Welcome to Ellie Goulding's Birthday Celebration Page
Ellie Goulding got 942 balloons for her birthday! Gift her more message balloons!
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Happy 31st Birthday to pop and amazing Ellie Goulding - Pop (7 years ago)
birthday balloon

Alfred Junior of Bruce
Happy New Year, Ellie Goulding! Sorry for not mentioning your birthday! May God forgive me. - Alfred Junior of Bruce (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jake with the Ob
Happy 36th Birthday to singer and songwriter, Ellie Goulding! - Jake with the Ob (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, She is one of my favorite female singers and my favorite song is \"Love Me Like You - Mariah (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Dude
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding! hits include Lights Burn Love Me Like You Do - The Dude (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 36th birthday to - WFPK (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Pop Culture Now
Happy Birthday to Actress Tracey Ullman 63, Former NFL QB Kerry Collins 50, Singer Ellie Goulding 36. - Pop Culture Now (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Brandon Monroe
Happy Birthday To Ellie Goulding she will be 36 years old today - Brandon Monroe (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

NSFW Celebs
Happy Birthday to Ellie Goulding who turns 36 today! - NSFW Celebs (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Milf Celeb Lover
Happy Birthday to one the sexiest milfs ever, Ellie Goulding!!! She s so hot!! - Milf Celeb Lover (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Oh and happy birthday to: LeBron James Tiger Woods Laila Ali Tyrese Gibson Ellie Goulding Kristin Kreuk December - efflictim (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Next Radio
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding What is your favorite Ellie Goulding song? - Next Radio (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding, love you with all my heart & soul, may your day be filled with love & happiness! - Martingoulding (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ellie Goulding turns 36. Happy Birthday Queen! - ATRL (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Ellie Goulding, get some cake in that belly goulding xxx - SHANE REACTION (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Robert P Coronado
Happy Birthday to Ellie Goulding . - Robert P Coronado (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday ellie goulding - emily (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ellie Goulding | Happy Birthday - The_Vinyl_Digest (2 months ago)
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Tran Khuong
HAPPY 36TH BIRTHDAY ELLIE GOULDING - Tran Khuong (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Elena Jane Ellie Goulding (* 30. Dezember 1986 in Hereford, Herefordshire, England) ist eine br - Bluesanne (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Red Hot Views
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ellie Goulding - Red Hot Views (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nindi.Jr ㄷㄱㅑㅊ
Happy 36th Birthday Ellie Goulding - Nindi.Jr ㄷㄱㅑㅊ (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Celeb Crushes 95K
Happy Birthday to ... Singer - Ellie Goulding Who is 36yo today! (2015 below) - Celeb Crushes 95K (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding - EDM Lab (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to Ellie Goulding - Peter (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Ellie Goulding! - PIET LATEGAN (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 36th birthday Ellie Goulding - V (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding, Jeff Lynne, Tracey Ullman, Jay Kay, Lucy Punch, Fa - BRMGradio (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

and ellie goulding! also, it\'s your birthday for me, so happy birthday :D - ash ♡ IS MEETING DAN IN 29 DAYS!! (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

and ellie goulding! also, it\'s your birthday for me, so happy birthday :D - ash ♡ IS MEETING DAN IN 28 DAYS!! (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Ellie Goulding - ayden (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding! - unicronicron (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Billie! \"Higher Than Heaven\" by Ellie Goulding out february 3 2023. - . (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Azalea Swift
Happy birthday Billie! \"Higher Than Heaven\" by Ellie Goulding out february 3 2023. - Azalea Swift (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DECEMBER 30; Dancer Mackenzie Davis,19; Pop Singer Ellie Goulding,35; NBA Lebron James (Lakers),37; - BRONX POET (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to English singer and songwriter Ellie Goulding (34). She released her debut studio album, Lights, - gmrjr59 (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

I forgot to say happy birthday ellie goulding - kirstin (2 months ago)
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Ishaan Tiwari
Happy 35th Birthday to Ellie Goulding!! - Ishaan Tiwari (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLIE GOULDING - elliekeepsmeondancin (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Valerie and Levi
Happy birthday to: ellie goulding - 35 tiger woods - 46 kim taehyung - 26 lebron james (the king) - 37 and my dad - 53 -val - Valerie and Levi (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Levi: off / Valerie: off
Happy birthday to: ellie goulding - 35 tiger woods - 46 kim taehyung - 26 lebron james (the king) - 37 and my dad - 53 -val - Levi: off / Valerie: off (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to the amazing singer and songwriter, Ellie Goulding and the talented singer, songwriter, and multi- - MakeYourMarkCommunications (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Prayer List For Rock stars
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding Born December 30 1986 - Prayer List For Rock stars (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Herefordshire Museum
Happy birthday Ellie Goulding! Born in Hereford and raised in Lyonshall, she signed with Polydor in 2009. winning - Herefordshire Museum (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ben Hernandez
Happy birthday, - via - Ben Hernandez (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Time for the Holidays
On in 1986 Ellie Goulding, Singer-songwriter was born in Hereford, United. Happy Birthday - Time for the Holidays (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 35th birthday to Ellie Goulding - Celeb_fan20 (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mrs. Anne
Happy Birthday dear Ellie Goulding! - Mrs. Anne (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

celebrity requests and games
Happy birthday to one of the hottest milfs Ellie Goulding - celebrity requests and games (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Xavier E. Palacios
I hope all your birthday dreams and wishes come true Happy Birthday to you! Ellie Goulding Ellie Goulding - - Xavier E. Palacios (2 months ago)

38 years old (Born on December 30, 1986)

Happy Birthday, Ellie Goulding! From your captivating debut in "An Introduction to Ellie Goulding" to lighting up stages worldwide with hits like "Lights," you've truly made our playlists brighter. Your voice has the magical ability to make us dance uncontrollably—even when we're stuck in traffic.

Recently, you’ve continued dazzling fans and critics alike, proving that you're not just a star but an entire galaxy of talent. May this birthday bring as much joy as your music brings into our lives—and may your cake be sweeter than all those catchy choruses combined! Keep shining bright; we’re always listening (and dancing).

Ellie Goulding's Best Moments

Happy Birthday to the gorgeous and talented Ellie Goulding. The Grammy nominated British songstress turns 31 today!
Happy Birthday to ...  Singer - Ellie Goulding Who is 36yo today!
(2015 below)
Happy Birthday to Ellie Goulding       Who is 34yo today
Wishing a very happy birthday to
Happy 28th birthday, Celebrate with her most memorable red carpet looks!!
Happy 36th Birthday  Ellie Goulding
Ellie Goulding turns 36. Happy Birthday Queen!
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding!  Thanks for always supporting and standing by Taylor, we love you so much!
Happy birthday  What a successful year she\s had!
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding! Thanks for your amazing voice featured in Heavy Crown.
Happy birthday Ellie Goulding
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding!
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding What is your favorite Ellie Goulding song?
Happy Birthday to We can\t wait to see you here on April 8, 2016, more info:
Happy 28th birthday,
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding! One of Taylor s friends
Happy Birthday to the fabulous - Get her look for less here >
Happy birthday to one of the hottest milfs 
Ellie Goulding
Happy Birthday to Ellie Goulding who turns 36 today!
Happy 28th birthday Ellie Goulding!
Happy Birthday to Ellie Goulding, she turns 31 today
Happy birthday to the beautiful Ellie Goulding!
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding!
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding!!!
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding! 

We\ll be playing her biggest hits on today! 

Any Requests?
Happy birthday ! Find out what\s in store for the star today...
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday to the ever so talented / Ellie Goulding!
Happy Birthday to Ellie Goulding, wishing you the best birthday!
Happy birthday ellie goulding
We\ll it\s almost her birthday tomorrow so, I\ll wish her an early one! Happy birthday Ellie Goulding!:)
Happy birthday Ellie Goulding   ! Hope your day is as good as this one looks like it was
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding!
Happy birthday Ellie Goulding
We\ve got on our mind today. Happy birthday, Ellie!
 Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding             Ellie Goulding
Happy Birthday to Ellie Goulding ( Have an awesome birthday!
Happy Birthday See you in 2016! ->
Happy Birthday Ellie goulding 31
Happy Birthday, Ellie Goulding!
El penúltimo día del año, celebramos el cumpleaños de la cantante inglesa Ellie Goulding  Happy Birthday, Ellie!
Happy Birthday dear Ellie Goulding!
Happy birthday to Ellie Goulding
Hoje é aniversário da querida Ellie Goulding! Happy Birthday
Happy birthday Ellie Goulding yang ke 28 tahun. Semakin bersinar karirnya yah di tahun 2015 |
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to the beautiful Ellie Goulding. With her flawless skin she is one of our ultimate
Happy Birthday   !! -->
Happy birthday to the gorgeous Ellie Goulding..x
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding!!
Happy birthday,  See you in Portland on April 3 »
Happy Birthday, Ellie Goulding! May 2016 be your best year yet!
Happy 29th birthday to Ellie Goulding! We\re bumpin\ our fave record, to celebrate
Happy birthday to the pop princess, queen of my life aka Ellie Goulding
Happy birthday Goulding
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding Princess
Happy Birthday to Ellie Goulding   About:
Happy 31st Birthday Ellie Goulding

What\s your favorite songs?
Happy 31st Birthday to the beautiful and very talented Ellie Goulding!
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding!
Happy 32 birthday to the beautiful and very talented Ellie Goulding!
Happy Birthday,
 Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding
Happy 35th birthday to the one and only Ellie Goulding! (USA Today Sports)
Happy birthday Ellie Goulding
Happy 36th birthday Ellie Goulding
Happy 36th Birthday to singer and songwriter, Ellie Goulding!
 "Happy Birthday wonderful human being. There should be more people like you in t...
Happy 28th Birthday Ellie Goulding Have a beautiful day!Love ya so much
Happy birthday, Ellie Goulding!
\" Happy birthday, Ellie Goulding!  I just :\( :\(
 Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding have a great day all the best in your life
Happy Birthday cutie
Happy birthday Ellie Goulding
Happy Bday Ellie Goulding
Happy birthday to the tofu eating Ellie goulding loving monster that I call my twin.
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding
Happy 28th birthday my queen Ellie Goulding  ! Love you fever
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding !!
Happy Birthday :-) Our favourite pics & a playlist to celebrate the occasion >>
 Happy birthday Ellie Goulding ! Love you with my Beating Heart
Happy birthday Ellie Goulding
Happy bday to Tiger, LeBron, Tyrese, Ellie Goulding, and Laila Ali.  3 0
Happy birthday ellie goulding
Happy 28 Birthday Ellie Goulding
Elena Jane \"Ellie\" Goulding happy birthday gorgeous
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding
Happy Birthday a la increíble y magnifica Ellie Goulding, tu talento no cabe en este mundo, eres estupenda, te amo.
Happy Birthday to my Ellie Goulding buddy! I hope you have a fabulous 18th! Love you
Pokoknya Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding!! (for tomorrow) Keep being healthy icon of women :)
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding (30 December 1986). The Love Me Like You Do\s singer turns 29 today!
Happy birthday to LeBron James, Ellie Goulding, Yelawolf, Laila Ali, Tiger Woods and Tyrese Gibson!
Happy birthday, See who else has ditched the dairy and gone vegan here
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding achieve her style with our Ice Queen blonde shade
Queen of melodious song my ellie Goulding Birthday
 Happy Birthday to sexy singer Ellie Goulding 29 December 30th
Happy Birthday to Ryan Tunnicliffe-Joe Root-Kirsty Leigh Porter -Leon Jackson -Faye Marsay-Ellie Goulding
Happy birthday Ellie Goulding!
Happy birthday Ellie Goulding
 Ellie Goulding concert in Milan w/ my friend Happy birthday beautiful soul
Video: Happy birthday Lebron James, Ellie Goulding, Tiger Woods and
Happy  Birthday Ellie Goulding
Something in the way u move! Happy birthday ! Apa lagu Ellie Goulding favorite mu?
Happy Birthday, La cantante cumple 29 años  y repasamos sus mejores fotos.
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding...
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding
Happy 29th birthday to Ellie Goulding! We\re bumpin\ our fave record,
9 Times Birthday Girl Ellie Goulding Showed Off Her Insanely Toned Physique

Happy birthday
To the angel with magnificent voice,
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding
 happy birthday to the queen Ellie Goulding.
Happy 17th Martian Birthday Ellie Goulding!    Remessage
Happy Birthday To Ellie Goulding!
New post (Happy 32nd Birthday Ellie Goulding!) has been published on Fsbuq -
Happy birthday Tracey Ullman, Ellie Goulding and Lebron James
  Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding! I got you on my mind!
Happy birthday Ellie Goulding. The British singer turns 32 today.
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding!
IG: elliegoulding_forever
Happy birthday Ellie Goulding. and birthday cake
Happy Birthday to Ellie Goulding.
Happy 33rd Birthday Ellie Goulding
Ellie Goulding - Lights (Official Video)  via Happy Birthday Ellie
Happy Birthday Ellie Goulding
Happy Birthday to UK singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, 
Ellie Goulding  (30 December 1986).
Happy Birthday 
Ellie Goulding
Happy birthday Ellie Goulding
December 30:Happy 35th birthday to singer,Ellie Goulding(\"Love Me like You Do\")
Happy birthday to Ellie Goulding who turns 35 today
Happy 35th Birthday to Ellie Goulding!!
  Happy birthday Billie!

\"Higher Than Heaven\" by Ellie Goulding out february 3 2023.
Happy Birthday, Ellie Goulding!
Happy birthday ellie goulding
Happy Birthday to Ellie Goulding .
Happy Birthday To Ellie Goulding she will be 36 years old today
ellie goulding body 0
ellie goulding and skrillex 1
ellie goulding boyfriend 2
ellie goulding boyfriend 3
Ellie Goulding exclusive hot pic 4
Ellie Goulding dating 5
Ellie Goulding exclusive hot pic 6
Ellie Goulding dating 7
Ellie Goulding sexy 8
ellie goulding burn 9
Ellie Goulding dating 10
Ellie Goulding dating 11

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Ellie, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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