Welcome to Engin Ozturk's Birthday Celebration Page
Engin Ozturk got 90 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Happy birthday stay forever young , enjoy the world - suzi (5 years ago)
birthday balloon

Mahya Mohamadi
Sorry I\'m late Happy birthday to you I wish the best for you Zeyno - Mahya Mohamadi (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

char stands with iranian women
Happy birthday Zeyno\'cim I hope you enjoyed your day and wish you nothing but the best for - char stands with iranian women (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday zeyno wish u all the best we re 1 day apart - Gezli (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Zeyno - dama.kate (5 months ago)
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Happy birthday zynoooo - Ayla (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

what i\'m watching | payasli
happy birthday - what i\'m watching | payasli (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Engo I wish you success and happiness in your new age P.S: I couldn - EnArFan (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy bday engo - yaren (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday TV Actor Engin Öztürk! Happy birthday to someone who is smart, gorgeous, funny and reminds me a lot - AllFamous.org (5 months ago)
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Happy Birthday - Natatweets (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday my best wishes for you on this day! - Joy (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Engin Ozturk ! - Mara (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Engom , wish you to always be happy - Sara (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday - jay (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday - ميلا (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

»e l e n a«
Happy birthday The best of the best! Be happy! - »e l e n a« (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Engo, With best wishes xoxo - ibnrgs (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday - Masha (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, Engin bey! Be positive, happy! - sunnykeit (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to one of my favorite Turkish actors Engin Öztürk yikiDo dun EnginÖztürk - Wintersoren (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Iosif Anamaria
yi ki do dun Happy birthday - Iosif Anamaria (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Demet Özdemir Indonesia
OMG canim i miss them demet wishes engin happy bday - Demet Özdemir Indonesia (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Aww Happy Birthday kipsssss - •D✨ (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Crying over last post of her and happy birthday my one true love for - siaalba (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday - V (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Linda Payton
Happy Birthday - Linda Payton (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Engin Ozturk! Please come fast onscreen with bang on project , my friend is waiting for you... - mio (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 35th Birthday Engin Bey. Make a wish! yikiDo dun EnginÖztürk - MaddieH0222 (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nice video happy birthday - me (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday .I wish you all your dreams come true and that you never lose your smile. - Soraya (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday - ً (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

aam ama in pain
Happy birthday to the man who not only played THE superior character, Bar Tunahan, in a superior way but also is - aam ama in pain (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

aam ama bidakka
Happy birthday to the man who not only played THE superior character, Bar Tunahan, in a superior way but also is - aam ama bidakka (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Aya ☕️
Happy birthday Engo yikiDo dun EnginÖztürk - Aya ☕️ (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

renata lego
Buon compleanno Happy birthday Iyi ki do dun - renata lego (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Engin Öztürk Vibes
Happy Birthday Engin Öztürk | | - Engin Öztürk Vibes (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nazza Sheikh
HAPPY B RTHDAY EnginOztuerk Engin and ARAS BULUT are friends from so years Love your too Frien - Nazza Sheikh (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

No one knows
Happy birthday to your boy Zani - No one knows (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

I immediately fell in love with you ever since i started actively following you for your talent, beautiful heart, h - ᴢᴀɴɪ (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dolores, Of Course
- Happy Birthday, Engin! - Dolores, Of Course (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Bel Ferrando
Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy the day! - Bel Ferrando (5 months ago)
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Begoña Carrasco
yi ki do dun Yak kl / happy birthday my pretty boy/ feliz cumpleaños - Begoña Carrasco (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday - Oksi (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Hope that you journey on be good like us watching the dizi - aline (5 months ago)
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aline DEK DAY
Happy birthday Hope that you journey on be good like us watching the dizi - aline DEK DAY (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

Omg it is on YouTube I will make sure it will go viral awesome Happy birthday to both of you - Alyn (5 months ago)
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Happy birthday - Maria (5 months ago)
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Zuzu Zuzu
Their friendship is spectacular Dear Bari I hope you\'ll be always surrounded by such a good and amzing frien - Zuzu Zuzu (5 months ago)
birthday balloon

- Happy Birthday, Engin! - Dolores (5 months ago)

38 years old (Born on September 28, 1986)

Happy Birthday, Engin Öztürk! From your unforgettable portrayal of Selim Yaşaran in "Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne?" to charming audiences worldwide with that irresistible charisma—you're aging like fine Turkish coffee: strong, smooth and always leaving us wanting more!

Whether you're playing the villain we love to hate or stealing hearts as a hero on screen, you never fail to captivate. May this birthday bring laughter louder than Fatmagül's courtroom drama scenes and joy brighter than Istanbul at night.

Keep dazzling screens everywhere; here's hoping your next role is even juicier (and less controversial)! Cheers from all fans who adore every dramatic eyebrow raise you've perfected over time!

Engin Ozturk's Best Moments

Happy Birthday Engin Öztürk |  |
Happy birthday Engom , wish you to always be happy
Aww   Happy Birthday kipsssss
Happy birthday
Buon compleanno Happy birthday Iyi ki do dun
Happy 30th bday to me
   Happy birthday
 yi ki do dun Yak   kl / happy birthday my pretty boy/ feliz cumpleaños
I wish you a happy bday! Do um günün kutlu olsun, Iyi ki
Happy birthday
 Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy the day!
 yi ki do dun    Happy birthday
Happy birthday to one of my favorite Turkish actors Engin Öztürk yikiDo dun EnginÖztürk
 Happy birthday   The best of the best! Be happy!
Engin Ozturk sexy 1
Engin Ozturk new pic 2
Engin Ozturk man crush 5
Engin Ozturk gay 6

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Engin, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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