Welcome to Edgar Wright's Birthday Celebration Page
Edgar Wright got 328 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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‎⍟ ‎⍟ ⓨⓊ‌Ⓚⓐ ‎⍟ ‎⍟
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite directors, Edgar Wright! - ‎⍟ ‎⍟ ⓨⓊ‌Ⓚⓐ ‎⍟ ‎⍟ (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Fright Mic Podcast
Happy birthday to Edgar Wright- born in 1974! Which of his movies is your favorite? - Fright Mic Podcast (10 months ago)
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Week in Horror
Happy Birthday, Edgar Wright! - Week in Horror (11 months ago)
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Christian Cortave
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite directors, Edgar Wright! - Christian Cortave (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Edgar Wright! Which of his many films is your favorite? For more April bdays - Fandango (11 months ago)
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Solo Juan
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright - Solo Juan (11 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to the great Edgar Wright who gave us this unforgettable film! - Aarush (11 months ago)
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Harriet Lecter
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Grimmcore Studios
Happy birthday to the great director Edgar Wright, known to horror fans for his work in Shaun of the Dead, Last Nig - Grimmcore Studios (11 months ago)
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Happy birthday Edgar Wright Bring back spaced - thebeyonder (11 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to Edgar Wright! One the the minds behind this Trilogy. Name em? (Art by Byway) - Tanis (11 months ago)
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Happy birthday edgar wright please go back to making quirky british comedies i am begging - feral (11 months ago)
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Happy birthday to Edgar Wright! - Letterboxd (11 months ago)
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MUBI Canada
Happy birthday, Edgar Wright! in 1974. - MUBI Canada (11 months ago)
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Dvd Daddy
Happy Birthday to actors Vanessa Kirby ( Eric Roberts ( Chloe Bennet ( - Dvd Daddy (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to one of our most cherished directors in his love of all things Giallo Celebrate - ARROW (11 months ago)
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James Kenney
Happy 49th birthday to filmmaker Edgar Wright! - James Kenney (11 months ago)
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Happy birthday Edgar Wright. - SoniadelFaces (11 months ago)
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Neon is afraid
Happy 49 birthday Director Edgar Wright - Neon is afraid (11 months ago)
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Watch It If You Can
\'Shout Out\' - Happy Birthday to the ridiculously talented Edgar Wright! - Watch It If You Can (11 months ago)
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Harry Lichtman
Edgar Wright wishing me a happy 25th birthday a couple years ago. - Harry Lichtman (11 months ago)
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Edgar Wright really said happy birthday and announced the Scott Pilgrim series today - ⭐️Margot⭐️ (11 months ago)
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UoW Libraries & IT
Happy birthday, Nick Frost! He was born 1972 and along with Simon Pegg, is one of the stars of Edgar - UoW Libraries & IT (11 months ago)
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Entertainment Weekly
Jamie Foxx serenaded Quentin Tarantino with a special rendition of the \"Happy Birthday\" song onstage in London. - Entertainment Weekly (11 months ago)
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Robert L. Smoot
Quentin Tarantino Hits 60: Edgar Wright and Jamie Foxx Lead Celebrations At The London Palladium - Robert L. Smoot (11 months ago)
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Quentin Tarantino: Cinema Speculation at The Palladium was wonderful. Quentin was on great form & the interaction w - Karen (11 months ago)
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Hugh Doherty
Got to see Quentin Tarantino at The Palladium tonight. Seeing him and Edgar Wright talk about films for 2+ hour was - Hugh Doherty (11 months ago)
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Hot Docs Cinema
Edgar Wright vs. Toronto Happy (belated) birthday to prolific director seen here behind the scene - Hot Docs Cinema (10 months ago)
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Happy birthday to edgar wright - doom (10 months ago)
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Christopher Bligh
Happy birthday to the great EDGAR WRIGHT! - Christopher Bligh (10 months ago)
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Oscars Central
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright! What s your favorite film from the writer/director? - Oscars Central (10 months ago)
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Camoren Alexzander
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright! - Camoren Alexzander (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Edgar Wright! 1974 Edgar Wright is a writer and director of such films as Shaun of the Dead , H - afrohorror (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to director Edgar Wright. My favorite film by Wright is Last night in Soho. - jhpcine (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy bday, Edgar Wright. - byaslismaslis (10 months ago)
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pre-revolutionary france
Happy birthday to both david tennant and edgar wright who helpfully were born on the same day so i didnt have to sa - pre-revolutionary france (10 months ago)
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Rich Elms
Happy birthday to Edgar Wright. A dude I don t know and have never met, but whose films have brought me much joy ov - Rich Elms (10 months ago)
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Criterion Channel
Happy birthday, Evening viewing recommendation? Check out the director\'s episode of ADVENTURES IN MO - Criterion Channel (10 months ago)
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James Van Fleet
Happy Birthday to Edgar Wright, who made one of my favorite movies of all time, \"The World\'s End,\" a melancholic, e - James Van Fleet (11 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Edgar Wright. - doctorfan06 (11 months ago)
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Happy birthday to Edgar Wright and all he is my main inspiration in life but Does he know he made the gayest fucking trilogy of all time - ✨️Feanor✨️ (11 months ago)
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Happy birthday edgar wright hope u start making good movies again - h (11 months ago)
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Happy Birthday, Edgar Wright! - Serena (11 months ago)
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Balboa Theater
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright!!! One of the greats! Scott Pilgrim plays tonight at 7:30pm! Tix: - Balboa Theater (11 months ago)
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Amalia False
Happy Birthday to Edgar Wright. LAST NIGHT IN SOHO is underrated as fuck lol - Amalia False (11 months ago)
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Disney Wiki
Happy Birthday, Edgar Wright For Disney, he was a screenwriter, and executive producer for the Marvel film - Disney Wiki (11 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Edgar Wright!! - bill (11 months ago)
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I Hate Your Taste in Movies
Happy birthday to director Edgar Wright! From Shaun of the Dead to Last Night in Soho, he\'s a director that rarel - I Hate Your Taste in Movies (11 months ago)
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HorrorStruck Podcast
Happy birthday to Edgar Wright! Which Wright film will you be watching today?! - HorrorStruck Podcast (11 months ago)

50 years old (Born on April 18, 1974)

Happy birthday, Edgar Wright! May your day be filled with more laughs than a Cornetto Trilogy marathon and fewer mishaps than Nicholas Angel chasing swans in "Hot Fuzz." Your films have taught us valuable life lessons—like never underestimate the power of friendship during zombie apocalypses or small-town conspiracies.

From brilliantly choreographed pub crawls to epic car chases synced perfectly to music ("Baby Driver," anyone?), you've consistently delivered cinematic gems that keep audiences laughing, gasping, and quoting endlessly. Here's hoping this year brings you even greater success—and perhaps another reason for Simon Pegg running dramatically through fences. Cheers!

Edgar Wright's Best Moments

Happy birthday to Edgar Wright!
Wishing a happy birthday to director Edgar Wright
Only could get and I to sing for him on his birthday. Happy 21st buddy!
Happy birthday Edgar Wright!
Edgar wright wishing anya and malcolm a happy birthday via instagram
Happy 47th Birthday Edgar Wright!
 Happy birthday to one Lily James x Edgar Wright via ig post
Happy birthday, Celebrate with his 1,000 favorite movies of all-time:
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright!!
Happy Birthday, Edgar Wright! We\ll drink a pint (or twelve) in your honor!
Happy birthday to  Drop your favorite Edgar Wright film
Happy Birthday, Edgar Wright! 

To celebrate, lets revisit the opening scene of
A very big happy birthday to the man, the myth, the legend... Mr Edgar Wright
Happy birthday to the man, the myth, the legend, edgar wright! truly one of the greatest of our time
Happy birthday, Edgar Wright!
Happy 49th birthday to filmmaker Edgar Wright!
4/18                 Edgar Wright, 1974/4/18 -            HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Happy birthday to the greatest British comedy director of all time, Edgar Wright
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright!
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite directors, Edgar Wright!
Happy birthday to the incredible Edgar Wright! 

What\s your all-time favourite moment from any of his movies?
Happy birthday Mr.Edgar wright                                                          1
Happy Birthday to Edgar Wright!

One the the minds behind this Trilogy.

Name em?

(Art by Byway)
Happy birthday edgar wright
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright, who has graced us with so many great films, it\s impossible to name a favorite!
Happy birthday to Edgar Wright!    Which Wright film will you be watching today?!
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite directors, Edgar Wright!
Happy birthday Edgar Wright!
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright! What s your favorite film from the writer/director?
Happy 49 birthday Director Edgar Wright
Happy birthday Edgar Wright.
Happy Birthday to Edgar Wright (SHAUN OF THE DEAD, AT WORLDS END) who turns 41 today
Happy Birthday au plus jeune des grands réalisateurs Edgar Wright !
Special Happy Birthday to Edgar Wright!
Happy birthday Edgar Wright!
Happy 44th Birthday Edgar Wright.
Happy birthday to Edgar Wright.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDGAR WRIGHT PA2 this is the best I can find
Happy Birthday, Edgar Wright!
Happy birthday Edgar Wright Bring back spaced
Happy bday Edgar Wright! This Cornetto is for you!
Wishing a very happy birthday to my favourite director of all time, Edgar Wright! He\s such a huge inspiration to me
. Happy birthday to EDGAR WRIGHT! Hope your memories of Toronto are all as nice as this:
Happy birthday to Edgar Wright!
Happy birthday, Edgar Wright!
Happy Birthday to director Edgar Wright!
Happy 44th Birthday Edgar Wright
Happy Birthday to one of Jared s all-time favorite directors, Edgar Wright.
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright!
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright                  happybirthdayedgarwright
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright!!
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright
Happy 46th Birthday to 
  Happy Birthday, Edgar Wright. And I hope to see more of your work.
Happy Birthday Mr. Edgar Wright!!!
Happy Birthday Edgar Wright!!!
  Happy birthday Edgar Wright!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Edgar Wright ! 

Maraming salamat sa mga pelikula mo.
Happy 47th birthday Edgar Wright! Vivement \"Last night in Soho\"!
Wishing a very happy birthday to the incredible, Edgar Wright!
Hoy cumple años el director Edgar Wright (47) Happy birthday ! Aquí mi Ranking:
Happy birthday Edgar Wright!

Let me hear your movie rankings
Happy birthday to Edgar Wright!
Happy birthday to my bestie edgar wright <3 aries supremacy <3
Happy Birthday to one of my biggest film inspirations Edgar Wright
Today\s movie , happy 48 birthday to Edgar Wright ! 

 Happy Birthday Edgar Wright.
Happy bday, Edgar Wright.
Happy birthday to director Edgar Wright. My favorite film by Wright is Last night in Soho.
Edgar Wright wishing me a happy 25th birthday a couple years ago.
Happy birthday, Edgar Wright! in 1974.
Happy Birthday, Edgar Wright!
Happy birthday to Edgar Wright- born in 1974!

Which of his movies is your favorite?
edgar wright anna kendrick 0
edgar wright anna 1
edgar wright young 2
Edgar Wright full body 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Edgar, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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