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Happy Birthday, In honor of his 86th Birthday here\'s a little to when KUVO an
- KUVO Jazz (2 months ago)
Ari Gari
Song of the day. Revolt La Libertad Logico. Happy 86th Birthday Eddie Palmieri!
- Ari Gari (2 months ago)
Miss Rosen
Happy Birthday Eddie Palmieri ~*~
- Miss Rosen (2 months ago)
Teury Potter
HAPPY BIRTHDAY To The Nuyorican Legendary Pianist Player, Bandleader,Composer, Producer, Musician, Instrumentalist
- Teury Potter (2 months ago)
Happy 86th Birthday. God Bless you always. Eddie Palmieri. The one and only.
- Evelyn (2 months ago)
Carlos Isaza
Un 15 de Diciembre de 1936 nace Eduardo Eddie Palmieri Maldonado El Sapo , El Rompeteclas (en New York, USA)
- Carlos Isaza (2 months ago)
Rhythm and Blues Preservation Society
Happy Belated Birthday to Jazz legend Eddie Palmieri from the Rhythm and Blues Preservation Society.
- Rhythm and Blues Preservation Society (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday Maestro Eddie Palmieri! Beautiful back in the day New York memories! Beautiful Spirit Music!
- SassyEARS (2 months ago)
Louis Fouché
Happy 85th Birthday to the maestro Eddie Palmieri! Cheers to many more years of me looking over your shoulder, aski
- Louis Fouché (2 months ago)
Jeff Klein
Happy Birthday, Eddie Palmieri
Eddie Palmieri & Cal Tjader
~ Pancho\'s Seis Por Ocho
- Jeff Klein (2 months ago)
Richard Scheinin
Happy 85th birthday to the genius named Eddie Palmieri. I\'ve loved this record since it came out in 1974 -- \"The Su
- Richard Scheinin (2 months ago)
william vergara
Happy birthday para los salseros:eduardo palmieri morales y robert tellez moreno mas conocidos como eddie palmieri
- william vergara (2 months ago)
Aurora Flores
Sending warm vibes on the coolest of days to El Maestro: Eddie Palmieri. Felicidades en tu día. Deseandote mucho Am
- Aurora Flores (2 months ago)
Marcus Baram
Happy 85th birthday to Eddie Palmieri, one of the greatest living musicians and a hero of mine! My
- Marcus Baram (2 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY...Eddie Palmieri! \"CAFÉ\". To check out music/video links & discover more about his musical legacy, c
- WBSS (2 months ago)
What a inspiration! Happy Birthday MR. Eddie Palmieri
- Rob (2 months ago)
Benjamin Boddie
Happy Birthday Eddie Palmieri!
NEA Jazz Master
- Benjamin Boddie (2 months ago)
Happy birthday!! Eddie Palmieri - Unfinished Masterpiece Ra
- 風の冒険譚 (2 months ago)
Gary Stager - New Invent To Learn Book!
Happy 84th birthday to musical genius, social justice warrior, and one of my favorite humans, Maestro Eddie Palmier
- Gary Stager - New Invent To Learn Book! (2 months ago)
Cleveland Time Records
A very happy 84th birthday to Grammy winning jazz pianist Eddie Palmieri, born December 15, 1936.
- Cleveland Time Records (2 months ago)
Happy birthday Eddie Palmieri!
This Friday at 9pm ET on Facebook Live and join maestro P
- WBGO (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday Eddie Palmieri Instrument: Piano
Born: December 15, 1936
Eddie Palmieri, known for his charisma
- Goldenrb (2 months ago)
Andrew Castillo
Happy 84th birthday Eddie Palmieri
- Andrew Castillo (2 months ago)
If there is one artist I can say has influenced me from childhood to the present with his art & then later in life
- Marysol (2 months ago)
Bob Ricciotti
Happy Birthday Eddie Palmieri | Jazz on the Tube
- Bob Ricciotti (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday Eddie Palmieri . \"Vamonos pal monte.\"
- NYLatinCulture (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday! Eduardo Eddie Palmieri
Dec15,1936 Age83
Instruments: Piano The origins of hard latin style
- stewart_soapland (2 months ago)
melissa eder
Happy 83rd Birthday to my all time favorite artist El Maestro Eddie Palmieri!!! Your music is a source of constant
- melissa eder (2 months ago)
Scott Thompson
Happy Birthday Eddie Palmieri!
- Scott Thompson (2 months ago)
Arthur Webb
Happy Birthday To You Eddie Palmieri! You Are A National Treasure!
- Arthur Webb (2 months ago)
Black codes
Happy Birthday Eddie Palmieri!
- Black codes (2 months ago)
Gary Stager, Ph.D.
Happy 82nd birthday to my pal and music legend, Maestro Eddie Palmieri!
- Gary Stager, Ph.D. (2 months ago)
Pete Nater
Happy 82nd birthday to El Maestro and one of my heroes, living legend Eddie Palmieri
- Pete Nater (2 months ago)
Doug Beavers
As we wish the great maestro Eddie Palmieri Happy Birthday today, here\'s some footage back from our European tour i
- Doug Beavers (2 months ago)
And happy birthday Eddie Palmieri. We love you.
- SomehowJazz (2 months ago)
New York Latin Culture Magazine
Happy Birthday master. Thank you for and many years of
- New York Latin Culture Magazine (2 months ago)
Alma Del Barrio
Happy Birthday EDDIE PALMIERI...!!!
- Alma Del Barrio (2 months ago)
ed figueroa
Happy 82nd birthday to the Sun of Latin music
Maestro Eddie Palmieri
- ed figueroa (2 months ago)
Christian Scott
Happy 82nd birthday to our King Grand Maestro Don t forget to check out his Stretch Music Ap
- Christian Scott (2 months ago)
Luques Curtis
Happy 82nd (32nd) Birthday to the great Eddie Palmieri!!! @ New Jersey
- Luques Curtis (2 months ago)
Eddie Palmieri and his Conjunto La Perfecta (Alegre, 1962) ¡Así empezó la Leyenda! El primer LP solista de
- @discosdesalsa (2 months ago)
RVM [Radio.Video.Music]
Mr.Eddie Palmieri is 82. Happy Birthday Sir. >>HIS BEST OF >>
- RVM [Radio.Video.Music] (2 months ago)
Guillermo R Zapata
Happy birthday maestro Eddie Palmieri le deseamos todos los salseros del mundo entero.Dios lo siga bendiciendo y le
- Guillermo R Zapata (2 months ago)
Elaine Goy
\'A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY\' to Eddie Palmieri who was born on this day in 1936 in New York City, USA. Award winning p
- Elaine Goy (2 months ago)
Todd Barkan
UNIVERSAL RHYTHMIST. Happy 82nd Birthday to pianist EDDIE PALMIERI, one of the most powerfully innovative and cons
- Todd Barkan (2 months ago)
Just me
I patiently wait for \"Mi Luz Mayor\"
- Just me (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday.
- BlackoutINK (2 months ago)
Chase Madar
Happy belated to New Yorker, Boricua, salsa modernist!
- Chase Madar (2 months ago)
LIMusic Hall of Fame
Happy Birthday, Eddie Palmieri! Helps El Maestro Blow Out 81 Candles -...
- LIMusic Hall of Fame (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Eddie Palmieri! Helps El Maestro Blow Out 81 Candles :
- fuseboxradio (2 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Eddie Palmieri will celebrate his 89 years old birthday in 9 months and 4 days! Send your greetings to him now!