Happy birthday Movie Actress Essie Davis! Sending your way a bouquet of happiness To wish you a very happy birthday
- AllFamous.org (1 month ago)
Leroy Maxwell 2nd
January 7th Famous Birthdays/Capricorn ( )
Happy Birthday 2:
Robert Ri\'chard, Leslie Grace, Ruth Negga, Steven Wi
- Leroy Maxwell 2nd (1 month ago)
el - crisis about my future era
Happy birthday essie davis!! my first real character/actor crush, who will always have a special place in my heart
- el - crisis about my future era (1 month ago)
Picturehouse Entertainment
Happy birthday to Babyteeth and True History of the Kelly Gang star, Essie Davis, pictured here at the
- Picturehouse Entertainment (1 month ago)
Seventh Row
Happy birthday Essie Davis! The Australian actress is 50 today. Essie Davis, THE BABADOOK, BABYTEETH, TRUE HISTO
- Seventh Row (1 month ago)
Happy birthday to my love of 2020 essie davis
- agvta♑️ (1 month ago)
amanda mc keever
Happy Birthday Essie Davis
- amanda mc keever (1 month ago)
Richard M
Happy birthday Essie Davis
- Richard M (1 month ago)