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Jane Fair
Happy birthday freedom hero Edward Snowden!
I pray for many more years of good life, peace, & proper
- Jane Fair (7 months ago)
Becky Muys
Happy 40th Birthday, Mr. Edward Snowden.
I hope you had a great day!
- Becky Muys (7 months ago)
Sandor Claegane
fackin ell..... i share a bday with Bruce Campbell AND Edward Snowden!!?? Happy bday fellas!!
- Sandor Claegane (7 months ago)
Ani & Brewed Cofi
Happy Birthday, Edward Snowden!
- Ani & Brewed Cofi (7 months ago)
A Very Happy Birthday to Edward Snowden! An honest, humble and exceptionally principled guy who sacrificed his
- mayuresh1704 (7 months ago)
Vlad Dorokhin
Happy Birthday, Edward Snowden! Your contributions and sacrifices made a great impact on my de
- Vlad Dorokhin (7 months ago)
Aubrey Wilkins Wursten
Happy birthday to Edward Snowden, who revealed how unsafe we are even in the privacy of our own homes. It\'s an unco
- Aubrey Wilkins Wursten (7 months ago)
Happy birthday Mr Edward Snowden! Have a wonderful family birthday WAHOOooo! 40!
- AValkyrie1 (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday Edward Snowden
- Uthekwane (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Edward You are a hero
- hx5643for (7 months ago)
I am exactly the same age as Edward Snowden! Very cool. But also, I\'ve achieved fuck all. Happy birthday Edward.
- HutchOnline (7 months ago)
Snowden Sisters
If you\'re not reading you absolutely should. In a nutshell, it contains eye-opening insights on w
- Snowden Sisters (7 months ago)
Libertarian Film
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDWARD SNOWDEN, AMERICAN HERO....Edward Snowden was born on June 21st, 1983. At age 30, in 2013, he
- Libertarian Film (7 months ago)
Amorphia Apparel
Happy Hirsute birthday to Edward Snowden!
- Amorphia Apparel (7 months ago)
In D Schutz vor US-Verfolgung? Der ist gut! Genauso, wie Julian Assange in GB Schutz vor U
- Anton (7 months ago)
Frank Wünsche
Subscribe to Continuing Ed with Edward Snowden
Happy Birthday, Edward
- Frank Wünsche (7 months ago)
Harm Neitzel
Happy Birthday, dear Edward
- Harm Neitzel (7 months ago)
JC Allen
Happy 40th Birthday Edward Snowden~~~Joe Rogan Experience - Edward Snowden via
- JC Allen (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday Edward Danke für Deinen Einsatz!
- Alex (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Edward
- Lalinka (7 months ago)
Tino Kunze
Happy birthday Edward
- Tino Kunze (7 months ago)
reasonable resistance 和平 - #FreeAssangeNOW
Edward could be celebrating his 40th birthday in Berlin today if the German government had had the courage
- reasonable resistance 和平 - #FreeAssangeNOW (7 months ago)
Sevim Dağdelen, MdB
Wer immer sich wohlfeil über das Russland-Exil ereifert: Edward könnte heute seinen 40. Geburtstag in Berl
- Sevim Dağdelen, MdB (7 months ago)
A decade after the U.S. government unsealed charges, on your birthday, against your bravery.
Happy Birthday Edward
- Ian (7 months ago)
Happy 40th Birthday Anniversary to Edward Snowden. Hope you\'re enjoying Russia.
Though many are unappreciative an
- EarthProtector (7 months ago)
Happy birthday Auch Deinen 40. Geburtstag musst Du im Exil verbringen. Dabei hast Du mit Deinen Enthüllun
- Whistleblower-Netzwerk (7 months ago)
Edward turns 40 today. Happy birthday and thank you for opening our eyes.
- andreas (7 months ago)
Empire Diaries
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Edward Snowden..
The spy-turned-whistleblower exposed America s dirty surveillance tricks targeting
- Empire Diaries (7 months ago)
Hanan Clicks
\" Happy Birthday, Edward Snowden! ( Your unwavering commitment to truth and personal sacrifice in defe
- Hanan Clicks (7 months ago)
Aiman Mir
Happy birthday to you Edward Snowden. Allah bless you always and give healthy life.
- Aiman Mir (7 months ago)
Aktion Freiheit statt Angst
Happy Birthday Edward Snowden Zum 40. Geburtstag von Edward Snowden
- Aktion Freiheit statt Angst (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Edward Snowden Children are the best
- PeoplePerson (7 months ago)
nancy sharp
Happy birthday Edward Snowden!
- nancy sharp (7 months ago)
Canaima GNU/Linux
Un día como hoy nace el experto en seguridad informática, Edward Snowden Ex empleado de la CIA
- Canaima GNU/Linux (7 months ago)
Christian Reddöhl
Happy 39th birthday Edward Snowden (21 June 1983)! Enjoy the day with your spouse and son. We salute
- Christian Reddöhl (7 months ago)
James Leroy Wilson
Happy birthday Edward Snowden!
- James Leroy Wilson (7 months ago)
Happy birthday, Edward
- (7 months ago)
Celebrity Born
Happy Birthday to Edward Snowden (American Whistleblower, Technologist, Computer Programmer, Web Application & Memo
- Celebrity Born (7 months ago)
Happy birthday Edward I wish you a long and happy life with your family. epic already.
- Kristina (7 months ago)
Beat Mühlemann
- Beat Mühlemann (7 months ago)
Harlekin Shop
/// HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDWARD SNOWDEN! Dieses Motiv (und über 800 andere!): für alle drölf Geschlechter als Hoodie,
- Harlekin Shop (7 months ago)
Ba Wang
Happy Birthday Edward Altes gute zum Geburtstag und halt die Ohren steif
- Ba Wang (7 months ago)
Alfred de Zayas
Happy 39th birthday Edward Snowden (21 June 1983)! Enjoy the day with your spouse and son. We salute your courage i
- Alfred de Zayas (7 months ago)
cui bono - wem nutzt es?
Happy birthday Edward Snowden
- cui bono - wem nutzt es? (7 months ago)
Markus Gelau
- Markus Gelau (7 months ago)
Happy birthday Other Edward Snowden! Happy birthday! May your Facebook wall be filled with messages from people you
- (7 months ago)
Frank Abel
Happy Birthday, Edward I wish you the best of luck to find your voice back.
- Frank Abel (7 months ago)
Happy birthday Ed.
ps: Is this facebook account real?
- PAA_Asile (7 months ago)
June 21
Happy birthday to
Edward Snowden
Chris Pratt
Lana Del Rey
- GraceChan (7 months ago)
Giuliano Cuppari
Happy late Birthday You exposed our Government spying on every cellphone in the World. You re a Patriot
- Giuliano Cuppari (7 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Edward Snowden will celebrate his 42 years old birthday in 4 months and 15 days! Send your greetings to him now!