Welcome to Eddie Vedder's Birthday Celebration Page
Eddie Vedder got 4247 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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ayşe kara
Eddie Vedder Forshaw Simba taeil The NHL Owen Grealish Aldi Nadine Keita Mein Wunsch für - ayşe kara (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael Lindsey
Now I\'m gonna have Alive stuck in my head for a week. Happy belated birthday Eddie Vedder! - Michael Lindsey (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Beige Trundullbush
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder, I unapologetically think he seems like a great human and a great artist. Love his work. - Beige Trundullbush (2 months ago)
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James McCue
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder - James McCue (2 months ago)
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Ronald D Fallas
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder! You legend - Ronald D Fallas (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

freaky staley ☠︎
Merry christmas to everyone and belated happy birthday to one of my fave vocalists ever! Eddie Vedder you will alwa - freaky staley ☠︎ (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sovi Nostradamus
Making a birthday cake. My Dec 24 tradition Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder - Sovi Nostradamus (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sorry, Bro. Eddie Vedder birthday is the same as yours. I got priorities, you know? Happy birthd - Skiptracer74 (2 months ago)
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Sketchbook E-Mag
Happy Birthday Thanks for being the older brother we all deserve. - Sketchbook E-Mag (2 months ago)
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Lynn J. Hickey
Happy birthday to my baby daddy, Eddie Vedder - Lynn J. Hickey (2 months ago)
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Jared Stanger
If we take nothing more out of today, let us at least take a reminder: Early era Pearl Jam Eddie Vedder was 1 of t - Jared Stanger (2 months ago)
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Salvador Medina
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder. Your music pulled me out of darkness more than once. Keep it coming. - Salvador Medina (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday eddie vedder i love you with everything i am - bee | PEARL JAMMM (2 months ago)
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Greg Boysen
Now that warmups are over, I can wish one of my biggest musical heroes a happy birthday! Eddie Vedder\'s words have - Greg Boysen (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder !! - GeniusCPA (2 months ago)
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Eric Cortellessa
Happy Birthday to the great Eddie Vedder - Eric Cortellessa (2 months ago)
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fabrizio moretti
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder! - fabrizio moretti (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lance Bangs
Happy Birthday to Eddie Vedder, who has been on a great path and brings good people along with him. - Lance Bangs (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Eddie vedder s birthday is the day before mine, so basically we re the same person. happy birthday eddie!!!!!! - jamie (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

J. Ellis
Eddie Vedder is 58 today, I ve been a fan of his for over 30 years. We re the same age but he s 15,000,000 times co - J. Ellis (2 months ago)
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Jacob Pâté
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder!!!!! - Jacob Pâté (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Serious Rock Talk™️
We want to wish a Happy 58 birthday to the legendary Pearl Jam vocalist Eddie Vedder! - Serious Rock Talk™️ (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Gary Lutz
Happy Birthday to legendary musician Eddie Vedder! - Gary Lutz (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Eddie Vedder, happy birthday!!!! - Carolinamcsp (2 months ago)
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Mike Mazda
Happy Birthday to Eddie Vedder - Mike Mazda (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

pearljamn *pearl jam fkn rules*
ha. that is great ! hope he didnt freeze happy birthday eddie vedder. eddie is an am - pearljamn *pearl jam fkn rules* (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam turns 58 today. He\'s one of my favorite skilled and versatile singers. My wife and I sa - Ian (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

The American Prospect
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder. We remember Pearl Jam\'s last stand against the Ticketmaster behemoth. - The American Prospect (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Alex Grant
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder! I was going to say happy Birthday Eddie but that felt weirdly - Alex Grant (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Also @msdodgrblu on IG
Kid 1.0 drew this for Eddie Vedder s birthday! Think they love and Eddie Vedder just a little? Happy b - Also @msdodgrblu on IG (2 months ago)
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Marie Sheehan RMA
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDDIE VEDDER Pearl Jam\'s frontman was born December 23rd, 1964 in Evanston Illinois USA - Marie Sheehan RMA (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Justin Staggs Ⓥ
Hebbidy Buahdwah-oooh, Argday Vettay See translation: Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder - Justin Staggs Ⓥ (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Trevor B
Happy 58th birthday to Eddie Vedder. What a presence and voice. I just want to scream hello My god - it s been - Trevor B (2 months ago)
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Jose Jurado
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder - Jose Jurado (2 months ago)
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✨Rosanna Prestia, MBA✨
Love Eddie Vedder! Amazing! We shared the same blockbuster in West Seattle circa 20 - ✨Rosanna Prestia, MBA✨ (2 months ago)
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Last Train to Oblivion Leaving Now (Not a Parody)
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder! - Last Train to Oblivion Leaving Now (Not a Parody) (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Blaise Hemingway
Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder. Thank you for NOT dying (despite your best efforts). - Blaise Hemingway (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

ymke\'s tongue isn\'t silver
Happy birthday to the man who practically raised me I love you eddie vedder - ymke\'s tongue isn\'t silver (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chico del coro
Mi primer tatuaje fue uno de los logos de Pearl Jam. Happy birthday Eddie Vedder. - Chico del coro (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

I\'m pretty sure I\'ve never heard of anyone they have ever said happy birthday to on the right side of message. Turb - imaidiot19 (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Impression Music Blog
Happy birthday to Eddie Vedder of - The Impression Music Blog (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Eddie Vedder - G (2 months ago)
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grunge archive
Happy birthday, eddie vedder! - grunge archive (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder! - Rockdawggy (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

We ve lost so many singers/musicians from the 90 s glad you re still kickin , man. Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder. - Jaymz (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Brian McIver
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder! And to celebrate, the band have released their iconic 2016 show featuring the full pla - Brian McIver (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Janet (she/her/hers)
Eddie Vedder is 58 today! Happy Birthday! - Janet (she/her/hers) (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Susan T
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder - Susan T (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dennis D ✭
What an amazing night that was! Happy birthday Eddie Vedder! - Dennis D ✭ (2 months ago)
birthday balloon
Happy birthday to Pearl Jam frontman, Eddie Vedder! What are your favorite songs of Pearl Jam? - [email protected] (2 months ago)

60 years old (Born on December 23, 1964)

Hey Eddie Vedder—another birthday, another even flow around the sun! It feels like yesterday you were crowd-surfing your epic grunge anthems into our hearts. You've still got us rockin' out in flannels, belting "Alive," and raising lighters (or smartphones) at every Pearl Jam show.

Recently you've reminded fans young and old that great music truly stands the test of time. Another year means another chapter full of powerful lyrics, soulful guitar strums, unforgettable live performances—and hopefully fewer stage dives for safety reasons!

Here's to rocking life as effortlessly as you always have: staying bold, poetic and forever legendary! Happy Birthday Eddie!

Eddie Vedder's Best Moments

Wishing a Happy 53rd Birthday to Eddie Vedder.
Happy 58th birthday, Eddie Vedder.
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder!
Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder!
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder!
 Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder!

What\s your favorite Pearl Jam song?
Happy birthday I hope you\re getting high and listening to Eddie Vedder.... love you.
This is the move Eddie Vedder makes when you wish him a happy birthday!
Happy 55th Birthday to the legend, Eddie Vedder
Happy 56th Birthday to Eddie Vedder, born this day in Evanston, IL.
Thank you for being a star in our sky. Happy Birthday, to Eddie Vedder!
Happy 52nd Birthday to Edward Louis Severson, or Eddie Vedder, Rock God.
Wish Eddie Vedder of Happy Bday &   cc
\"The best revenge is to live on and prove yourself\"

Happy birthday Eddie Vedder!!
Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder!
Happy birthday to one of our biggest supporters, Eddie Vedder!
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder! front man turns 53 today.
Does it get Eddie Vedder than this? 
Happy Birthday Eddie!
  Wishing a happy birthday to Eddie Vedder! See you in 2015!
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder Revisit our 1995 cover story with the frontman
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder
Happy Birthday to Pearl Jam Legend Eddie Vedder
Happy 57th birthday to Eddie Vedder
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder! Cheers to the next 51!
Happy 57 birthday to the incredible Pearl Jam vocalist Eddie Vedder!
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder!
Happy 57th birthday to Comfortably Numb - Roger Waters & Eddie Vedder (Live in New York, 2012)
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder!
Happy Birthday to frontman, humanitarian & all-around chill dude, Eddie Vedder!
 Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder. Here he is in 1996 celebrating the Bulls title:
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to Eddie Vedder who was born OTD December 23, 1964.
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder
Happy Birthday to Eddie Vedder, who has been on a great path and brings good people along with him.
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder!
Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder! Rob Skinner.
Happy 56th birthday to Eddie Vedder
  A BIG happy birthday to Eddie Vedder!  // Ruleeees Vedder
Happy mother fucking birthday to EDDIE VEDDER!!    May you stay and just keep being
Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder!
Happy Birthday to the legend, Eddie Vedder
Happy birthday eddie vedder
Happy birthday eddie vedder my beloved <33
Happy 50th Birthday Eddie Vedder!
Happy birthday to the great Eddie Vedder
Happy Birthday to the heart, Eddie Vedder!
Que homem! Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder!
Happy Birthday to Eddie Vedder, one of the greatest musicians of all time.
Happy birthday Ed.

Eddie Vedder, 23 Dicembre 1964.
Leader dei Ultimo pilastro del Grunge.
Happy 54th Birthday Eddie Vedder!!
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder!!!
Happy birthday to Eddie Vedder
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder!
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder!    :
Happy 50th Birthday Eddie Vedder, lead singer of one of our absolute faves, the brilliant Pearl Jam!
Hoy cumple 51 años una de las voces insignes de los 90s Eddie Vedder, líder de Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder!!
Happy Birthday to the one and only Mr Eddie Vedder   xx
Happy 55th Birthday Eddie Vedder!
Happy Birthday To Eddie Vedder!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to musician, singer, songwriter Eddie Vedder born on December 23, 1964
Happy 56th birthday to Eddie Vedder! What s the greatest Pearl Jam song ever?
Happy birthday to the one and only eddie vedder<3 everyone drop your fancams x
Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder
Happy 50th birthday to frontman Eddie Vedder!
Wishing a Happy Birthday to the incredible Eddie Vedder of
Happy Birthday to Eddie Vedder.
Happy 54th Birthday To Eddie Vedder - Pearl Jam, Temple Of The Dog, Roger Waters, Tom Petty And More.
Happy Birthday to the lovely Eddie Vedder
 happy birthday. Here s a bit of Eddie Vedder and Johnny Marr
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder  love youuuu
Happy birthday to eddie vedder!! 
here s him in the sky
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder!
Happy 50th birthday, Eddie Vedder. Thank you for 20+ years of being a positive force during dark times in my life.
Happy 51st birthday to Eddie Vedder!  Read his 50 greatest lyrics to celebrate!
Happy 53rd Birthday to Eddie Vedder of
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder. thank you for everything.
\"I\ll ride the wave, where it takes me\". Eddie Vedder
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder! (photo by
Happy birthday to Eddie Vedder.

The true reason for the season.
Happy 55th Birthday to Eddie Vedder!
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder!
Happy 56th birthday Eddie Vedder on this Xmas EV.
Happy Birthday to Eddie Vedder, who is good at singing.
Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder!
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder (57)
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder     I simply can t find a better man
Happy 58th birthday to Eddie Vedder! May need to listen to Ten and Vs. today.
Happy birthday, eddie vedder!
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder!
Rt if you wish a Happy Birthday to 
Eddie Vedder 
Lead singer from Pearl Jam
Eddie Vedder ko czy dzi 50 lat. Urodzi si w Evanston. Happy 50 Birthday, Eddie!
Happy birthday to singer and Singles star Eddie Vedder!
Happy 53rd Birthday to Eddie Vedder.       Te amo!
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder! 
Il cantante dei Pearl Jam compie oggi 54 anni.
Happy Birthday to Eddie Vedder! What\s your favourite track?
Happy 54th birthday to Pearl Jam\s Eddie Vedder!
Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder, and thanks for the signed poster.
It s the 23rd here so Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder!!
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder aka best frontman of all time
H  a  p  p  y    B  i  r  t  h  d  a  y    T  o    E  d  d  i  e    V  e  d  d  e  r
Wishing Eddie Vedder happy birthday on a social media app he isn t on seems unhealthy.
Happy Birthday / Feliz Cumpleaños Eddie Vedder !!!
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder! What s your favorite tune of his?
Happy 50th birthday Eddie Vedder
Happy 50th Birthday to the other man in my life (along with the 5 other band members) Eddie Vedder
Happy Birthday to one of the greats. Eddie Vedder, 50 looks good.
Happy Birthday To Eddie Vedder!
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder!!!!!!!
Happy 50th birthday Eddie Vedder! These celebs also celebrated that milestone in 2014
Look who\s 50 today! Happy birthday Eddie Vedder
Happy birthday to the one and only,  Eddie Vedder
Happy birthday to the amazing Eddie Vedder 50 and still super hawt
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder! Telling \"50\" where to stuff it...
To wish Eddie Vedder a very happy 50th birthday!
Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder! Here\s a photo I took of Eddie when played this year.
Happy Bday Eddie Vedder. <3
Happiest of happy 50th Birthdays to Eddie Vedder!
Happy 50th birthday to frontman Eddie Vedder. Enjoy this stream from last year
. Eddie Vedder is 50 today. Happiest of happy birthdays, Ed!
Happy 50th Birthday to Eddie Vedder! -
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder
Happy Birthday To Eddie Vedder
Happy Birthday to front man Eddie Vedder!
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder!
Happy birthday, Eddie Vedder! He sings the soundtrack to my soul &  soothed my while I stayed Alive.
Wishing Eddie Vedder a Happy 51st Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Eddie Vedder!  I never thought you would be so important to me. You changed my life. Thank you!
Happy 60th birthday to front man Eddie Vedder! Jeremy spoke in class today, and he said to have some cake!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDDIE VEDDER! Thank you for making our last memory of the Spectrum AMAZING!
Happy birthday to frontman, Eddie Vedder!
Happy 51st Birthday to Edward Louis Severson, or Eddie Vedder, Rock God.
Happy BDay Mr Eddie Vedder!
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder
Happy birthday to the one and only, Eddie Vedder
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder
54 today! Still looking good, bro.
Happy birthday to Eddie Vedder! Thank you for everything you do for the world.
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder!    The best singer in the universe
Happy birthday Mr Eddie Vedder, one of the best voices in rock! 54 today!
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder
Happy 54th Birthday to the lead singer of Pearl Jam,Eddie Vedder
Happy 54th birthday Eddie Vedder!
Happy birthday to the beautiful Eddie Vedder I love u
You\ll never see this, but Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder. Thank you for being born.
Huge happy birthday to one of my biggest heroes. Eddie Vedder
Happy birthday to one of my favorite people in this world, The peaceful and beautiful Eddie Vedder.
Happy Birthday to Eddie Vedder =)
Happy Birthday to Eddie Vedder.
Happy birthday to our lord and savior eddie vedder! if not for eddie veddie we would all be dead. im sure of it!
Happy birthday  Eddie Vedder
Happy birthday to the one and only eddie vedder
Happy birthday king eddie vedder <33
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder my jacket still looks better on you!
Happy bday to the goat Eddie Vedder
Happy 56th Birthday to Eddie Vedder of  You age like fine wine
Happy birthday to eddie vedder !! the sweetest boy ya
Happy birthday to eddie vedder and happy festivus to all of us
Happy Birthday to Eddie Vedder! Born on this day in 1964 Happy Birthday, Eddie!
Happy Birthday  Eddie Vedder
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder.
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder
Ele mesmo! Edward vulgo Eddie Vedder!

te amo pitico
Wishing a very happy birthday to pearl jam\s legendary frontman eddie vedder, who turns 57 today!
It doesn t get Any Better than Eddie Vedder! Happy Bday my Friend!
Happy 57th birthday to Eddie Vedder who was born on this day in 1964 .
Eddie vedder fancam happy birthday king
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDDIE VEDDER                   i cant put into words how much i fucking love you and your art
Happy birthday to the love of my life eddie vedder
  Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder!   Play and repeat
Happy birthday today to Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder!
Happy birthday Eddie Vedder is my generation\s music.
Happy 50th Birthday to the great Eddie Vedder. I ll ride the wave where it takes me
To one of the lead vocalist of here\s from team wishing Eddie Vedder a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder
Happy 50th birthday Eddie Vedder
Happy Birthday to my love, Eddie vedder <3
Algún día te veré y te pediré matrimonio. Estás avisado.
Happy birthday to a really important person to me.
Eddie Vedder 
Thank you!

You saved my life
We\re still alive
Happy birthday to the best voice , Eddie Vedder
Happy birthday to my favourite musician ever, Eddie Vedder. Keep on rockin\!
  Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder, who is forever in my brain.
Happy Birthday to Eddie Vedder. 50 years old today.
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder! Talented, amazing, beautiful human. One of my favorite people on the planet
Eddie Vedder, ese artista grande que hoy cumple nah, medio siglo. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to Eddie Vedder! 50 never looked so good.
   Happy birthday Eddie Vedder!!  Happy BDay. Thx for the music
Happy 50 Bday, Eddie Vedder!
BK: Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder!!! He turns 50 today!
Happy Birthday Eddie Vedder, hope you have a good one!
Happy birthday eddie vedder !!
Happy 50th bday to a man who has brought joy to millions. Thank you vedder
Happy birthday to Eddie Vedder of
young eddie vedder 0
eddie vedder 2013 1
eddie vedder surfing 2
Eddie Vedder new pic 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Eddie, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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