37 years old (Born on April 16, 1987)
Uruguayan, Singer; She is famous from lead singer of Dream Tribes.
When asked what superpower Fabiola would have she said she would like to be able to fly. She said she loves planes but gets annoyed by the constant humming engine noise and the repeated pilots announcements over the speakers. Both her dad and older brother are airline pilots. Fabiola has a tattoo of a faded surf flower (hibiscus) on her left shoulder. Fabiola`s addicted to Red Bull. Fabiola speaks 5 languages : Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, English and Japanese. Fabiola has an addiction to the energy drink Red Bull.Fabiola Gatti's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Fabiola Gatti
Fabiola`s favourite food is an Italian dish called Noquis. She even made a video on youtube demostrating how to cook them.
Fabiola has a t-shirt that says "Johnny" (the name of her ex boyfriend) . He reportedly gave it to her as a present.
Fabiola favourite biscuits are jaffa cakes. (Is it a buiscuit or is it a cake?)
Fabiola was captain of the girls football team at school. She supports Chelsea Football Club.
Fabiola likes to walk around in a bikini at home. Even in winter. It makes her feel "summery".