. Eddie played on \"The Butterfly Ball
- Deep Purple Podcast (9 months ago)
Prog Rock Songs
Happy 67th birthday to violinist and keyboardist Eddie Jobson!
- Prog Rock Songs (9 months ago)
The Beatles Kingdom
1955 Happy Birthday Eddie Jobson
Eddie Jobson, English keyboardist and violinist noted for his use of synthesizers
- The Beatles Kingdom (9 months ago)
Bonin’s Briefs
Happy 67th birthday to keyboardist and violinist Eddie Jobson. Jobson has played with Jethro Tull, Yes and others.
- Bonin’s Briefs (9 months ago)
Happy birthday, Eddie Jobson!
UK ASIA Crimson UK Danger Money
- CTL (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Eddie Jobson
- 帰ってきたパンク (9 months ago)
The 70s Guy
Born 28 Apr 1955 - Eddie Jobson, English keyboardist and violinist noted for his use of synthesizers, who with Curv
- The 70s Guy (9 months ago)
Bob Moog Foundation
Happy Birthday to Keyboardist & Eddie Jobson!
Eddie\'s prodigious career has included being a member of UK, Roxy Mu
- Bob Moog Foundation (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Eddie Jobson...
- ProgMagazineUK (9 months ago)
HAPPY Ann-Margret (79), Willie Colón (70), Chuck Leavell (68), Kim Gordon (67), Eddie Jobson (65), Jimmy
- pauseandplay.com (9 months ago)
Confraria Floydstock
65 anos para Eddie Jobson!!!
Happy Birthday
Qual a sua canção predileta executada por este espetacular violinista
- Confraria Floydstock (9 months ago)
The Deep Purple Podcast
Wishing a happy birthday to Eddie Jobson who was born on this day in 1955. He was an extremely talented violin and
- The Deep Purple Podcast (9 months ago)
Janine Bennett
Roxy Music - Street Life via Happy 65th Birthday Eddie Jobson (violin, keyboards, synthesizer)!
- Janine Bennett (9 months ago)
Dale Hauskins
Happy wow, 65th birthday to ever talented Prima Donna British
Eddie Jobson
- Dale Hauskins (9 months ago)
gwen sciora
! grab your pink napkins and a snack then TUNE IN 8-10 pm on / WAXX TRAX
- gwen sciora (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Eddie Jobson!
- RACC (9 months ago)
Dear members,today is his birthday,I present a photo of the great and talented keyboardist and violinist of the mag
- Roberto (9 months ago)
Дмитрий Литвиненко
Happy Birthday Eddie Jobson!
- Дмитрий Литвиненко (9 months ago)
Matt Pinfield
Roxy Music Virginia Plain/Pyjamarama Happy Birthday to Eddie Jobson
- Matt Pinfield (9 months ago)